Category:Licences and compliance
From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
Pages in category "Licences and compliance"
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- Adding chargers to a terminal station car park or a public transit hub
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Driving Instructor / Renewal of Authorisation of Practicing the Profession of Driving Instructor
- Announcement of Commencement of the Profession of Workshop Technician for Cars, Motorcycles and Mopeds
- Announcement of Establishment and Operation of a Diving Crew
- Announcement of Exercise of Outdoor (Stationary or Itinerant) Trade on Ships
- Announcement of Operation of a Private Passenger Car Rental Business
- Announcement of Operation of a Ship Brokerage Office
- Announcement of Operation of Reception of Ship Oil Residues by a Tank Truck
- Announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist, and e) Ichthyologist
- Announcement of Practicing the Naval Agent Profession
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Sports Coach for Foreign University Graduates
- Announcement of Recognition of a Scuba Diver Certification Body
- Announcement of the Commencement for Practicing the Profession of Social Worker
- Announcement of the commencement of Locksmith Profession (Legal Person)
- Announcement of the commencement of occupation of workshop technician for car, motorcycle and motorbike (cross-border service provision)
- Announcement of the Commencement of Operation of Optical Stores and Contact Lens Department
- Announcement of the Commencement of Professional Activities of a Technician as per Law 3982/2011 (143A), Plumber, Welder, Combustion Installation Technician, Arc Welder, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician
- Announcement of the commencement of sales of plant protection products (PPPs)
- Announcement of the commencement of the profession of silver-smiths, second-hand sellers, pawnbrokers and those involved in the sale or purchase of second-hand jewelry and fine artwork from gold and other valuables (Legal Person)
- Announcement of the Establishment and Operation of a Shop of Sanitary Interest on a Seagoing Ship
- Announcement of the Establishment of a Training School for Operators of Speed-boats or Sea Mopeds
- Announcement of the exercise of the profession of sports coach for graduates of SEFAA or TEFAA, IEK, GSS or UEFA coaching schools
- Announcement of the Operation of a Trade Fair - Domestic Trade Fair
- Announcement of the Operation of a Trade Fair - International Trade Fair
- Announcement of the Operation of Receiving Oil Residues by Tankers and Floating Crafts
- Announcement of the Operation of Tourist Offices
- Announcement of the Profession of Hand and Foot Care Technician
- Announcement of the Profession of Tour Guide
- Announcement of the Start of Circulation of a Waste-Receiving Ship
- Announcement regarding the exercise of the profession of sports coach for graduates of foreign coaching schools or other recognised schools in Greece
- Approval for the establishment and operation of a college by a natural person
- Approval for the establishment and operation of a college to a legal entity
- Approval for the Operation of a Shop for the Sale of Dogs and Cats
- Approval for the Operation of Animal Clinics
- Approval for the operation of ski resorts
- Approval of a Vehicle Inspection body for the Transport of Dangerous Goods in Accordance with the ADR Agreement
- Approval of Establishment of Cold Storage Facilities
- Approval of the operation of recreational activities on land within tourist ports
- Authorisation for a Master Welder Licence of Class A (with examinations)
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Electric Arc Welder Chief Technician Licence of Class B
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Foreman Plumber Licence
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Installation Foreman for graduates of the School of Engineering of AEN Licence
- Authorisation for the establishment and operation of a water aerodrome
- Authorisation for the import of spears, swords, blades, daggers, bayonets, police rods, bows, crossbows and their arrows
- Authorisation for the operation of an LPG or mixed gas service station in case of concession of establishment
- Authorisation for the retail sale of veterinary medicinal products
- Authorisation of ATP Control Station
- Authorisation to engage in the occupation of road haulage operator
- Authorisation to operate a playground
- Bottling licence for completely denatured ethyl alcohol (lamp alcohol)
- Camp establishment licence
- Camp operation licence
- Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection
- Certificate of Commencement of Operation of Truck stations for the Loading and Unloading of Goods (Car Freight Stations) without the Installation of Fuel Pumps
- Certificate of Suitability for Administrative and Other Staff of a Casino Business
- Community licence for the movement of public service vehicles abroad
- Consultant for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods (cross-border service provision)
- Conversion of a valid driving licence from the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Africa and South Korea to a valid Greek driving licence
- Conversion of a valid driving licence issued by the United Kingdom to an equivalent Greek driving licence
- Copy of certificate of competence for instructors of speedboat operator candidates
- Cross – border Provision of Services for the Profession of Silver-smiths, Second-hand Sellers, Pawnbrokers and those Involved in the Sale or Purchase of Second-hand Jewelry and Fine Artwork from Gold and other Valuables
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician A'
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Technician
- Cross-border Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Assistant Radio Technician
- Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian
- Cross-border Notification of the commencement of the Energy Inspector's activity
- Cross-border Provision of a Special Operation Licence for the Production of Raisin Syrup
- Cross-border Provision of Auction Services for Ancient Movable Monuments
- Cross-Border Provision of Marine Recreational Craft Leasing Services
- Cross-border provision of services by tourism companies
- Cross-border provision of services for floating constructions or permanent anchorages and the installation of sanitary establishments thereon
- Cross-Border Provision of Services for Key Makers and Locksmiths
- Cross-Border Provision of Services for Outdoor Trading on Ships
- Cross-border Provision of Services for the Activity of Auctions of recent Mobile Monuments
- Cross-border provision of services for the activity of Trade of Μοdern Mobile Monuments
- Cross-border provision of services for the chartering of motorboats and small speed vessels
- Cross-border provision of services for the establishment and operation of a Health Regulated Facility on board seagoing vessels
- Cross-border provision of services for the establishment of a training school for high-speed passenger crafts or sea scooters operators
- Cross-border provision of services for the profession/activity of commencement of operations of a bathing facility
- Cross-border Provision of Services of Real-estate Agents
- Declaration for Temporary / Cross-border Provision of Services for the Profession / Activity of Establishment and Operation of a Lifeguard Training School
- Declaration of Τemporary and Οccasional Provision of Services of the Dental Technician Profession
- Declaration of Cross-border Provision of the Profession of Hand and Foot Care Technician
- Declaration of Temporary - Occasional Provision of Services for the Profession of Tour Guide
- Declaration of Temporary / Cross-border Provision of Aesthetic Laboratory Services
- Declaration of Temporary / Cross-border Provision of Dental Laboratories Services
- Declaration of Temporary / Cross-Border Provision of Home Teaching and Teaching in a Tuition Centre or Foreign Language Centre
- Declaration of Temporary / Cross-border Provision of Physiotherapy Laboratories
- Declaration of Temporary / Cross-border Provision of Slimming Units - Dietary Units Services
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Agronomist and Topographer Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Architect Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Beautician
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Chemical Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Civil Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Computer and Information Science Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Computer, Telecommunications and Networks Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dental Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dental Technician Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dentist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Doctor
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Electrical Engineer and Computer Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Electrical Engineer and Computer Technology Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Electronic Engineer and Computer Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Environment Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Hairdresser - Barber
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Health Visitor
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Hospital Physicist - Medical Radiophysicist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Hospital Physicist - Non-ionizing Radiation
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Information and Communication Systems Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Land Planning, Urban Planning, Regional Development Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Mechanical Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Mechanical Engineer and Aircraft Builder Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Medical Laboratory Technologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Midwife / Obstetrician Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Mineral Resources Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Mineralogist - Metallurgist Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Nurse
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Nurse Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Occupational Dietitian – Nutritionist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Occupational Therapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Optical Stores and Contact Lens Department
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Optician
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Optician - Optometrist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Pharmacist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Pharmacy Assistant Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Planning and Development Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Production and Management Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Psychologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Public Health Supervisor Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Radiotherapy Technologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Rescuer - Ambulance Crew Member
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Shipbuilder Mechanical Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Special Technician for Prostheses and Rectifiers
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Speech Therapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Technologist Radiologist - Radiologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of the Physiotherapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of the Public Hygiene Profession (Public Health Supervisor)
- Elevator Maintenance Workshop Licence
- Establishment and operation of a private institute for vocational training (IIEK) – Natural person
- Establishment and operation of a Private Vocational Training Institute (IIEK) – Legal Entity
- Establishment and operation of Amateur Dance Schools by a Legal Person of Public Law
- Establishment authorisation, operating authorisation and notification of operation of recreational activities in amusement parks, circuses and ice rinks
- Establishment of a General Partnership through the One Stop Service
- Establishment of a Limited Liability Company through the One Stop Service
- Establishment of a Limited Partnership through the One Stop Service
- Establishment of a Retail Shop
- Establishment of a Société Anonyme (SA) through the One Stop Service
- Expert on Dangerous Goods Transport Vehicles (cross-border service provision)
- Extension of Master Oxyacetylene Welder class II licence to Master Arc Welder class II licence
- Feasibility Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Ungulate Slaughterhouses and Poultry Slaughterhouses
- General Certificate (company changes)
- Grade equivalence for foreign academic qualifications
- High-speed craft operator licence copy
- Import permit for weapons or objects classified as collectibles, historical relics, or family heirlooms
- Initial Announcement of Cross-Border Temporary Provision of Roadside Assistance Service
- Initial Declaration of Cross-Border Temporary Exercise of the Profession of Driver Instructor / Renewal of the Declaration of Cross-Border Temporary Exercise of the Profession of Driver Instructor
- Issuance of a License to Practice the Profession of Electrical Engineer and Computer Engineer
- Issuance of a License to Practice the Profession of Electrical Engineer and Computer Technology Engineer
- Issuance of a License to Practice the Profession of Electronic Engineer and Computer Engineer
- Issuance of a License to Practice the Profession of Land Planning, Urban Planning, Regional Development Engineer
- Issuance of a License to Practice the Profession of Mechanical Engineer and Aircraft Builder Engineer
- Issuance of an operation licence of a service station for liquid fuels and energy in the case of operation's concession
- Issue of Building Permits (e-adeies)
- Licence for repair of air guns
- Licence for Retail Sale of Veterinary Medicinal Products
- Licence for selling veterinary medicinal products in wholesale
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of a Centre of Creative Activity οf Children
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Child Protection and Care Units
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Distribution Stations
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Creative Employment Centers for Children and Individuals with Disabilities (KDAP-AMEA)
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Liquid Fuel, LPG and Natural Gas Stations, within the Port Zone and Tourist Ports (Marinas), for the Exclusive Disposal of Fuel on Boats
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Music Educational Institutions (Conservatoires, Music Schools or Branches of them)
- Licence for the Establishment and Operation of Preschool Education and Training Care (PETC) Units by Private Law Entities
- Licence for the Establishment of a Recovery-Rehabilitation Center
- Licence for the manufacture, conversion and assembly of weapons, ammunition, explosives and devices
- Licence for the Operation of a Recovery-Rehabilitation Center
- Licence for the Operation of Antique Shops
- Licence for the Operation of Gas Stations within the Port Zone and Tourist Ports (Marinas) in case of concession
- Licence for the Study, Undertaking, Supervision of a Conservation Project and Operation of Workshops for the Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art, Movable and Immovable
- Licence for the Use of Public Spaces
- Licence for Wholesale Trade in Veterinary Medicinal Products
- Licence of a Dealer of Modern Movable Monuments and Shops Marketing Modern Movable Monuments
- Licence of a private school of primary and secondary education to a legal person or legal persons involved in associations of persons
- Licence to bottle ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin (pure alcohol for bottling)
- Licence to establish and/or operate a pure or mixed service station for the supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to vehicles
- Licence to Hold an Auction of Ancient Movable Monuments
- Licence to import deactivated firearms
- Licence to operate a liquid fuel service station in the event of an establishment concession
- Licence to priming-retreading firearm cartridges (except those for hunting rifles)
- License for the repair of firearms and essential parts for which import is permitted
- License to practice a profession based on Directive 2005/36/EC
- License to Practice the Profession of Agronomist and Topographer Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Architect Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Certified Engineer (specific specialty)
- License to Practice the Profession of Chemical Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Civil Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Computer and Information Science Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Computer, Telecommunications and Networks Engineer
- License to Practice the Profession of Environment Engineer