Announcement of the Commencement of Professional Activities of a Technician as per Law 3982/2011 (143A), Plumber, Welder, Combustion Installation Technician, Arc Welder, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

93bbb51b-525e-44a8-933f-c8b5afb5efe4 779266 Αναγγελία Έναρξης Άσκησης των Επαγγελματικών Δραστηριοτήτων του Τεχνίτη του ν. 3982/2011

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Development Directorate, Vocational Department of the Region of the place of Vocational establishment or the place of permanent residence

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents



15 €

Deadline of completion

1 month


This process concerns the issuance of the attestation for the Announcement of the practice the profession of Plumber Technician, Welder Technician, Combustion Installation Technician, Welding Technician, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician. The process concerns citizens.

Basic information

Competent body


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Development Directorate, Vocational Department of the Region of the place of Vocational establishment or the place of permanent residence

Provided to

Related links

Validity duration


Last update



Application Type

Application / Solemn Declaration

Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:



Application– Solemn Declaration of article 8, Law 1599/1986.


Submission of the application by the interested party in which refers/selects the activity or the activities that wishes to practice (Plumber, Welder, Combustion Installation Technician, Arc Welder, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician).

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification with TAXISnet codes, Identification document





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Judicial redress

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        Tacit approval

        In case the above deadline (1 month) expires, it is assumed that the application has been approved and the announcement has been approved as well (tacit approval) as provided in article 14 par.4 of Law 3844/2010 (GG 63/Α/3-5-2010). On this occasion (of tacit approval), the applicant may request an attestation from the competent authority, according to Law 3230/2004 (GG 44/A/11-2-2004).


        • 43.2 Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities

        Output & Results


        Administrative Act, Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Attestation granted for the announcement of practice of the profession of the Plumber Technician, Welder Technician, Combustion Installation Technician, Welding Technician, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician

            Official title

            Announcement of the Commencement of Professional Activities of a Technician as per Law 3982/2011 (143A), Plumber, Welder, Combustion Installation Technician, Arc Welder, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician

            Languages supported


            Ways of provision


            Registries updated

            Ενιαίο Μητρώο Προσώπων (Φ/Ν) που ασκούν Τεχνικά Επαγγέλματα σύμφωνα με το ν. 3982/2011



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (handwritten), Application (digital)



            • 1 Possession of passwords to enter software The applicant shall have a TAXISnet username and password

              No No

            • 2 Educational In order to announce the professional activity of Plumber, the applicant must possess a degree from a: • Vocational School (EPAS) in the specialty of Thermo-hydraulic Installations and Maintenance of Central Heating or of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations or • Vocational High School (EPAL) in the specialty of Thermal Installations or of Oil and Natural Gas Technology, as per Law 4186/2013 or 4386/2016 • Level 1 Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) in the specialty of Heating Installations or Water Supply - Sewerage Installations or • Level 1 Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) in the specialty of Heating Installations or Water Supply - Sewerage Installations or • Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) in the specialty of Thermal Installations or of Oil and Natural Gas Technology or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) A Cycle in the specialty of Thermal and Hydraulic Installations or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) B Cycle in the specialty of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning or • Technical Vocational School (TES) in the specialty of Plumbing and Thermal Installations or • Degree of Apprenticeship Schools of OAED (Manpower Employment Organisation) as per Law 1346/1983, in the specialty of Thermohydraulics or • Technical Vocational High School (TEL) in the specialty of Thermal and Cooling Installations or • Lower Technical Schools as per LD (Legislative Decree) 580/1970 in the specialty of Plumbing Installations or • Apprentice Schools of OAED as per RD (Royal Decree) 3/1952 and Law 212/1969 in the specialty of Thermohydraulics

              No No

            • 3 Educational In order to announce the professional activity of Combustion Installation Technician, the applicant must possess a degree from a: • Vocational School (EPAS) in the specialty of Gaseous Fuels or • Vocational High School (EPAL) in the specialty of Thermal Installations or of Oil and Gas Technology as per Laws 4186/2013 or 4386/2016 or • Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) in the specialty of Gas Fuels or Thermal Installations or Oil and Gas or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) B Cycle in the specialty of Central Heating Maintenance or • OAED speed course in the specialty of boiler room maintenance or • Technical Vocational School (TES) in the specialty of Internal Combustion Machines or • Apprentice Schools of OAED as per RD 3/1952 and Law 212/1969 in the specialty of Turbines – Boilers

              Alternative condition of 2

              Yes Yes

            • 4 Educational In order to announce the professional activity of Installation Technician, the applicant must possess a degree from a: • Vocational High School (EPAL) in the specialty of Mechanical Installations and Structures as per Laws 3475/2006 or 4386/2016 or of Mechanical Installations and Structures as per Law 4386/2013 or Aircrafts as per Law 4186/213 or from an Engineering School of Merchant Marine, as per Law 4386/2016, section of shipping professions, or from a Shipping high school in the specialty of engineering or • Vocational School (EPAS) in the specialty of Machine Tools or of Shipbuilding Industry or of Tool Systems or of Internal Combustion Machines or of Aircrafts or from a Naval high school in the specialty of engineering or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) A Cycle in the specialty of Industrial Facilities or Aircrafts or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) B Cycle in the specialty of CNC Machine Tools or Aircrafts or Merchant Marine Engineering • Technical Vocational High School (TEL) in the specialty of Industrial Facilities and Industrial Production or • Secondary Technical School as per LD 580/1970 or equivalent schools/ departments of mechanical engineering or merchant marine engineering or shipbuilding or aircraft engineering or • Lower Technical School as per LD 580/1970 or equivalent technician schools or • Apprentice School of OAED as per RD 3/1952 and Law 212/1969 in the specialty of Machines or Shipbuilding Industry or Foundries or Internal Combustion Machines or Turbines - Boilers or Aircrafts or • Apprentice School of OAED as per Law 1346/1983 in the specialty of Machines or Shipbuilding Industry or Internal Combustion Machines or Tool System construction or Machine Tool Handling.

              Alternative condition of 2

              Yes Yes

            • 5 Educational In order to announce the professional activity of Welder or Arc welder, the applicant must possess a degree from a: • Vocational School (EPAS) in the specialty of Chassis or Metal Structures or in the Shipbuilding Industry or • Technical Vocational High School (TEL) in the specialty of the Mechanical Sector or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) B Cycle in the specialty of the Mechanical Sector or • Vocational High School (EPAL) in the Sector of Mechanical Engineering in the specialty of Mechanical Installations and Structures or • Technical or Vocational High School (TEL) from the Mechanical specialties group or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) A Cycle in the Mechanical Sector or • High school diploma and be at least 18 years old.

              Alternative condition of 4

              Yes Yes

            • 6 Educational In order to announce the professional activity of Refrigeration Technician, the applicant must possess a degree from a: • Vocational High School (EPAL) in the specialty of Cooling and Air Conditioning or Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning of Law 4186/2013 or • Vocational School (EPAS) in the specialty refrigeration and air conditioning works or • Vocational Training Institute (IEK) in the specialty of Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning or a Level 5 Training Degree of Law 4386/16, in the specialty of Refrigeration, Ventilation and Air Conditioning or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) A Cycle in the specialty of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning or • Technical Vocational School (TEE) B Cycle in the specialty of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning or • Technical Vocational School (TES) in the specialty of Refrigeration Facilities or • Apprenticeship Schools of OAED as per Law 1346/1983 in the specialty of Refrigeration Machinery or • Technical Vocational High School (TEL) in the specialty of Thermal and Cooling Installations or • Lower Technical School as per LD 580/1970 or equivalent schools in the specialty of Refrigeration or • Apprentice Schools of OAED as per RD 3/1952 and Law 212/1969 in the specialty of Refrigeration Devices or • Secondary Technical School as per LD 580/1970 or equivalent schools in the specialty of Refrigeration Installations.

              Alternative condition of 4

              Yes Yes

            • 7 Educational Applicants holding degrees from other schools (obtained abroad, either within the EU or out of it) which, after the issue of the corresponding PD are considered equivalent to the above in a corresponding specialty, must have taken the necessary steps for the recognition of the equivalence of their degrees.

              Alternative condition of 4

              Yes Yes

            • 8 Educational Applicants that are EU citizens and have acquired their professional qualifications in another Member State, either as self-employed or as employees, must have had their professional qualifications recognized.

              Alternative condition of 3

              Yes Yes

            • 1 Deposit in Special Bank Account of the relevant Region. 15 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)


            • 1 Photocopy of police ID or passport In case the applicant is a citizen outside the EU, a residence or work permit issued in accordance with the provisions in force shall also be submitted Identification document

              Photocopy of police ID or passport In case the applicant is a citizen outside the EU, a residence or work permit issued in accordance with the provisions in force shall also be submitted

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2244

            • 2 Clear photocopy of the respective degree In case the degree has been obtained abroad, either in or out of the EU, an Equivalence Decision of the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) is also required. For EU citizens, who have acquired their professional qualifications in another member state, either as self-employed or as employees, a Decision for the recognition of professional qualifications by the SAEP (Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications) is also required. Proof of Study

              Clear photocopy of the respective degree In case the degree has been obtained abroad, either in or out of the EU, an Equivalence Decision of the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP) is also required. For EU citizens, who have acquired their professional qualifications in another member state, either as self-employed or as employees, a Decision for the recognition of professional qualifications by the SAEP (Council for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications) is also required.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2825

            • Law 32 4608 2009 66 Α

              Description Associating existing licences of technical professional activities.

              Legal references pdf=20090100066

            • Law 112 4314 2014 265 Α

              Description Arranging issues regarding the association of licences of technical professions.

              Legal references pdf=20140100265

            • Law 3982 2011 143 Α

              Description Simplification of licencing for technical professions and manufacturing activities and business parks and other provisions.

              Legal references pdf=20110100143

            • Presidential Decree 115 2012 200 Α

              Description Laying down the specialties and grades for professional activities: (α) of execution, maintenance, repair and supervision of the function of mechanical installations in industries or other units, (β) of handling and supervising of steam boilers (γ) of implementing technical project and providing technical service for oxygen welding or electric welding works, laying down professional qualifications and requirements for natural persons to practice these activities and other provisions.

              Legal references pdf=20120100200

            • Presidential Decree 112 2012 197 Α

              Description Laying down the specialties, grades and professional qualifications for the professional activity of manufacture, maintenance and repair of plumbing installations, and requirements for natural persons to practice this activity.

              Legal references pdf=20120100197

            • Presidential Decree 114 2012 199 Α

              Description Laying down the specialties, grades and professional qualifications for the professional activity of manufacture, maintenance, repair and supervision of the function of installations for combustion of liquid and gas fuels for the production of hot water, laying down professional qualifications and requirements for natural persons to practice this activity and other provisions.

              Legal references pdf=20120100199

            • Joint Ministerial Decision οικ. 411/14/Φ.Γ.9.6.4. 2013 21 Β

              Description Laying down the requirements for independence and impartiality and ability of members of selection boards of article 5 par. 4 of Law 3982/2011, of internal audit system for the services of par. 1 of article 5 of Law 3982/2011 and of selection boards, of the modality and of required infrastructure for conducting the examinations, of syllabus , of duration, of the modality and the content of training of the members of selection boards, of the type and of the content of issued licences, and of the modality of monitoring and supporting of selection boards by the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance for the professional activities of combustion of liquid and gas fuels technicians, technicians of Plumbing Installations, technicians of mechanical installations, oxygen and electric welders.

              Legal references pdf=20130200021

            • Joint Ministerial Decision οικ. 368/12/Φ.Γ.9.6.4 2013 24 Β

              Description Laying down of the type, of the content and of the process for the issuance of attestations of announcement of commencement of technical professional activities, and of requirements for internal audit of the services of par. 1 of article 5 of Law 3982/2011.

              Legal references pdf=20130200024

            • Joint Ministerial Decision οικ. 455/22/Φ.Γ.9.6.4. 2013 3 Α

              Description Laying down the grades of professional qualifications for the professional activity of maintenance, repair and supervision of function of refrigeration installations and requirements for natural persons to practice this activity.

              Legal references pdf=20130100003

            • 1 Submission of application and of required documents

              Responsible for Implementation Other

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The applicant submits the Application - Solemn Declaration to the Protocol Office of the relevant Region or to KEP-EKE.

              No No

            • 2 Notification of the interested party

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description An executive of the Department of Professions notifies the interested party to come and collect the announcement attestation, within 15 days.

              No Yes

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