982973Cross-border Provision of Services of Real-estate Agents

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

c0278535-71ea-412b-8ff7-c29769d307f6 982973 Διασυνοριακή Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Μεσιτείας Ακινήτων

At a glance

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents

2 to 3


Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

10 days


This procedure pertains to the registration of a natural or legal person in the register of real estate agents for the provision of cross-boarder services. It is addressed to citizens, businesses and legal persons.

Basic information

Competent body

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Application for the provision of real-estate agent services

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document

  • 1 1 For natural and legal persons: Attestation of registration of the real estate agent service provider ... Certificate

    For natural and legal persons: Attestation of registration of the real estate agent service provider from a registry or another competent authority or professional organization, in accordance with the legislation of the country of establishment. The particular agent bears the title attributed to him/her in the country of his/her main establishment.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons, Legal entities

  • 2 2 For natural persons: Copy of ID police card or passport or any other identification document of the ... Identification document

    For natural persons: Copy of ID police card or passport or any other identification document of the service provider

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 3 3 For legal persons: Legalisation documents of the legal entity (ex. Articles of Association or any am ... Legal documents from legal entities (conditional)

    For legal persons: Legalisation documents of the legal entity (ex. Articles of Association or any amendments of the Articles of Association), from which it is clear that the provision of real-estate agent services is mentioned in the purpose of the Articles of Asssociation

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Legal entities

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Company law



  • 1 Administrative Registration of the real estate service provider in a registry or other competent authority or professional organization of another EU or EEA country.

  • 2 Administrative For legal persons: The provision of real estate agent services shall be mentioned in the statutory purpose.


Means of redress or appeal:

OtherAdministrative redress

Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

Tacit approval


  • 66.22 Activities of insurance agents and brokers

Output & Results


Registry update


  • 1 Submission of Application and of required documents

    Responsible for Implementation Other

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The interested party submits, to the Protocol Office of the Chamber of his/her head office, an application accompanied by the required supporting documents, in paper form or online. If submitted in paper form, the physical presence of the interested party or the legal authorisation of the person submitting the application is required. If submitted online, the authenticity of the signature on the application solemn declaration shall be validated by a KEP (Citizen Service Center).

  • 2 Registration of the interested party

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description The employee of the Registry Department registers the applicant in the Register of Real Estate Agents and the GEMI (General Electronic Commercial Registry).

Other information

Alternative titles

Cross-border Provision of Real-estate Services in the greek territory, according to provisions of article 17 of Law 3844/2010

Official title

Cross-border Provision of Real-estate Agent Services

Languages supported

Greek, English

Ways of provision



  • Law 4072/2012 (Government Gazette 86/Α) Articles 197-204

    Description Prerequisites for practicing the profession of real estate agent - Registry of Probationary Real Estate Agents - Convention for Agents - Obligations of real estate agents - Criminal sanctions - Disciplinary Board - Disciplinary penalties - Final and transitional provisions.

    Legal references Link

  • Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/Α)

    Description Amending Law 4072/2012

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision ΔΙΑΔΠ/Φ.Α.2.1/166/2013 (Government Gazette 30/Β)

    Description Cross-boarder provision of real estate agents across the Greek territory, according to article 17 of Law 3844/2010 (GG Α΄ 63).

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital), Application (handwritten)



End of Process


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