698780Announcement of the Operation of a Trade Fair - International Trade Fair

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

1b0e4c33-2c9b-4f90-9882-6fa183d43738 698780 Ανακοίνωση Λειτουργίας Έκθεσης-Διασυνοριακός Διοργανωτής

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Municipalities, Department of Licensing of Trade Actions or Directorates of Development of Regions (for international trade fairs)

Digital provision points

Number of required documents

1 + (


Provided without cost

Estimated Time

10 days


This procedure concerns the announcement of the operation of a trade fair in an exhibition centre or space by a cross-border organiser, as defined by article 2 of Law 4512/2018.

Basic information

Competent body

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Department of Licensing of Trade Actions or Directorates of Development of Regions (for international trade fairs)

Provided to

Related links


Submission of announcement-notification of the organiser in the regional unit.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Announcement/ Notification

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document

  • 1 1 Solemn Declaration of Law 1599/ 1986 of the natural person or the legal representative of the legal ... Solemn Declaration

    Solemn Declaration of Law 1599/ 1986 of the natural person or the legal representative of the legal person.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

  • 2 2 Suitability permit (sought ex officio, the announcement shall include the permit number). ... Permit (ex officio)

    Suitability permit (sought ex officio, the announcement shall include the permit number).

    Submission by: Ex officio (manual)



  • 1 Administrative Submission of announcement/ notification (one month before the opening of the trade fair) The announcement must include: In the case of a natural person: - the ID police card number In the case of a legal person: - the ID police card number of the legal representative - the name, the distinctive title and the base (HQ) - the AFM1 and the Local Tax Office of the legal person and - the GEMI2 number. In all cases, the distinctive title of the trade fair is included as well as the clarification whether it is addressed only to traders or to the general public, too.

  • 2 Administrative Availability of the protocol number of the suitability permit (provided in article 114 of Law 4512/2018) of the premises where the fair trade will take place.

  • 3 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses Solemn-Declaration where the organising natural person or the legal representative of the legal person organiser states that the following prerequisites are met: He/she shall not have been convicted for fraud, embezzlement, extortion, bankruptcy, forgery or tax evasion, smuggling, violation of the law for drugs and participation in a criminal organisation.

  • 4 Health A general practitioner or a qualified nurse shall be present at the trade fair area to provide first aid services.

  • 5 Health Cooperation with an appropriately licenced waste collector shall have been established. In case the waste produced by the set up of the trade fair space or centre fall under Law 2929/2001, the waste management is implemented through approved alternative management systems.

  • 6 Technical All security measures prescribed by the legislation in force shall be complied with.

  • 7 Urban planning The width of the visitor aisles shall be at least 2 metres (trade fairs for traders only) or 3 metres (trade fairs open to the public) The dimensions of the visitor aisles shall in all cases meet the minimum requirements of the urban planning provisions.

  • 8 Technical The type of the exhibits or the sector to be promoted shall be defined.

  • 9 Labour The exact opening times and the period of operation shall be defined (it may not exceed 30 consecutive days).

  • 10 Administrative There shall be a regulation for the participants to the trade fair.



  • 82.3 Organisation of conventions and trade shows

Output & Results


Document Production


  • 1 Announcement / Notification submission

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The organiser submits to the protocol office of the relevant Region or Municipality, an announcement/ notification of the operation of the trade fair, accompanied by the required supporting documents.

  • 2 Announcement of the trade fair

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description The announcement of the trade fair is published on Municipality’s or Region’s web page.

Other information

Official title

Announcement of the Operation of a Trade Fair – International Trade Fair

Languages supported

Greek, English

Ways of provision



  • Law 4512/2018 (Government Gazette 5/Α) Articles 112-117 and 125

    Description - Article 112 (Definitions) - Article 113 (prerequisites, procedure, evidence to be submitted) - Article 115 (Other regulations) - Article 116 (Penalties) - Article 117 (Transitional provisions) - Articles 125 (abolishment JMD Κ-1 3508/2011 and MD Κ1- 1480/2014) - Articles 36-38 of Law 4264/2014b(abolished with article 125 par.2 of Law 4

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure



Trigger (submission method)

Application (handwritten)



End of Process


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