Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

0ec4f2b9-3b5a-414c-83dd-ab70df171fa9 429354 Πιστοποιητικό (ενεργητικής) πυροπροστασίας

At a glance

Points of service

Offices or Local Branches of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety Departments, FIRE SERVICE

Number of required documents

4 to 8


35 €

Estimated Time

1 day


The procedure concerns the issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection for all types of undertakings - installations upon submission of a request by qualified engineers- members of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE).

Basic information

Competent body


Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Offices or Local Branches of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety Departments

Validity duration

5 years


  • The Certificate of Active Fire Protection is issued:
    • a) for all undertakings-installations upon duly determined by the applied provisions as a required supporting document for the licence or the notification for the operation of the undertaking-installation and
    • b) in the case of operations of undertakings-installations that are exercised freely (do not fall within the scope of process of authorisation, approval) or notification of operation)and fall under the following building uses and risk categories:
      • "Offices" of C risk category
      • "Commerce" of C risk category
      • "Education" of C risk category
      • "Storage" of C risk category (non commercial storage rooms, i.e. storage rooms that do not have a Business Activity Code)
  • The issuance of the (active) fire protection certificate concerns all the main and secondary activities of the business - installation to meet their operational needs, such as the use of liquid or gaseous fuels, such as LPG, gas installations, etc. in areas of main use (public gathering, temporary accommodation, manufacturing activity, etc.).
  • The (active) fire protection certificate does not legalize the use of the building - space from a planning point of view, does not exempt the interested party from the obligation to grant permits or approvals provided for by other provisions, nor is it a document of the legality of the installation, which is checked by the competent licensing or supervisory authority. It certifies, after submission of the required documents provided for in Commission Regulation No. 13/2021 Fire Protection Decree (5519 B), that the measures and means of the approved (active) fire protection study have been taken and are functioning well, which is in accordance with the specifications specified, has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the current institutional framework by a competent engineer according to law and does not exclude the risk of fire and the resulting risks in the area for which the certificate is issued.
  • The current fire safety legislation always refers to an ignition source, without considering cases of arson, sabotage, vandalism, fire following a terrorist act, and other similar actions.
  • The responsibility for the installation, maintenance and proper functioning of all preventive and suppressive measures and means of fire protection rests with the owner - operator of the establishment.
  • (Active) fire protection certificates issued to undertakings - establishments in accordance with the previous applicable regulations shall remain valid until their expiry date.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection.


From the date of entry into force of the information system “E-Authorities”, in accordance with the accreditation act of the President of the Technical Chamber of Greece, provided for in the Decision oik. YPEN/DOΑΚΑ/933111/3679/2021 of the Secretary of State for the Environment and Energy (4874 B), the procedure for the submission, verification, management and monitoring of the workflow for the adoption of administrative fire protection acts shall be carried out electronically, upon request by an authorised engineer and the submission of the necessary documents and evidence. Access to the “E-Authorities”, with regard to the adoption of administrative acts, shall be carried out through the Single Digital Gateway of Public Administration (Gov.gr), which shall be used by all stakeholders in the procedures for the adoption of those acts, namely the competent Firefighting Offices or Local Fire Safety and Fire Safety Departments.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

With the introduction of unique connection credentials (name of user and password) to the electronic service “E-licens / Fire Service Approvals”





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Other Administrative Appeal - Contentious Appeal

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        The administrative act ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ and other administrative acts of fire protection are governed by Law 2690/1999 (45 A) - ‘Ratification of the Code of Administrative Procedure and other provisions’, as applicable.Other

        For the purpose of revocation, amendment or cancellation of the administrative act adopted, the person concerned may lodge an administrative appeal - contentious appeal, as defined in Article 24 of Law 2690/1999 (45 A), as applicable.

        Output & Results


        Administrative Act, Launch another procedure, Digital document production


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Issue of a Fire Protection Certificate, Certificate of Fire Safety, Issue of Fire safety Certificate, Active Fire Protection Certificate

            Official title

            Issue of Active Fire Protection Certificate

            Languages supported

            Greek, English




              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)



              End of Process



            • 1 Citizenship The licensed engineer must be of Greek nationality.

              No No

            • 2 Educational The licensed engineer must hold a diploma of the National Technical University of Athens.

              No No

            • 3 Educational The authorised engineer must have a diploma in the technical schools of the country.

              Yes Yes

            • 4 Educational The authorised engineer must hold a diploma in equivalent technical schools abroad.

              Yes Yes

            • 5 Professional The authorised engineer must hold a professional license granted by the Technical Chamber of Greece to engineers of all specialties and must be a member of it.

              No No

            • 6 Possession of passwords to enter software The authorised engineer must hold personal passwords in the information system “E-licences / approvals of a Fire Service”.

              No No

            • 7 Administrative The certificate (of active fire protection) shall be issued to undertakings - installations which in terms of fire protection fall within the scope of Article 6(1) of Regulation No 13/2021 of the European Parliament and of the Council (5519 B) where the fire protection certificate is provided for by existing provisions as a supporting document required for their authorisation, approval or notification of operation and are a principal activity and not a secondary/assisting activity of another main use (e.g. installations for gas, natural gas, etc., facilities for principal use, such as a joint assembly, temporary residence, processing, etc.).

              No No

            • 8 Administrative The certificate (of active fire protection) shall be issued to undertakings - establishments which are freely carried out (not covered by an licence, approval or notification procedure) and fall under the following uses of buildings and hazard categories, in accordance with Annex D to this ● ‘Offices’ of risk class C. ● ‘Commerce’ of risk class C. ● ‘Education’ of risk class C. ● ‘Storage’ of risk class C (non-commercial storage rooms, i.e. storage rooms Business Activity Code).

              No No

            • 1 A state fee for posting on the information system ‘E-Authorisations/Approvals of a Fire Service’ of the application ‘Issue of a (active) fire protection certificate’. 20 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking), Digital (debit / credit card)

              Type of Cost Impost


            • 2 Proof of deposit to the "National Bank of Greece" for the award of the "Conservation and Good Operational Instruments of Active Fire Protection" in accordance with Fire-Extinguishing Arrangement No 12/2012 (1794 B), as applicable. 15 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Impost


            • 1 Electronic Solemn Declaration. Solemn Declaration

              Electronic Solemn Declaration.

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration


              • Mandatory supporting document of Case 1 of Annex C of the Fire Protection Decree No. 13/2021 (5519 B), for the issuance of (active) (#1) fire protection certificate without or with the performance of an autopsy:
                • Solemn Declaration (#2) of article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (75 A) of the supervisor or competent engineer according to the law, certified for authenticity of signature, that:
                  • a.) The passive (#3) / structural (#4) fire protection elements provided by the approved study, which affect the active fire protection means, have been taken and installed, all the terms and conditions provided by the applicable provisions and the applicable legislation on fire protection of buildings - facilities for the use of the business - facility have been met.
                  • b.) The measures and means of active fire protection provided for by the applicable approved fire protection study and the applicable fire protection legislation for the use of the business - facility have been taken and installed, they meet the specifications of Fire Protection Ordinance No. 15/2014 (3149 B΄), as applicable, and the approved technical descriptions and are in good working order.
                  • c.) All certificates, attestations and other documents have been checked, such as Responsibility Statements of good workmanship by licensed installers per branch or specialty, if any, and the certificates of conformity of materials and structural elements installed in the business, inspection procedures and laboratory tests of reaction to fire, from which it is presumed that the equipment and installations of the business - installation comply with the requirements of the Fire Department Regulation No. 15/2014 (3149 B΄), as applicable at the time
                  • d.) There is a technical fire protection file for the facility, a copy of which is also kept in the file of the project owner (#5) at the companys headquarters. The file contains the approved fire protection design, the certified technical descriptions, certificates, manufacturers declarations of conformity/performance for all individual materials, instructions for their use and maintenance in accordance with European legislation, as well as other possible required documents, such as affidavits of good workmanship from licensed installers per branch or speciality, certificates of inspection bodies and additional studies, if required.
              • NOTES:
                • (#1) An active fire protection certificate is issued in cases of businesses - establishments that fall under the scope of the fire protection regulations for buildings (p.d. 41/2018 (A΄ 80) or p.d. 71/1988 (A΄ 32). In businesses - establishments that fall under other fire protection regulations, a fire protection certificate is issued (Article 2 of Fire Protection Regulation No. 13/2021 (5519 B΄) - Definitions).
                • (#2) In cases of enterprises - establishments where there are more than one (1) approved fire protection studies (such as an industrial establishment with several buildings or buildings with different uses or which uses for its operational needs LPG or petroleum products facilities, etc.), the Responsible Declaration shall refer to all the approved fire protection studies.
                • (#3) The concept of passive fire protection refers to buildings falling within the scope of the fire protection regulations for buildings (Decree 41/2018 (A 80) or Decree 71/1988 (A 32) (par.2.1. of Article 1 and Article 2 - Definitions of the Fire Brigade Decree No. 13/2021 (5519 B)).
                • (#4) The concept of structural fire protection refers to buildings subject to fire protection or special fire protection provisions (para. 2.2. and 2.3. of Article 1 and Article 2 - Definitions of the Fire Prevention Order No. 13/2021 (5519 B)).
                • (#5) According to article 8 of the decree 41/2018 (80 A) ".....The developer must keep a record of the certificates of materials and structural elements installed in the building. With the activation of the electronic identity of buildings, the above certificates are posted in the relevant electronic file of the building and are integral parts of it."

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 2 Electronic Solemn Declaration Solemn Declaration

              Electronic Solemn Declaration

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 3 Electronic Solemn Declaration Solemn Declaration

              Electronic Solemn Declaration

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons


              • Mandatory supporting document for the issue of the 1st Case of Annex C to the Fire Protection Arrangement No. 13/2021 for the issue of a certificate (#1) of (active) fire protection without or with an autopsy: Solemn Declaration referred to in Article 8 of Law 1599/86 (75 A) of the recognised company, considered for the authenticity of the signature, indicating the number of fire extinguishers sold, maintained or reconstructed on behalf of the undertaking - installation, in accordance with CS.A 618/43/2005 (52 B) as amended, supplemented and valid.
              • NOTE:
                • (#1) Active fire protection certificate is granted in the cases of undertakings - installations falling under the scope of the fire protection regulations (PD 41/2018 (A 80) or PD 71/1988 (A 32). Businesses - establishments subject to other fire protection regulations are issued a fire protection certificate (Article 2 of Fire Protection Arrangement No. 13/2021 (5519 B) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 4 Proof of deposit Proof of payment / Receipt

              Proof of deposit

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons


              • Compulsory supporting document for the issue of a certificate of (active) (#1) fire protection without or with the performance of an autopsy:
              • Proof of deposit at the "National Bank of Greece" for the issuance of the "Book of Control of Maintenance and Good Functioning of Active Fire Protection Means", according to the Fire Department Arrangement No. 12/2012 (1794 B΄), as applicable.
              • (Deposit of the amount of fifteen (15) euros in the "Special Account of Fire Brigade Clubs Resources" (040/54613247 - IBAN: GR5401100400000004054613247) in the name of the owner - operator or legal representative of the business - establishment or in cases of deposit of the fee via e-banking, will be indicated in the justification, mandatory and the Service from which the interested party will receive the book).
              • NOTE:
                • (#1) An active fire protection certificate is granted in cases of businesses - establishments that fall under the scope of the fire protection regulations for buildings (p.d. 41/2018 (A΄ 80) or p.d. 71/1988 (A΄ 32). In businesses - establishments that fall under other fire protection regulations, a fire protection certificate is granted (Article 2 of Fire Protection Regulation No. 13/2021 (5519 B΄) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7053

            • 5 Fire Protection Team Composition Table Table / Statement / Catalogue

              Fire Protection Team Composition Table

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: Justification (required if applicable) in case 1 of Annex C No 13/2021 Fire Protection Arrangement (5519(b)) for the issue of a certificate of (active) (#1) fire protection without or with an autopsy: Firefighting Panel as defined in No 14/2014 Fire Protection Arrangement (2434 B), as applicable. NOTE:

              1. 1) Active fire protection certificate is granted in the cases of an undertaking - installations falling within the scope of the fire protection regulations (PD 41/2018 (A80) or P.D. 71/1988 (A32). In the establishments under the other fire protection regulations, a fire protection certificate (Article 2 of the Fire Protection Arrangement (5519 B) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Certification, Use

              No 8689

            • 6
              • The procedure concerns the issue of an electronic responsible declaration by the person concerned, without a visit to a store of administrative authority or KEP.
              • You can enter the e-mail address in the following two ways:
                • (a) by your personal web banking codes in one of the available banks; or
                • (b) by your personal TAXISnet access codes (after entering once with the web banking codes, to confirm your mobile phone number); then you will receive confirmation codes with SMSs on your mobile.
              • The electronic solemn declaration you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing the authentic signature and you can either send it electronically, or print it and deposit it on a public service. At the same time, you will have the right to sign the form of the declaration of responsibility under Law 1599/86 (Article 8) and submit it to a responsible service as a reasoned submission.
              Solemn Declaration

              • The procedure concerns the issue of an electronic responsible declaration by the person concerned, without a visit to a store of administrative authority or KEP.
              • You can enter the e-mail address in the following two ways:
                • (a) by your personal web banking codes in one of the available banks; or
                • (b) by your personal TAXISnet access codes (after entering once with the web banking codes, to confirm your mobile phone number); then you will receive confirmation codes with SMSs on your mobile.
              • The electronic solemn declaration you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing the authentic signature and you can either send it electronically, or print it and deposit it on a public service. At the same time, you will have the right to sign the form of the declaration of responsibility under Law 1599/86 (Article 8) and submit it to a responsible service as a reasoned submission.

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons


              • Justification (required if applicable) in case 1 of Annex C No 13/2021 Fire Protection Arrangement (5519 B), for the issue of a certificate of (active) (#1) fire protection without or automation: a copy of the declaration responsible, submitted to the information system for the issuing of construction permits ‘E-licence’ or to the information system for the management of declarations of arbitrary buildings or a copy from the printed file of the competent building service, the correct execution of the study for the installation of LPG in category I, II or III, in accordance with paragraph of Article 3 of the HS 3156/2003 (1257 B)).
              • NOTE:
                • (#1) Active fire protection certificate is granted in case of establishments - installations falling within the scope of the fire protection regulations (PD 41/2018 (A80) or PD 71/1988 (Α΄ 32). Businesses - establishments subject to other fire protection regulations are issued a fire protection certificate (Article 2 of Fire Protection Arrangement No. 13/2021 (5519 B) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Technical, Use

              No 7320

            • 7 Authorisation to use natural gas License to use

              Authorisation to use natural gas

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: Justification (required if applicable) in case 1 of Annex C No 13/2021 Fire Protection Arrangement (5519 B), for the issue of a certificate of (active) (#1) fire-fighting without or having an automation: authorisation for the use of natural gas under the existing legal framework for the use of natural gas, if required. NOTE: (#1) Active fire protection certificate is granted in cases of establishments - installations falling within the scope of the fire protection regulations (PD 41/2018 (A80) or PD 71/1988 (A32). Businesses - establishments subject to other fire protection regulations are issued a fire protection certificate (Article 2 of Fire Protection Arrangement No. 13/2021 (5519 B) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Technical, Use

              No 9848

            • 8 Statutes of a company Legal documents from legal entities

              Statutes of a company

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: Justification (required if applicable) of Annex C No 13/2021 Fire Protection Arrangement (5519 B), for the issue of a certificate of (active) (#1) fire protection without or having an autonomic effect: a company showing the legal representative(s) of the company signing the declaration(s) responsible for Statement(s). NOTE: (#1) Energy fire protection certificate(s) is issued in the cases of establishments - within the scope of the fire protection regulations (PD 41/2018 (A80) or a PD 71/1988 (A 32). Businesses - establishments subject to other fire protection regulations are issued a fire protection certificate (Article 2 of Fire Protection Arrangement No. 13/2021 (5519 B) - Definitions).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Identity, Certification

              No 9338

            • Ministerial Decision 6,7,8, Annex C 69019 οικ. Φ.700.13 2021 5519 Β

              Description Approval of Fire protection Arrangement No 13/2021 on the ‘Definition of procedure for the submission of required documentation, verification and adoption of administrative firearms in undertakings — installations pursuant to Article 167 of Law 4662/2020 (27 A’)’

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210205519

            • Ministerial Decision YPEN/DAOKA/93311/3679 2021 4874 Β

              Description Addition to YPEN/YPRG/48123/6983/2018 Decision of the Minister for the Environment and Energy on the ‘Electronic submission, verification and adoption of the administrative acts referred to in Article 29 of Law 4495/2017 and the establishment of electronic services in accordance with Article 33 of Law 4495/2017’ (3136 B’).

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210204874

            • Law 167 4662 2020 27 Α

              Description National Crisis Management and Risk Management Mechanism, Restructuring of the General Secretariat of Civil Protection, Upgrade of a civil protection volunteer system, Reorganisation of the Firefighting and other provisions.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200100027

            • Presidential Decree 41 2018 80 Α

              Description Building Fire Protection Regulation.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20180100080

            • Ministerial Decision 14 2014 2434 Β

              Description Approval of a Fire Protection Arrangement on the "Organization, training and information of firefighting personnel of undertakings - installations on fire protection issues".

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20140202434

            • Decision 1 12 2012

              Description Establishment of a maintenance and operation control book on means of active fire protection for undertakings - installations.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20120201794

            • Law 3850 2010 84 Α

              Description Verification of the Code of Laws on the Health and Safety of Workers.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20100100084

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 3 31856 2003 1257 Β

              Description Technical Regulation on LPG installations in buildings (except for industries - crafts).

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20030201257

            • Law 24 2690 1999 45 Α

              Description Verification of the Code of Administrative Procedure and other provisions.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19990100045

            • Presidential Decree 71 1988 32 Α

              Description Regulation on fire protection of buildings.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19880100032

            • Decision 4, 6,12,14 Annex Δ΄ 13 2021

              Description ‘Definition of the procedure for the submission of required documentation, verification and adoption of means of administrative fire protection in undertakings — installations pursuant to Article 167 of Law 4662/2020’.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210205519

            • 1 Receipt of application with entry of the official into the ‘e-adeies’ information system

              Responsible for Implementation Responsible office manager

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The Head of the competent Office or Local Branch of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety, after entering with his personal codes in the e-adeies Information System, with the help of the search tools, selects the category ‘In an unsolicited control charge procedure’ for the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’.

              Notes At this stage, the status of the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ is in ‘In submission’ and one or more of its checks have not yet been assigned to an Auditor.

              No No

            • 2 Appointment to a Controller and Control

              Responsible for Implementation Responsible office manager

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description The Head of the Office responsible for Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety shall select the ‘Response for Control’ where all necessary checks and requirements set out by the authorised engineer for the application for a ‘Issue of a(n) (Active) Fire Safety Certificate’. By selecting each individual check, he shall specify the name of the Controller from the available list, assigning all the required control data.

              Notes At this stage, the status of the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ is ‘In control’.

              No No

            • 3 Appropriate control result

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The result of all the checks required for the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ by the designated Controller is ‘Accepted’.

              Notes The result of the checks for the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ by the Head of the Office or the Local Safety and Preventive Fire Safety Branch should also be ‘Accepted’.

              Yes No

            • 4 Acknowledgement of deficiencies and additional requirements

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description If, when checking the required supporting documents and particulars of the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’, the designated auditor finds shortcomings, omissions or requirements, it does not indicate them as ‘ Acceptable’ and chooses ‘change required’, registering for each of these observations in a free text.

              Notes If, during the verification of the required supporting documents and information of the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’, the Head of the Office or of the Local Branch of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety Department finds shortcomings, omissions or requirements, it may also not mark them as ‘Acceptable’ and chooses ‘Change required’, entering for each of these observations in a free text.

              Yes No

            • 5 Return of application for re-submission of data

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The designated Controller shall select “Return for re-submission from Engineer” and the application “Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection” shall return for supplementing or correction of its data by the authorised engineer.

              Notes The Head of the Office or the Local Branch of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety also may choose ‘Return for Re-submission from Engineer’ and the application ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ shall be returned for supplementing or correcting its data by the authorised engineer. At this stage the status of the application ‘Edition of a certificate (active) fire protection’ shall be ‘In change’.

              Yes Yes

            • 6 Adoption of an Administrative Act

              Responsible for Implementation Responsible office manager

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description The Head of the Office or the Local Branch of Preventive and Repressive Fire Safety, as a whole, approves the administrative act ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ and adopts it by selecting a ‘Issue of an act’ which acquires a unique electronic key.

              Yes Yes

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