Establishment authorisation, operating authorisation and notification of operation of recreational activities in amusement parks, circuses and ice rinks

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

9e6d43a0-e8e7-4960-9e26-505dc632002e 835642 Έγκριση εγκατάστασης, έγκριση λειτουργίας και γνωστοποίηση λειτουργίας ψυχαγωγικών δραστηριοτήτων λούνα παρκ, τσίρκων και παγοδρομίων

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE)

Number of required documents

0 to 35


From 170 to 300 €

Estimated Time

45 days

Estimated Time (digitally)

1 minute


This procedure has to do with the establishment authorisation, operating authorisation and notification of operation of recreational activities in amusement parks, circuses and ice rinks.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure

Validity duration



To carry out business relating to indoor or outdoor amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, it is necessary to establish and operate these facilities.

The competent licensing authority is the municipality concerned, or the Special Service for Promoting and Authorising Tourist Investments (EYPATE) of the Ministry of Tourism where such activities are to be carried out on land in a tourist port.

To establish the activity (amusement park, circus, ice rink), an establishment authorisation needs to be granted by the competent licensing authority at the request of the party concerned.

To operate the activity (amusement park, circus, ice rink), an operating authorisation needs to be granted by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) at the request of the party concerned, or a notification needs to be submitted by the party concerned to the above licensing authority.

An operating authorisation is required to operate activities that include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development laying down the Regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065).

To operate activities that do not fall under the scope of the above Ministerial Decision, the party concerned should follow the procedure for submitting a notification via the electronic notifybusiness system (, if technically possible. Otherwise, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63).

More specifically, the following shall apply:


The application for an establishment authorisation, along with the required supporting documents, should only be submitted via the Integrated Information System for Carrying Out Activities and Audits (OPS-ADE) referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230), which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP).

Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an establishment authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63).

Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

The licensing authority should, within 15 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted, issue the establishment authorisation or reject the request, providing the specific reasons for its rejection decision. If the licensing authority finds it appropriate, it may, before issuing the authorisation and in any case within the same 15 day deadline, carry out a site inspection to verify the actual circumstances on site, with emphasis on adjacent facilities. If no action has been taken within the above deadline, the establishment authorisation will be presumed to have been granted, provided that operation of the activity at that particular location is not prohibited. The activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the above deadline.

An establishment authorisation will remain in force for 1 year from the date of issuance and may be extended once for a further 6 months, provided that the activity operator meets the following conditions: (a) it has submitted a request, while it still has an establishment authorisation, and (b) it has launched the procedures to implement the structures or install the equipment required for the operation of its activity.

The licensing authority should, without undue delay, communicate the authorisation and any amendments thereto to the local competent agencies, in particular the Building Agency, the Forestry Agency, the competent agencies of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the establishment of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

Exemption from the obligation to obtain an establishment authorisation:

Activities that are temporarily carried out in a public area which has been ceded for that purpose by the competent agency or in a municipal or private area are exempted from the obligation to obtain an establishment authorisation. ‘Temporary activity’ means an activity carried out for no more than 60 days, whereas the activity may be established at the same location no more than twice a year, irrespective of the activity operator.

In such cases, the land uses determined in the town plan concerned need not be reviewed, and Joint Decision No 7034/1298/15.03.2000 of the Deputy Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Deputy Minister for Development, and the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works on minimum distances for recreational activities (Government Gazette, Series II, No 368) does not apply. No establishment is permitted in areas that are subject to special provisions on the protection of the environment and of the cultural, architectural and physical heritage.

The supporting documents for granting an establishment authorisation are listed in points 1 to 6 of the section ‘What you will need’.


To obtain an operating authorisation, the activity operator should submit an application along with the required supporting documents to the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE), providing therein its correct details, the exact location where it wishes to establish its activity and a description of its activity, also indicating the activity code number (NACE category or activity code number – KAD). The application for an operating authorisation should only be submitted via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an operating authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63).

Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

The equipment must, in any event, meet the requirements of the national and Union technical legislation to which it is subject and, in the absence thereof, it must meet the requirements laid down in the General Product Safety Directive, as specified in Joint Decision No Ζ3/2810/14.12.2004 of the Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Minister for the Economy and Finance, the Minister for Development, the Minister for Health and Social Solidarity, the Minister for Justice, and the Minister for Transport and Communications (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1885).

The licensing authority referred to in Article 2(1) should, within 30 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted, carry out a site inspection pursuant to Article 112(2) of Law 4442/2016 and issue the operating authorisation or reject the request, providing the specific reasons for its rejection decision. Where the activities are to be carried out on land in a tourist port, the site inspection referred to in the previous sentence should be carried out on behalf of the licensing authority by the local competent Regional Tourist Service. More specifically, where activities are to be carried out temporarily for no more than 60 days in a public area which has been ceded for that purpose by the competent agency or in a municipal or private area, the deadline referred to in the previous sentence is 10 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted. If no action has been taken within the above deadlines, the operating authorisation shall be presumed to have been granted, provided that the activity complies with the provisions of Chapter XIX of Law 4442/2016 and the provisions hereof, and the activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the deadline for granting the operating authorisation.

The operating authorisation will remain in force for an indefinite period of time, except where a public area has been ceded, in which case it will remain in force for as long as the concession is in place. The activity operator must renew and keep up-to-date any supporting documents submitted during the authorisation procedure which have a limited effective period.

The licensing authority should, without undue delay, communicate the operating authorisation and any amendments thereto to competent agencies, i.e. the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

The supporting documents for granting an operating authorisation are listed in points 7 to 21 of the section ‘What you will need’.


To launch the operation of amusement park, circus and ice rink activities without any amusement devices that fall under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development, prior notification is required in accordance with Annex I to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364). The notification should contain the information necessary for the activity to be carried out and should be submitted by the activity operator, the latter being the sole person responsible for its contents.

Submission of notification:

The notification should only be submitted to the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to the notification of amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities, the notification should be submitted via the electronic notifybusiness system (, if technically possible. Otherwise, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent authority referred to in Article 2 – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Electronic submission (OPS-ADE or notifybusiness system):

Where the notification is submitted electronically via the OPS-ADE or the electronic notifybusiness system (, a unique number and a time stamp will be generated by the system and assigned to the notification. The file bearing a unique number will serve as proof of submission of the notification, so no registration is required.

Submission outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system: Where the notification is submitted in hardcopy or electronic format (outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system): (a) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) or the KEP-EKE should, under all circumstances, receive the notification and issue a document of proof of submission, to which the submitted notification should be attached;

(b) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should assign a unique serial number to the notification, which will remain the same even if the notification is modified, simply by adding an additional serial number for each change;

(c) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay and using any means available, notify the activity operator of the serial number assigned to its notification.

No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of its activity, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364). The equipment must, in any event, meet the requirements of the national and Union technical legislation to which it is subject and, in the absence thereof, it must meet the requirements laid down in the General Product Safety Directive, as specified in Joint Decision No Ζ3/2810/14.12.2004 of the Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Minister for the Economy and Finance, the Minister for Development, the Minister for Health and Social Solidarity, the Minister for Justice, and the Minister for Transport and Communications (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1885). Once the notification has been submitted, the operator may start operating its activity. The licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay, communicate the notification and any amendments thereto to competent agencies: the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties. Where the notification is submitted via an electronic system, it should be communicated electronically via the system or by email, without any need to issue a cover letter for that purpose.

The supporting documents for the notification are listed in points 22 to 35 of the section ‘What you will need’.

The competent or licensing authority is the municipality in whose territorial jurisdiction the activity is to be carried out.

More specifically, where amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities are to be carried out on land in a tourist port, the competent licensing authority is the Special Service for Promoting and Authorising Tourist Investments (EYPATE) of the Ministry of Tourism.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Granting an establishment authorisation.


The activity operator should submit an application to the licensing authority, providing therein its correct details, the exact location where it wishes to establish its activity and a description of its activity, also indicating the activity code number (NACE category or activity code number-KAD).

The application for an establishment authorisation should only be submitted via the Integrated Information System for Carrying Out Activities and Audits (OPS-ADE) referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP).

Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an establishment authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the application should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority, whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63).

Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Hierarchical appeal/recourse

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        Tacit rejection

        Application for hierarchical appeal/ recourse according to article 24 of Law 2690/1999. The person concerned may apply either to the administrative authority which adopted the act for its revocation or amendment (request for recourse) or to the authority which heads the one which adopted the act for its annulment (hierarchical appeal). The requested administrative authority must notify the interested party of its decision on the application within thirty (30) days at the latest, unless a different deadline is provided for by special provisions.


        • 93.21 Activities of amusement parks and theme parks
        • 93.29 Other amusement and recreation activities

        Output & Results


        Administrative Act


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Official title

            Establishment authorisation, operating authorisation and notification of operation of recreational activities in amusement parks, circuses and ice rinks

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Ways of provision




              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital), Application (handwritten)




            • 1 Of Spatial Planning Land uses: for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities to be carried out for more than 60 days, an establishment authorisation is required, which should be granted by the licensing authority. Moreover, as regards the above activities (carried out for more than 60 days), the minimum distances laid down in Joint Decision No 7034/1298/15.03.2000 of the Deputy Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Deputy Minister for Development, and the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works on minimum distances for recreational activities (Government Gazette, Series II, No 368) must be complied with Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016.

              No No

            • 2 Environmental No establishment of amusement park, circus and ice rink activities is permitted in areas that are subject to special provisions on the protection of the environment and of the cultural, architectural and physical heritage Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016.

              No No

            • 3 Possession of passwords to enter software TAXISnet credentials

              No No

            • 4 Technical For the amusement park, circus and ice rink activities falling under the provisions of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065), it is necessary to prepare the Amusement Device Operating, Maintenance and Incident Log and the Technical Inspection Report, as set out in the above decision.

              No No

            • 5 Urban planning If the activity (amusement parks, circuses, ice rinks) is to be established in a co-owned facility divided into horizontal properties, the activity operator must submit a solemn declaration to the effect that the building regulations do not prohibit the operation of the activity in the facility, or, in the absence of such regulations, a solemn declaration by the facility owner must be submitted to the effect that there are no such regulations Article 4(4)(c) of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              No No

            • 1 Authorisation of approval for the installation of recreational activities 100 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 8862

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link


            • 2 Approval for the operation of recreational activities 20 € - 150 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 8863

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link


            • 3 To submit an initial notification of operation for amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities, a fee of EUR 50.00 must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016. 50 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 8866

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link


            • 1 A land use certificate from the competent Building Agency for the facility concerned. Certificate

              A land use certificate from the competent Building Agency for the facility concerned.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required. In accordance with Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016, activities that are temporarily carried out in a public area which has been ceded for that purpose by the competent agency or in a municipal or private area are exempted from the obligation to obtain an establishment authorisation. ‘Temporary activity’ means, as regards the provisions hereof, an activity carried out for no more than 60 days, whereas the activity may be established at the same location no more than twice a year, irrespective of the activity operator. In such cases, the land uses determined in the town plan concerned need not be reviewed, and Joint Decision No 7034/1298/15.03.2000 of the Deputy Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Deputy Minister for Development, and the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works on minimum distances for recreational activities (Government Gazette, Series II, No 368) does not apply. No establishment is permitted in areas that are subject to special provisions on the protection of the environment and of the cultural, architectural and physical heritage. An establishment authorisation will remain in force for 1 year from the date of issuance and may be extended once for a further 6 months, provided that the activity operator meets the following conditions: (a) it has submitted a request, while it still has an establishment authorisation, and (b) it has launched the procedures to implement the structures or install the equipment required for the operation of its activity.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 9703

            • 2 A topographic diagram of the area in which the activity is to be established, showing all facilities located within a radius of 150 m from the boundary of the area of the activity. Topographical drawing

              A topographic diagram of the area in which the activity is to be established, showing all facilities located within a radius of 150 m from the boundary of the area of the activity.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required and if the activity falls under the scope of Joint Decision No 7034/1298/24.03.2000 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 368) of the Deputy Minister for the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation, the Deputy Minister for Development, and the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works on minimum distances for recreational activities (Government Gazette, Series II, No 368) and is to be established in an outdoor facility.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 6851

            • 3 A solemn declaration by the activity operator to the effect that the building regulations do not prohibit the operation of the activity in the facility, or, in the absence of such regulations, a solemn declaration by the facility owner must be submitted to the effect that there are no such regulations. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration by the activity operator to the effect that the building regulations do not prohibit the operation of the activity in the facility, or, in the absence of such regulations, a solemn declaration by the facility owner must be submitted to the effect that there are no such regulations. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required and if the activity is to be installed on a co-owned facility divided into horizontal properties.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 7320

            • 4 Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364). Electronic Fee

              Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required. To obtain an establishment authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice-skating recreational activities, a fee of EUR 100.00 must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016. To amend the establishment authorisation, a fee of EUR 50.00 must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016. Where a fee is paid for the establishment authorisation, the activity operator should pay the fee before submitting the application, as it has to provide the proof of payment to the licensing authority along with the other supporting documents required for the submission of the application to be considered as proper.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 3385

            • 5 An act of the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture. Official document

              An act of the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required. The licensing authority should, within 5 days from the date the establishment authorisation was submitted, address a query to the competent agency of the Ministry Culture and Sports, requesting the agency to issue an opinion on whether or not the establishment of the activity is permitted under the relevant legislation, or whether a special permit or authorisation is required. The latter should issue an opinion within 15 days from the date the query was received, in which case the deadline referred to in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date the licensing authority receives the reply concerned or from the date the above deadline expires without any action taken. However, if the reply stipulates that a special permit or authorisation is required, then the deadline referred to in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date that special permit or authorisation is communicated to the licensing authority. If the activity operator so wishes, it may take action itself to search for and provide the act of the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, in which case the procedure set out in the previous paragraphs will not be followed, and the deadline laid down in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date a complete dossier, including all required supporting documents, is submitted.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 6440

            • 6 Intervention authorisation decision of the Forestry Agency, for a forest area. Rule

              Intervention authorisation decision of the Forestry Agency, for a forest area.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required. The licensing authority should, within 5 days from the date the application for an establishment authorisation is submitted, address a query to the competent Forestry Agency if the place of establishment of the activity falls under the legislation on forests, requesting the agency to issue an opinion on whether or not the establishment of the activity is permitted under the relevant legislation, or whether a special permit or authorisation is required. The latter should issue an opinion within 15 days from the date the query was received, in which case the deadline referred to in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date the licensing authority receives the reply concerned or from the date the above deadline expires without any action taken. However, if the reply stipulates that a special permit or authorisation is required, then the deadline referred to in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date that special permit or authorisation is communicated to the licensing authority. If the activity operator so wishes, it may take action itself to search for and provide the act of the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, in which case the procedure set out in the previous paragraphs will not be followed, and the deadline laid down in paragraph 5 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) for issuing the establishment authorisation will be calculated from the date a complete dossier, including all required supporting documents, is submitted.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 1127

            • 7 Application for an operating authorisation. Application

              Application for an operating authorisation.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where the activities concerned include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 laying down the regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065). The activity operator should submit an application for an operating authorisation to the licensing authority, providing therein its correct details, the exact location where it wishes to establish its activity and a description of its activity, also indicating the activity code number (NACE category or activity code number – KAD). The application for an operating authorisation should only be submitted via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an operation authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority, whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted. The operating authorisation will remain in force for an indefinite period of time, except where a public area has been ceded, in which case it will remain in force for as long as the concession is in place. The activity operator must renew and keep up-to-date any supporting documents submitted during the authorisation procedure which have a limited effective period. The licensing authority should, without undue delay, communicate the operating authorisation and any amendments thereto to the competent authorities: the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              No 6009

            • 8 Establishment authorisation. Approval

              Establishment authorisation.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Where required.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 8880

            • 9 A certificate of primary-use facility issued by a private engineer, in accordance with Article 107(8) of Law 4495/2017, with regard to the legality of the building facilities and structures of the recreational activity and their compliance with the applicable Building and Construction Regulation, the Fire Protection Regulation, the general and specific town planning provisions in force from time to time, as well as the building specifications set out in the specific legislation that covers the activity concerned. Certificate

              A certificate of primary-use facility issued by a private engineer, in accordance with Article 107(8) of Law 4495/2017, with regard to the legality of the building facilities and structures of the recreational activity and their compliance with the applicable Building and Construction Regulation, the Fire Protection Regulation, the general and specific town planning provisions in force from time to time, as well as the building specifications set out in the specific legislation that covers the activity concerned.

              Notes: Where the activities concerned include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 laying down the regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065), and therefore an operating authorisation is required. The certificate should be accompanied by: i. Copies of all public documents on compliance with the town planning legislation (building permit, revision or update of building permit, approval of small-scale construction works, decision on exemption from demolition, authorisation to legalise, certificate of completion of the procedure for exemption from demolition, certification of payment of 30% of the single special fine, or any other relevant document). ii. Copies of approved floor plans of the facility where the activity is to be carried out, showing the amusement equipment in the facility at a scale of 1:100, along with a relevant memorandum. If it is impossible to show the equipment in the above copies, new drawings should be drawn up by the engineer, accompanying the certificate of primary-use facility. The copies of the approved floor plans should be obtained from the ‘e-Adeies’ building permit issuing information system, from the illegal construction declaration information system, or from the hardcopy records of the Building Agency, depending on the type of the legalisation act referred to under point (i) (in electronic or hardcopy format). More specifically, as regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development, the following additional requirement will apply: a unique identification number, in accordance with Article 4(6) of the Decision, should be indicated next to each amusement device in the memorandum of the floor plans referred to under point (ii) above.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 9703

            • 10 A technical inspection report from a recognised body, submitted for each amusement device, verifying its conformity and declaring that its operation is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. Report

              A technical inspection report from a recognised body, submitted for each amusement device, verifying its conformity and declaring that its operation is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020.

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. Up until expiry of the deadline referred to in Article 16(2) of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and Investment, or until a recognised body is established, a certificate of proper installation and operation for the amusement devices, issued by a licensed engineer holding a university degree, must be submitted instead of the above supporting document.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 6631

            • 11 A technical report on relocation, prepared by a licensed engineer, to be submitted for each travelling amusement device, verifying its conformity and declaring that its operation is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. Report

              A technical report on relocation, prepared by a licensed engineer, to be submitted for each travelling amusement device, verifying its conformity and declaring that its operation is permitted, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020.

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. Up until expiry of the deadline referred to in Article 16(2) of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and Investment, or until a recognised body is established, a certificate of proper installation and operation for the amusement devices, issued by a licensed engineer holding a university degree, must be submitted instead of the above supporting document.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 6631

            • 12 A certificate of conformity with the requirements of the relevant standard, issued by an accredited body, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Certification

              A certificate of conformity with the requirements of the relevant standard, issued by an accredited body, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: The certificate should cover other activity equipment which does not fall under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and Investment or under the scope of EU harmonisation legislation that requires it to bear the CE marking, for which, however, there is a relevant national, European or international standard in place.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8619

            • 13 An (active) fire protection certificate, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, issued to the name of the natural or legal person concerned. Certificate of Active Fire Protection

              An (active) fire protection certificate, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, issued to the name of the natural or legal person concerned.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection

              Notes: Insofar as the recreational activities: (a) are carried out in an indoor facility, and (b) are not carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 3804

            • 14 Archived (active and passive, as appropriate) fire protection designs, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, which must be copies of the ones officially submitted to the ‘e-Adeies’ information system for having authorisations issued by the Fire Brigade. Study

              Archived (active and passive, as appropriate) fire protection designs, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, which must be copies of the ones officially submitted to the ‘e-Adeies’ information system for having authorisations issued by the Fire Brigade.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. The archived fire protection designs should cover entertainment activities which: (a) are not carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230), and (b) are carried out in an outdoor facility and fall under the scope of the fire protection legislation in force. If the design has not been submitted via the information system, it must be obtained from the physical dossier kept by the Fire Brigade, or it must be an approved design kept by the activity operator.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8412

            • 15 A solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986, issued by a competent engineer under the law, to the effect that the required fire protection measures and equipment have been installed and are maintained and kept in good working order, as per the fire protection legislation in force. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986, issued by a competent engineer under the law, to the effect that the required fire protection measures and equipment have been installed and are maintained and kept in good working order, as per the fire protection legislation in force. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020. The solemn declaration should cover recreational activities which are carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2916 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230) in an indoor and/or outdoor facility and fall under the scope of the fire protection legislation in force.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 16 A solemn declaration by the competent engineer, in accordance with Article 50A(1) of Law 4442/2016, to the effect that the vehicle access point or entrance/exit point of the facility has been constructed in accordance with its approved plans. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration by the competent engineer, in accordance with Article 50A(1) of Law 4442/2016, to the effect that the vehicle access point or entrance/exit point of the facility has been constructed in accordance with its approved plans. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 17 A solemn declaration by an installer, in accordance with the provisions of Decision No 101195/17.09.2021 of the Minister for Development and Investment laying down general and specific requirements for electrical installations (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4654). The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration by an installer, in accordance with the provisions of Decision No 101195/17.09.2021 of the Minister for Development and Investment laying down general and specific requirements for electrical installations (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4654). The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 18 An opinion issued by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, in accordance with Decision No Δ3/Δ/3271/781/2009 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 191). Expert Evaluation

              An opinion issued by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, in accordance with Decision No Δ3/Δ/3271/781/2009 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 191).

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8520

            • 19 Authorisation by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, when it comes to flying or lifting hang-gliders, hot air balloons or other technical equipment, to the effect that the flight or lifting does not violate its relevant regulations and general airspace safety rules. Approval

              Authorisation by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, when it comes to flying or lifting hang-gliders, hot air balloons or other technical equipment, to the effect that the flight or lifting does not violate its relevant regulations and general airspace safety rules.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8880

            • 20 A certificate issued by power and telecommunications network operators on the safety of installations where a flight or lifting is due to take place. Certificate

              A certificate issued by power and telecommunications network operators on the safety of installations where a flight or lifting is due to take place.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 9703

            • 21 Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development laying down the regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065). Electronic Fee

              Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development laying down the regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065).

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: As regards the activity’s amusement devices that fall under the scope of Ministerial Decision No 50116/20.05.2020, if necessary. To obtain an operation authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice-skating recreational activities, a fee of EUR 150.00 must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016, for all activities other than those carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2016. For carrying out an activity temporarily for no more than 15 days, a fee of EUR 20.00 must be paid to obtain an operating authorisation; for carrying out an activity temporarily for more than 15 days, a fee of EUR 40.00 must be paid. To amend an operating authorisation, a fee must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016, which is equal to half the fee required to obtain the initial operating authorisation. . Where a fee is paid for the operation authorisation, the activity operator should pay the fee before submitting the application, as it has to provide the proof of payment to the licensing authority along with the other supporting documents required for the submission of the application to be considered as proper.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 3385

            • 22 Supporting documents for a notification of operation. Notification / Announcement / Reporting

              Supporting documents for a notification of operation.

              Notes: As regards the operation of activities which do not include any amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065). No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of its activity, in accordance with paragraph 6 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364). Before submitting the notification of operation, the activity operator must have collected and must keep at the place of its activity, available for any inspection, the following supporting documents (supporting documents under points 23 to 35), which it must renew or keep-up-date as appropriate.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 5743

            • 23 Establishment authorisation. Approval

              Establishment authorisation.

              Notes: Where an establishment authorisation is required. Before submitting the notification of operation, the activity operator must have collected and must keep at the place of its activity, available for any inspection, the establishment authorisation, which it must renew or keep-up-date as appropriate.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 8880

            • 24 A certificate of primary-use facility issued by a private engineer, in accordance with Article 107(8) of Law 4495/2017, with regard to the legality of the building facilities and structures of the recreational activity and their compliance with the applicable Building and Construction Regulation, the Fire Protection Regulation, the general and specific town planning provisions in force from time to time, as well as the building specifications set out in the specific legislation that covers the activity concerned. Certificate

              A certificate of primary-use facility issued by a private engineer, in accordance with Article 107(8) of Law 4495/2017, with regard to the legality of the building facilities and structures of the recreational activity and their compliance with the applicable Building and Construction Regulation, the Fire Protection Regulation, the general and specific town planning provisions in force from time to time, as well as the building specifications set out in the specific legislation that covers the activity concerned.

              Notes: The certificate should be accompanied by: i. Copies of all public documents on compliance with the town planning legislation (building permit, revision or update of building permit, approval of small-scale construction works, decision on exemption from demolition, authorisation to legalise, certificate of completion of the procedure for exemption from demolition, certification of payment of 30% of the single special fine etc.) ii. Copies of approved floor plans of the facility where the activity is to be carried out, showing the amusement equipment in the facility with a relevant memorandum. If it is impossible to show the equipment in the above copies, new drawings should be drawn up by the engineer, accompanying the certificate of primary-use facility. The copies of the approved floor plans should be obtained from the ‘e-Adeies’ building permit issuing information system, from the illegal construction declaration information system, or from the hardcopy records of the Building Agency, depending on the type of the legalisation act referred to under point (i) (in electronic or hardcopy format).

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 9703

            • 25 A certificate of conformity with the requirements of the relevant standard, issued by an accredited body, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. Certification

              A certificate of conformity with the requirements of the relevant standard, issued by an accredited body, in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 765/2008.

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development. The certificate should cover any activity equipment which does not fall under the scope of EU harmonisation legislation that requires it to bear the CE marking, for which, however, there is a relevant national, European or international standard in place.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8619

            • 26 An (active) fire protection certificate, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, issued to the name of the natural or legal person concerned. Certificate of Active Fire Protection

              An (active) fire protection certificate, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, issued to the name of the natural or legal person concerned.

              Relevant link:

              Relevant Procedure: Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development. It covers entertainment activities which: (a) they are not carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2916 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230), and (b) are carried out in an indoor facility.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 3804

            • 27 Archived (active and passive, as appropriate) fire protection designs, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, which must be copies of the ones officially submitted to the ‘e-Adeies’ information system for having authorisations issued by the Fire Brigade. If the design has not been submitted via the information system, it must be obtained from the physical dossier kept by the Fire Brigade, or it must be an approved design kept by the activity operator. Study

              Archived (active and passive, as appropriate) fire protection designs, in accordance with the provisions of Fire Directive No 13/2021 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 5519), as in force from time to time, which must be copies of the ones officially submitted to the ‘e-Adeies’ information system for having authorisations issued by the Fire Brigade. If the design has not been submitted via the information system, it must be obtained from the physical dossier kept by the Fire Brigade, or it must be an approved design kept by the activity operator.

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development. The designs cover recreational activities which: (a) are not carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2916 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230), and (b) are carried out in an outdoor facility and fall under the scope of the applicable fire protection legislation.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8412

            • 28 A solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986, issued by a competent engineer under the law, to the effect that the required fire protection measures and equipment have been installed and are maintained and kept in good working order, as per the fire protection legislation in force. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986, issued by a competent engineer under the law, to the effect that the required fire protection measures and equipment have been installed and are maintained and kept in good working order, as per the fire protection legislation in force. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development. The solemn declaration concerns recreational activities which: (a) are not carried out temporarily within the meaning of Article 111(8) of Law 4442/2916 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 230), and (b) are carried out in an outdoor facility and fall under the scope of the applicable fire protection legislation.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 29 A solemn declaration by the competent engineer, in accordance with Article 50A(1) of Law 4442/2016, to the effect that the vehicle access point or entrance/exit point of the facility has been constructed in accordance with its approved plans. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration by the competent engineer, in accordance with Article 50A(1) of Law 4442/2016, to the effect that the vehicle access point or entrance/exit point of the facility has been constructed in accordance with its approved plans. The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and where it’s required.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 30 A solemn declaration by an installer, in accordance with the provisions of Decision No 101195/17.09.2021 of the Minister for Development and Investment laying down general and specific requirements for electrical installations (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4654). The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case. Solemn Declaration

              A solemn declaration by an installer, in accordance with the provisions of Decision No 101195/17.09.2021 of the Minister for Development and Investment laying down general and specific requirements for electrical installations (Government Gazette, Series II, No 4654). The procedure has to do with the issuance of an online solemn declaration by the person concerned, without the need to visit the premises of an administrative authority or a Citizen Service Centre (KEP). You can access the service for issuing an online solemn declaration in the following two (2) ways: (a) using your personal web banking codes for one of the available banks, or (b) using your personal TAXISnet credentials (after first logging in once with your web banking credentials to confirm your mobile phone number). You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. You will then receive confirmation codes by text message on your mobile phone. The online solemn declaration that you will issue is legally equivalent to a solemn declaration bearing an authentic signature, and you may either send it electronically or print it out and submit it to a public authority. At the same time, citizens retain the right to physically sign a Solemn Declaration form pursuant to Article 8 of Law 1599/86 and to submit it to the competent authority as a supporting document in connection with their case.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 7320

            • 31 An opinion issued by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, in accordance with Ministerial Decision No Δ3/Δ/3271/781/2009 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 191). Expert Evaluation

              An opinion issued by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, in accordance with Ministerial Decision No Δ3/Δ/3271/781/2009 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 191).

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and where it’s required.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8520

            • 32 Authorisation by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, when it comes to flying or lifting hang-gliders, hot air balloons or other technical equipment, to the effect that the flight or lifting does not violate its relevant regulations and general airspace safety rules. Approval

              Authorisation by the competent Civil Aviation Authority, when it comes to flying or lifting hang-gliders, hot air balloons or other technical equipment, to the effect that the flight or lifting does not violate its relevant regulations and general airspace safety rules.

              Notes: Where the activities concerned don’t include amusement devices falling under the scope of Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and where it’s required.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 8880

            • 33 A certificate issued by power and telecommunications network operators on the safety of installations. Certificate

              A certificate issued by power and telecommunications network operators on the safety of installations.

              Notes: Where the activities do not include any amusement devices falling under Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development and provided that a flight or lifting is to take place.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 9703

            • 34 A certificate of proper installation and operation for the entire facility, issued by a licensed engineer holding a university degree. Certificate

              A certificate of proper installation and operation for the entire facility, issued by a licensed engineer holding a university degree.

              Notes: Where the activities do not include any amusement devices falling under Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 9703

            • 35 Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364). Electronic Fee

              Proof of payment of the fee referred to in Article 9 of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Relevant link:

              Notes: Where the activities do not include any amusement devices falling under Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development. To submit an initial notification of operation for amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities, a fee of EUR 50.00 must be paid in advance, in accordance with Articles 11 and 115 of Law 4442/2016. Where a fee is paid for the notification of operation, the activity operator should pay the fee before submitting the notification, as it has to fill in the relevant field in the notification form and keep the proof of payment along with the other supporting documents at the place of the activity. There is no need to pay a fee for a change of activity operator, for notifying the closure of operation, and for notifying changes in details other than the place of the activity.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical

              No 3385

            • Law 3 4796 2021 63 Α

              Description Framework for carrying out amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities – Additional Chapter XIX to Law 4442/2016.

              Legal references pdf=20210100063

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 65006 2022 3364 Β

              Description Laying down the procedure, content, supporting documents, fees and penalties for granting an establishment authorisation and an operating authorisation, as well as for notifying the operation of amusement park, circus and ice rink recreational activities, and inclusion in the Citizen Service Centres (KEPs) operating as Single Service Centres (EKEs).

              Legal references pdf=20220203364

              ΑΔΑ 64ΖΕ46ΜΤΛΡ-6ΝΤ

            • Ministerial Decision 50116 2020 2065 Β

              Description Regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures.

              Legal references pdf=20200202065

            • Ministerial Decision 76142 2021 3243 Β

              Description Amending Decision No 50116/20.05.2020 of the Deputy Minister for Development laying down the regulation on safety and control of amusement equipment and structures’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2065).

              Legal references pdf=20210203243

            • 1 Receipt of application and supporting documents for granting an establishment authorisation.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Receipt of the application submitted by the party concerned, along with the required supporting documents, by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) for granting an establishment authorisation.

              Notes The application for an establishment authorisation should only be submitted via the Integrated Information System for Carrying Out Activities and Audits (OPS-ADE) referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an operation authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE), whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

              No No

            • 2 Submission of a query by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPTE) to the competent Forestry Agency and the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Submission of a query by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) to the competent Forestry Agency and to the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture and Sports requesting the agency to issue an opinion on whether or not the establishment of the activity is permitted under the relevant legislation, or whether a special permit or authorisation is required.

              Notes Queries should be submitted if the applicant has not submitted the act of the competent agency of the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the intervention authorisation decision of the Forestry Agency personally.

              No No

            • 3 Review of the application and supporting documents for an establishment authorisation.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Review of the application and supporting documents by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE).

              No No

            • 4 Issuance and granting of the establishment authorisation.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Public Agency

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description Issuance and granting of the establishment authorisation by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) or issuance of a reasoned decision rejecting the request submitted by the person concerned, within 15 days from the date the supporting documents were properly submitted.

              Notes If the licensing authority finds it appropriate, it may, before issuing the authorisation and in any case within the same 15 day deadline, carry out a site inspection to verify the actual circumstances on site, with emphasis on adjacent facilities. If no action has been taken within the above deadline, the establishment authorisation will be presumed to have been granted, provided that operation of the activity at that particular location is not prohibited. The activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the above deadline.

              No No

            • 5 Communication by the licensing authority of the authorisation and any amendments thereto to local competent agencies.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Τhe licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay, communicate the authorisation and any amendments thereto to local competent agencies, in particular the Building Agency, the Forestry Agency, the competent agencies of the Ministry of Culture and Sports, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the establishment of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

              No No

            • 6 Receipt of the application, along with the required supporting documents, by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) for granting an establishment authorisation.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Receipt of the application, along with the required supporting documents, by the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) for granting an establishment authorisation. (supporting documents referred to in points (a) to (k) of Article 5(3) of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Notes The activity operator should submit an application along with the required supporting documents to the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE), providing therein its correct details, the exact location where it wishes to establish its activity and a description of its activity, also indicating the activity code number (NACE category or activity code number – KAD). The application for an operating authorisation should only be submitted via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an operating authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the notification should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

              No No

            • 7 Site inspection and issuance of an operating authorisation by the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Site inspection by the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) within 30 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted in accordance with Article 112(2) of Law 4442/2016 and issuance of the operating authorisation or rejection of the request, providing the specific reasons for the rejection decision. Where the activities are to be carried out on land in a tourist port, the site inspection referred to in the previous sentence should be carried out on behalf of the licensing authority by the local competent Regional Tourist Service.

              Notes More specifically, as regards activities that are carried out temporarily for no more than 60 days in a public area which has been ceded for that purpose by the competent agency or in a municipal or private area, the above deadline is 10 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted. If no action has been taken within the above deadlines, the operating authorisation shall be presumed to have been granted, provided that the activity complies with the provisions of Chapter XIX of Law 4442/2016 and the provisions hereof, and the activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the deadline for granting the operating authorisation.

              No No

            • 8 Communication by the licensing authority of the operating authorisation and any amendments thereto to competent agencies.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Communication, without undue delay, by the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) of the operating authorisation and any amendments thereto to competent agencies: the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

              No No

            • 9 Receipt of the notification (electronically, via OPS-ADE or notifybusiness)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Receipt of the notification submitted by the party concerned, in accordance with Annex I to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Notes The notification should only be submitted to the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP). Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the notification of the recreational activities hereof, the notification should be submitted via the electronic notifybusiness system (, if technically possible. Where the notification is submitted electronically via the OPS-ADE or the electronic notifybusiness system (, a unique number and a time stamp will be generated by the system and assigned to the notification. The file bearing a unique number will serve as proof of submission of the notification, so no registration is required. No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of the activity.

              No No

            • 10 Receipt of the notification (electronically outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Where it is not technically possible to submit the notification via the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system ( it should be submitted in electronic format to the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). The notification should be submitted by the party concerned, in accordance with Annex I to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Notes No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of the activity.

              No No

            • 11 Receipt of the notification (in hardcopy format outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where it is not technically possible to submit the notification via the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system ( it should be submitted in electronic format to the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). The notification should be submitted by the party concerned, in accordance with Annex I to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364).

              Notes No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of the activity.

              No No

            • 12 Issuance of proof of submission of the notification (outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Public Agency

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where the notification is submitted in hardcopy or electronic format (outside the OPS-ADE or the notifybusiness system) ( (a) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) or the KEP-EKE should, under all circumstances, receive the notification and issue a document of proof of submission, to which the submitted notification should be attached; (b) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should assign a unique serial number to the notification, which will remain the same even if the notification is modified, simply by adding an additional serial number for each change; and (c) the competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay and using any means available, notify the activity operator of the serial number assigned to its notification.

              Notes No supporting documents are required when the notification is submitted. The activity operator must keep the supporting documents and the proof of submission of the notification at the place of the activity.

              No No

            • 13 Communication of a notification (notification submitted in hardcopy format)

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Public Agency

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay, communicate the notification and any amendments thereto to competent agencies: the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

              No No

            • 14 Communication of a notification (notification submitted in electronic format)

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The competent authority (municipality or EYPATE) should, without undue delay, communicate the notification and any amendments thereto to competent agencies: the Building Agency, the Fire Brigade, the Environmental Agency, the Civil Aviation Authority, as well as any other agencies which, in the opinion of the licensing authority, need to be informed of the operation of the activity, in order to exercise their audit duties.

              Notes Where the notification is submitted via an electronic system, it should be communicated electronically via the system or by email, without any need to issue a cover letter for that purpose.

              No No

            • 1 Receipt of the application and supporting documents for an establishment authorisation

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description The application for an establishment authorisation should only be submitted via the Integrated Information System for Carrying Out Activities and Audits (OPS-ADE) referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP).

              Notes Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an establishment authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the application should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

              No No

            • 2 Issuance of an establishment authorisation

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description The licensing authority (municipality of EYPATE) should, within 15 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted, issue the establishment authorisation or reject the request, providing the specific reasons for its rejection decision.

              Notes If the licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) finds it appropriate it may, before issuing the authorisation and in any case within the same 15-day deadline, carry out a site inspection to verify the actual circumstances on site, with emphasis on adjacent facilities. If no action has been taken within the above deadline, the establishment authorisation will be presumed to have been granted, provided that operation of the activity at that particular location is not prohibited. The activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the above deadline.

              No No

            • 3 Receipt of the application and supporting documents for an operating authorisation

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description The activity operator should submit an application to the licensing authority, providing therein its correct details, the exact location where it wishes to establish its activity and a description of its activity, also indicating the activity code number (NACE category or activity code number-KAD). The application for an operating authorisation should only be submitted via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP).

              Notes Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to an operation authorisation for amusement park, circus and ice rink activities, the application should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent licensing authority (municipality or EYPATE) – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63). Where the procedure is carried out at a KEP operating as an EKE, the form referred to in Annex II to Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364) should be submitted.

              No No

            • 4 Issuance of the operating authorisation

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description The licensing authority (municipality of EYPATE) should, within 30 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted, carry out a site inspection pursuant to Article 112(2) of Law 4442/2016 and issue the operating authorisation or reject the request, providing the specific reasons for its rejection decision. Where the activities are to be carried out on land in a tourist port, the site inspection referred to in the previous sentence should be carried out on behalf of the licensing authority by the local competent Regional Tourist Service.

              Notes More specifically, as regards activities that are carried out temporarily for no more than 60 days in a public area which has been ceded for that purpose by the competent agency or in a municipal or private area, the above deadline is 10 days from the date the application and supporting documents were properly submitted. If no action has been taken within the above deadlines, the operating authorisation shall be presumed to have been granted, provided that the activity complies with the provisions of Chapter XIX of Law 4442/2016 and the provisions of Joint Ministerial Decision No 65006/27.06.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3364), and the activity operator may request from the licensing authority a certificate to the effect that no action was taken within the deadline for granting the operating authorisation.

              No No

            • 5 Receipt of the notification

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description The notification should only be submitted to the competent authority referred to in Article 2 via the OPS-ADE referred to in Article 14 of Law 4442/2016, which is accessible via the Single Digital Portal for Public Administration ( – EPSP).

              Notes Up until the OPS-ADE is launched and with regard to the part relating to the notification of the recreational activities hereof, the notification should be submitted via the electronic notifybusiness system (, if technically possible. Otherwise, it should be submitted in hardcopy or electronic format to the competent authority referred to in Article 2 – whereas the authenticity of the signature affixed should be verified if the notification is not submitted by the activity operator personally – or at any Citizen Service Centre (KEP) operating as a Single Service Centre (EKE), in accordance with Article 7 of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 63).

              No No

            • 6 Communication of the notification of operation

              Responsible for Implementation Third entity software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Where the notification is submitted via an electronic system, it should be communicated electronically via the system or by email, without any need to issue a cover letter for that purpose.

              No No

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