Announcement of the commencement of Locksmith Profession (Legal Person)

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

c4dcdb98-a802-4f8a-8cf7-b1b50eacb736 157624 Αναγγελία Ασκήσεως Επαγγέλματος Κατασκευαστών Κλειδιών – Επισκευαστών Κλειδαριών (νομικό πρόσωπο)

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Country Security Sub-Directorates, Police Stations, Country Security Departments, DIRECTORATE OF PUBLIC SAFETY

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents

4 to 6 + (


Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

3 months


The procedure concerns the announcement of the exercise of the profession of Key Manufacturers - Locksmiths, exclusively for legal entities. These legal entities announce the exercise of their profession at the Police Department of their headquarters. They can also send their application electronically and be informed about its progress by e-mail.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity


Provided to

Related links

Validity duration

5 years


The exercise of the profession is valid in the entire area of responsibility of the Greek Police, for a period of five (5) years starting three (3) months from the submission of the announcement of the exercise of the profession of the interested legal entity to the relevant Police Authority, subject to provisions of article 5 of sub-no.9A of the Police Order. - In order to continue the exercise of the professional or business activity, three (3) months before the expiration, a new announcement is required to the competent Police Authority.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities


The legal representative of the company announces the exercise of his profession to the Police Authority of his place of exercise. The announcement of a profession includes its full identity, the details of the company, the type of profession and the operating addresses of the headquarters and any branches.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Hierarchical appeal/recourse

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        Tacit approval

        The exercise of the profession is practiced freely starting three (3) months from the submission of the announcement of the exercise of the profession of the interested party to the relevant Police Authority.

        In those cases in which the legal conditions are not met, a decision is issued by the competent police authority to prohibit the exercise of the activity in question. Against the above decision, the interested party can file an appeal before the Director of the relevant Police Directorate or the Security Directorate, in the case of the Prefectures of Attica and Thessaloniki, within a disruptive deadline of ten (10) days from the service of the decision to ban the activity.

        The competent Police Authority to which the appeal is submitted must notify the interested party of its decision on this appeal within five (5) days at the latest. The appeal filed does not suspend the ban on the activity of the person concerned.


        • 43.29 Other construction installation
        • 96.09 Other personal service activities n.e.c.

        Output & Results


        Document Production


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Announcement of the Profession of Key Manufacturers - Locksmiths (legal entity) License to Practice the Profession of Lock Manufacturers / Locksmiths

            Official title

            Practice of the Profession of Key Manufacturers and Locksmiths and Related Issues

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Ways of provision




              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital), Application (handwritten), email



            • 1 Age To have completed the 18th year of his age. In the case of public limited companies, the conditions are required to be met in the person of each of the members of the Board of Directors and their representatives. In the case of limited liability companies and for general or limited liability companies, the above conditions must be met in the person of each of these partners and managers, as well as the members of the Board of Directors. Any change in the legal form of the company requires a new announcement.

              No No

            • 2 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses (b) Has not been convicted or referred to trial for the offenses of disobedience, insubordination, insults to the state, treason, insults against state power, against the free exercise of civil rights, against sexual freedom and economic exploitation sexual intercourse, criminal organization, counterfeiting, forgery, forgery, breach of the confidentiality of telephone and oral conversation, theft, robbery, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, infidelity, bribery or extortion, smuggling of weapons and explosives and the prevention and suppression of money laundering and terrorist financing, whether or not this conviction is recorded in the Criminal Record of the person concerned. The conditions of observation (b) do not apply, if five years have passed since the assessment or limitation of the sentence or the granting of pardon. In the case of public limited companies, the conditions are required to be met in the person of each of the members of the Board of Directors and their representatives. For limited liability companies and for general or limited liability companies, the above conditions must be met in the person of each of their partners and managers, as well as the members of the Board of Directors. Any change in the legal form of the company requires a new announcement.

              No No

            • 3 Urban planning The area where the store will operate must be covered and provide security. The store can not be housed in a house or apartment.

              No No

            • 4 Judicial He has never been deprived of his civil rights, even if the time allotted for their deprivation has expired and he is not under judicial protection. In the case of public limited companies, the conditions are required to be met in the person of each of the members of the Board of Directors and their representatives. For limited liability companies and for general or limited liability companies, the above conditions must be met in the person of each of their partners and managers, as well as the members of the Board of Directors. Any change in the legal form of the company requires a new announcement.

              No No

            • 5 Possession of passwords to enter software The applicant must be a holder of TAXISnet codes in order to submit the application electronically with the necessary supporting documents through the single portal

              No No

            • 1 Responsible statement of Law 1599/1986 from which it results that he has not been referred to trial for an offense of case (a) of paragraph 2 of article 1 (Police Order No. 9A, Official Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B) and that he has not been deprived of his political rights at any time. Solemn Declaration

              Responsible statement of Law 1599/1986 from which it results that he has not been referred to trial for an offense of case (a) of paragraph 2 of article 1 (Police Order No. 9A, Official Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B) and that he has not been deprived of his political rights at any time.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              No 7320

            • 2 Certificate of the relevant Public Financial Service (D.O.Y.) on the submission of a declaration of commencement of professional practice (article 13 Law 4045/1960 in combination with article 29 Law 1642/1986). Certificate

              Certificate of the relevant Public Financial Service (D.O.Y.) on the submission of a declaration of commencement of professional practice (article 13 Law 4045/1960 in combination with article 29 Law 1642/1986).

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9703

            • 3 Document proving the legal use of the space or spaces where the store will operate (title deed or legally valid lease agreement). Property titles

              Document proving the legal use of the space or spaces where the store will operate (title deed or legally valid lease agreement).

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2905

            • 4 Documentary data or certified photocopies thereof, from which the Registration number of the electronic - electric decoding and cutting machines as well as the serial number of the electronic means of making or repairing the keys can be obtained. Approval

              Documentary data or certified photocopies thereof, from which the Registration number of the electronic - electric decoding and cutting machines as well as the serial number of the electronic means of making or repairing the keys can be obtained.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8880

            • 5 In case the interested party intends to employ employees or assistants in his shop, he submits a responsible statement for each of them, from which it results that he has not been convicted or has not been prosecuted for the crimes of paragraph 2 of article 1 of sub-no. 9A of the Police Order.(Government Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B) Solemn Declaration

              In case the interested party intends to employ employees or assistants in his shop, he submits a responsible statement for each of them, from which it results that he has not been convicted or has not been prosecuted for the crimes of paragraph 2 of article 1 of sub-no. 9A of the Police Order.(Government Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B)

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              No 7320

            • 6 Copy of Criminal Record of Judicial Use. Criminal Record Copy for General Use

              Copy of Criminal Record of Judicial Use.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Ex officio (digital)

              Relevant Procedure: Copy of Criminal Record

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4750

            • 7 Certificate of Prosecution Authority that he has not been referred to trial for the crimes of paragraph 3 of article 1. (Police Order No. 9A, Official Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B) Certificate from a court

              Certificate of Prosecution Authority that he has not been referred to trial for the crimes of paragraph 3 of article 1. (Police Order No. 9A, Official Gazette 1948/2011, Issue B)

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Ex officio (manual)

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8289

            • 8 Certificate of the Court of First Instance of the place of residence that he is not under legal assistance (article 1066 of the Civil Code). Certificate from a court

              Certificate of the Court of First Instance of the place of residence that he is not under legal assistance (article 1066 of the Civil Code).

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Ex officio (manual)

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8289

            • 9 Copy of the approved and published articles of association of the company (Collective company, Limited Partnership Company, Limited Liability Company, Société Anonyme) certified and approved by the General Commercial Register. In particular, for Societes Anonymes and Limited Liability Companies, in addition to the articles of association, the Government Gazette is also submitted. Legal documents from legal entities

              Copy of the approved and published articles of association of the company (Collective company, Limited Partnership Company, Limited Liability Company, Société Anonyme) certified and approved by the General Commercial Register. In particular, for Societes Anonymes and Limited Liability Companies, in addition to the articles of association, the Government Gazette is also submitted.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9338

            • Police order 2011 1947 Β

              Description Practice of the profession of key makers and locksmiths and related topics.

              Legal references pdf=20110201947

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 1016/6/291−μγ΄ 2011 2636 Β

              Description Simplification and inclusion in the Citizen Service Centers (K.E.P.) that operate as Single Service Centers (E.K.E.) of procedures under the authority of the Hellenic Police in execution of the provisions of Law 3844/2010 (Government Gazette A΄ 63) .

            • 1 Start the process

              No No

            • 2 Submission of Application and Supporting Documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The interested party submits the application and the supporting documents to the Police Department of his place of residence or to the physical Citizens Service Center - Unified Service Center.

              Yes No

            • 3 Electronic Submission of Application and Supporting Documents

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The interested party enters the single portal or with the personal passwords to Taxisnet and submits the application and the supporting documents.

              Yes No

            • 4 Verification of Supporting Documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent official searches for the required documents of ex officio and checks in their entirety the completeness, the validity, if the supporting documents submitted by the legal representative are not complete, a reasonable deadline is set for their completion.

              Notes After the receipt and re-examination of the supporting documents, if it is found by the competent Service that these are not the provisions of this Police Order, the legal representative of the company is informed in writing with a proof of notification.

              No No

            • 5 Approval of request

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Description If the legal conditions for practicing the profession are met, the employee registers the required information on the Police online database. The interested party is informed immediately.

              Yes Yes

            • 6 Reject request.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Description In those cases where the legal conditions are not met, the competent police authority issues a decision prohibiting the exercise of this activity.

              Yes No

            • 7 Informing interested parties.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Description The competent official shall inform the person concerned of the rejection of the request.

              Notes The interested party can also be informed by e-mail.

              Yes Yes

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