From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
Pages in category "Announcements"
The following 128 pages are in this category, out of 128 total.
- Announcement οf the Commencement of the Exercise of Professional Activities by Graduates of the University or Technological Sector or the School of Engineering of AEN and by EU Citizens with Recognized Professional Qualifications
- Announcement by a Driving Instructor Coming from an EU Member-State of the Commencement of the Same Activity In Greece
- Announcement for the upgrade to a Class A Accountant / Tax Consultant
- Announcement of Commencement of Operation of a Floating Reception Facility for Petroleum Residues
- Announcement of Commencement of Operation of a Seaside Resort
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Dietitian – Nutritionist
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Driving Instructor / Renewal of Authorisation of Practicing the Profession of Driving Instructor
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician A'
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing Trade in Type A or B Fertiliser
- Announcement of Commencement of Professional Teaching in Tuition Centres, Foreign Language Centres and Home Tutoring
- Announcement of commencement of the activity of the Private Employment Placement Agency
- Announcement of Commencement of the Profession as a Marine Chemist
- Announcement of Commencement of the Profession of Workshop Technician for Cars, Motorcycles and Mopeds
- Announcement of Establishment and Operation of a Diving Crew
- Announcement of Exercise of Outdoor (Stationary or Itinerant) Trade on Ships
- Announcement of Installation of Floating Craft or Permanent Mooring of Ships and Establishment of Shops of Sanitary Interest on Them
- Announcement of operation of a Private Centre for the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (IKTEO), Following a Change Of Information Regarding its Installation
- Announcement of Operation of a Private Passenger Car Rental Business
- Announcement of Operation of a Ship Brokerage Office
- Announcement of Operation of Reception of Ship Oil Residues by a Tank Truck
- Announcement of Practice of Geotechnical Profession: a) Agronomist, b) Forester, c) Veterinarian, d) Geologist, and e) Ichthyologist
- Announcement of Practicing the Naval Agent Profession
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Medical Laboratory Technologist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Occupational Therapist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Optician
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Optician - Optometrist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Physiotherapist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Public Hygiene (Public Health Supervisor)
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Radiotherapy Technologist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Speech Therapist
- Announcement of Practicing the Profession of Sports Coach for Foreign University Graduates
- Announcement of Recognition of a Scuba Diver Certification Body
- Announcement of Rental of Motor Boats and Small Speedboats
- Announcement of the Commencement for Practicing the Profession of Dental Assistant
- Announcement of the Commencement for Practicing the Profession of Dental Technician
- Announcement of the Commencement for Practicing the Profession of Social Worker
- Announcement of the Commencement for the Profession of Beautician
- Announcement of the commencement of Locksmith Profession (Legal Person)
- Announcement of the commencement of Locksmith Profession (Natural Person)
- Announcement of the Commencement of Operation of an A-B-C Class Radio Electronic Workshop
- Announcement of the Commencement of Operation of Dental Laboratories
- Announcement of the Commencement of Operation of Optical Stores and Contact Lens Department
- Announcement of the Commencement of Professional Activities of a Technician as per Law 3982/2011 (143A), Plumber, Welder, Combustion Installation Technician, Arc Welder, Installation Technician, Refrigeration Technician
- Announcement of the commencement of sales of plant protection products (PPPs)
- Announcement of the commencement of the profession of silver-smiths, second-hand sellers, pawnbrokers and those involved in the sale or purchase of second-hand jewelry and fine artwork from gold and other valuables (natural person)
- Announcement of the commencement of the profession of silver-smiths, second-hand sellers, pawnbrokers and those involved in the sale or purchase of second-hand jewelry and fine artwork from gold and other valuables (Legal Person)
- Announcement of the Establishment and Operation of a Shop of Sanitary Interest on a Seagoing Ship
- Announcement of the Establishment of a Training School for Operators of Speed-boats or Sea Mopeds
- Announcement of the exercise of the profession of sports coach for graduates of SEFAA or TEFAA, IEK, GSS or UEFA coaching schools
- Announcement of the Operation of A Private Centre for the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (CTIV)
- Announcement of the Operation of a Private Vehicle Technical Inspection Centre (IKTEO) Following Transfer to a New Owner
- Announcement of the Operation of Receiving Oil Residues by Tankers and Floating Crafts
- Announcement of the Operation of Tourist Offices
- Announcement of the Profession of Hairdresser - Barber
- Announcement of the Profession of Hand and Foot Care Technician
- Announcement of the Profession of Tour Guide
- Announcement of the Start of Circulation of a Waste-Receiving Ship
- Announcement regarding the exercise of the profession of sports coach for graduates of foreign coaching schools or other recognised schools in Greece
- Authorisation for a Master Welder Licence of Class A (with examinations)
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Installation Foreman for graduates of the School of Engineering of AEN Licence
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Licence of Installation Engineer Chief Technician of 1st Specialty
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Licence of Installation Engineer Chief Technician of 2nd Specialty
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Licence of Installation Engineer Chief Technician of 3rd Specialty
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Licence of Installation Engineer Chief Technician of 4th Specialty
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Oxygen-Welder Chief Technician Licence of Class A
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Oxygen-Welder Chief Technician Licence of Class B
- Authorisation for Taking an Examination to Obtain the Plumber Chief Technician Licence
- Certificate for practising as an assistant nurse
- Certificate for the free provision of services by health professionals
- Certificate of Commencement of Operation of Truck stations for the Loading and Unloading of Goods (Car Freight Stations) without the Installation of Fuel Pumps
- Commercial scuba diver registration
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician A'
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Technician
- Cross-border Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Assistant Radio Technician
- Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian
- Cross-border Notification of the commencement of the Energy Inspector's activity
- Cross-Border Provision of Marine Recreational Craft Leasing Services
- Cross-border provision of services by tourism companies
- Cross-border Provision of Services for the Activity of Auctions of recent Mobile Monuments
- Cross-border provision of services for the activity of Trade of Μοdern Mobile Monuments
- Cross-border provision of services for the chartering of motorboats and small speed vessels
- Cross-border provision of services for the establishment and operation of a Health Regulated Facility on board seagoing vessels
- Cross-border provision of services for the profession/activity of commencement of operations of a bathing facility
- Declaration of commencement of energy audit activities
- Declaration of commencement of energy inspector activities
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Agronomist and Topographer Engineer
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Beautician
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dental Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dental Technician Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Dentist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Doctor
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Health Visitor
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Hospital Physicist - Medical Radiophysicist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Hospital Physicist - Non-ionizing Radiation
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Medical Laboratory Technologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Midwife / Obstetrician Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Nurse Assistant
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Occupational Dietitian – Nutritionist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Occupational Therapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Pharmacist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Pharmacy Assistant Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Public Health Supervisor Profession
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Radiotherapy Technologist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Rescuer - Ambulance Crew Member
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Special Technician for Prostheses and Rectifiers
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of Speech Therapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of the Physiotherapist
- Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of the Public Hygiene Profession (Public Health Supervisor)
- Electronic submission of APD
- Initial Declaration of Cross-Border Temporary Exercise of the Profession of Driver Instructor / Renewal of the Declaration of Cross-Border Temporary Exercise of the Profession of Driver Instructor
- Issuance of Certificate for the Free Provision of Service in Greece from EU - Member States Professionals, according to articles 5 - 9 of PD 38/2010
- Licence of a Dealer of Modern Movable Monuments and Shops Marketing Modern Movable Monuments
- Member Registration of the Economic Chamber of Greece Register
- Naming of a minor
- Notification of appointment of an occupational physician
- Notification of commencement of operation of an undertaking producing and/or marketing agricultural plant propagating material and changes thereto
- Notification of Exercise of Leasing Activity of Private Passenger Cars with Driver
- Notification of operation of a business for the rental of motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles over 50 c.c. without driver
- Notification of provision of recreational diving services
- Notification of Safety Technician in Undertakings and Branches
- Notification of the Beginning of Construction Works
- Notification of the commencement of the truck stations' operation (type A) for the loading and unloading of goods, in case of concession
- Notification of the operation of Tourism Road Transport Enterprises
- Notifying of the exercise of the dental technician assistant profession
- Operation of a ship as a water taxi
- Registration of a Μember in the Register of Accountants - Tax Experts of OEE / Announcement of Commencement of Professional Activity as a Class B Accountant / Tax Consultant