Operation of a ship as a water taxi

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

fe6aedf5-861b-4851-ba7e-59723168f280 461176 Δραστηριοποίηση πλοίου ως θαλάσσιο ταξί

At a glance

Points of service


Number of required documents



109.35 €

Deadline of completion

50 days


The procedure refers to the issuance of a certificate of compliance with legal requirements for the operation of a ship as a water taxi.

Basic information

Competent body


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity


Provided to

Related links


A ‘water taxi’ shall mean any professional ship of a total capacity of more than five (5) register tons and total length over six (6) metres, which is capable of achieving a speed of over twenty (20) knots, as certified by the competent directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard (ΚΕΠ) or by the Classification Society monitoring the ship, which is provided with a certificate of compliance with the legal requirements by the port authority, pursuant to the provisions herein, and transports up to a maximum of eight (8) passengers, while possessing a permanently sheltered area for them during winter and a shaded one during the summer.

Following the initial certificate, shipowners of water taxis are required to submit a self-certification within the first six months of each calendar year, where they state that none of the legal requirements for the issuance of the certificate (licence) have ceased to apply.

The submission of the self-certification for the operation of a ship as a water taxi takes place through the gov.gr portal.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Notification of water taxi operation.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        Tacit approval

        Within fifty (50) days from the notification, the port authority shall prohibit in writing the operation of the ship as a water taxi if the relevant legal requirements are not met or compliance with them is not evident from the information submitted. After expiry of the aforementioned deadline, it shall be presumed that the profession is freely exercised (Article 3 of Law 3919/2011, Government Gazette, Series I, No 32).

        Output & Results


        Document Production, Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Certificate of compliance with legal requirements for the operation of a ship as a water taxi, Operate a vessel as a water taxi

            Official title

            Certificate of compliance with legal requirements for the operation of a ship as a water taxi

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Registries updated

            Μητρώο Πλοιοκτητών θαλάσσιων ταξί



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital), Application (handwritten)




            • 1 Technical The ship must be equipped with valid certificates of seaworthiness required for its category.

              No No

            • 2 Technical The ship must have a total capacity of more than five (5) register tons and a total length of over six (6) metres.

              No No

            • 3 Technical The ship must be able to achieve a speed of over twenty (20) knots under favourable weather conditions.

              No No

            • 4 Technical The ship must transfer up to a maximum of eight (8) passengers, while possessing a permanently sheltered area for them during winter and a shaded one in the summer.

              No No

            • 5 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The interested party (shipowner) must not be prosecuted as a fugitive from justice.

              No No

            • 6 Bankruptcy law The interested party (shipowner) must not have been declared bankrupt, no petition for bankruptcy must have been filed, and they must not have been placed under privative or auxiliary legal guardianship.

              No No

            • 7 Tax The interested party (shipowner) must have registered the business for the specific activity with the competent tax office.

              No No

            • 8 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The interest party (shipowner) must not have been convicted of espionage, dissemination of false news, crimes related to forgery, bribery, coercion, embezzlement, deliberate cause of a shipwreck, rape, forced debauchery, seduction, procurement, exploitation of prostitutes, sex trade, theft, swindling, defalcation, robbery, extortion, fraud, smuggling, violation of the provisions of the Law on Drugs, violation of the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the National Currency, illegal fishing using explosives or chemical or plant materials, violation of the Compulsory Law 192/36 and in general must not have been sentenced to even partial disgorgement of civil rights, and must not have been convicted finally and irrevocably, unless 5 years have passed for arrestable offences or 10 years for punishable offences.

              No No

            • 9 Age The interested party (shipowner) must have reached the age of 18, for the calculation of which their date of birth is taken into account.

              No No

            • 10 Insurance The interested party (shipowner) must have insured the ship operating as a water taxi for i) civil liability for physical injuries or the death of passengers and third parties due to allision, collision, shipwreck or any other cause, ii) civil liability for material damages of passengers and third parties due to allision, collision, shipwreck or any other cause and iii) causing marine pollution. The sums of insurance coverage shall not be less than those provided for by the provisions of Law 4256/2014 (Series I, No 92), as currently in force. This requirement must be met if the ship does not fall within the scope of other relevant provisions on insurance coverage.

              No No

            • 1 Issuance of water taxi licence or its annual validation. 29.35 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 3146

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 2 For exercising professional activity. 30 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 4832

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 3 Contribution to the Special Branch for Economic Support of Maritime Pension Fund Beneficiaries (ΕΚΟΕΜΝ). 50 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Checkout of a competent authority, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Impost

              Fee Link https://adeies.hcg.gr/ekoemn/


            • 1 Photocopy of identification document. Identification document

              Photocopy of identification document.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: 1. Photocopy of identity card or other identification document, such as passport, driving licence or personal booklet of main insurance carrier (pursuant to the provisions of Article 3(4) of Law 2690/1999, as currently in force). 2. If the notification is made by a legal person, the requirements and qualifications applicable to natural persons must also be met by the legal person’s legal representative who undertakes and signs all the required actions and procedures.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2244

            • 2 Solemn Declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986. Solemn Declaration

              Solemn Declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986.

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/en/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Notes: A. Solemn declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986 (Series I, No 75), stating the following: (1) I am not prosecuted as a fugitive from justice. (2) I have not been declared bankrupt, I have not filed a petition for bankruptcy, and I have not been placed under privative or auxiliary legal guardianship. (3) I hold the registration of a business for the specific activity with no…………………………., which has been granted to me by the tax office of ………………………….. (4) I have not have been convicted of espionage, dissemination of false news, crimes related to forgery, bribery, coercion, embezzlement, deliberate cause of a shipwreck, rape, forced debauchery, seduction, procurement, exploitation of prostitutes, sex trade, theft, swindling, defalcation, robbery, extortion, fraud, smuggling, violation of the provisions of the Law on Drugs, violation of the provisions of the Law on the Protection of the National Currency, illegal fishing using explosives or chemical or plant materials, violation of the Compulsory Law 192/36 and in general must not have been sentenced to even partial disgorgement of civil rights, and I have not been convicted finally and irrevocably, unless 5 years have passed for arrestable offences or 10 years for punishable offences. B. If the notification is made by a legal person, the requirements and qualifications applicable to natural persons must also be met by the legal person’s legal representative who undertakes and signs all the required actions and procedures.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 3 Photocopy of the nationality document or the certificate of ownership of the ship. Official document

              Photocopy of the nationality document or the certificate of ownership of the ship.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: Photocopy of the nationality document or the certificate of ownership of the ship to be operated as a water taxi. If the notification is made by a legal person, the requirements and qualifications applicable to natural persons must also be met by the legal person’s legal representative who undertakes and signs all the required actions and procedures.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 6440

            • 4 Clear photocopies of the seaworthiness certificates required (for its class) for the ship to be operated as a water taxi. Certification

              Clear photocopies of the seaworthiness certificates required (for its class) for the ship to be operated as a water taxi.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: A. Clear photocopies of the seaworthiness certificates required (for its class) for the ship to be operated as a water taxi. B. If the notification is made by a legal person, the requirements and qualifications applicable to natural persons must also be met by the legal person’s legal representative who undertakes and signs all the required actions and procedures.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8619

            • 5 Certificate from the competent directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard (ΚΕΠ) or the Classification Society monitoring the ship. Certificate

              Certificate from the competent directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard (ΚΕΠ) or the Classification Society monitoring the ship.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: A. Certificate from the competent directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard (ΚΕΠ) or the Classification Society monitoring the ship confirming that the ship is able to achieve a speed of more than twenty (20) knots under favourable weather conditions. B. If the notification is made by a legal person, the requirements and qualifications applicable to natural persons must also be met by the legal person’s legal representative who undertakes and signs all the required actions and procedures.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9703

            • 6 Contract of insurance. Proof of Insurance

              Contract of insurance.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: A clear photocopy of the contract of insurance of the ship to be operated as a water taxi.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7210

            • 7 A clear photocopy of the company’s memorandum and articles of association. Legal documents from legal entities

              A clear photocopy of the company’s memorandum and articles of association.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: A clear photocopy of the company’s memorandum and articles of association, including any amendments thereto, which provide for the performance of such work.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9338

            • 8 Certificate or attestation mentioning the legal person’s legal representative. Legal documents from legal entities

              Certificate or attestation mentioning the legal person’s legal representative.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: Recent (within the last 6 months) certificate or attestation from the competent department, as applicable, mentioning the legal person’s legal representative.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9338

            • 9 Solemn Declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986 of the legal person’s legal representative. Solemn Declaration

              Solemn Declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986 of the legal person’s legal representative.

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/en/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

              Notes: Solemn Declaration under Article 8 of Law 1559/1986 of the legal person’s legal representative, with the authenticity of the signature validated by a competent authority, stating that: ‘(Name of legal person) possesses the registration of a business for the specific activity no …………………………. , which has been granted by the tax office of ……………. , and is not bankrupt, is not the subject of composition, conciliation procedure, compulsory administration, liquidation or any other similar condition, and that no petition has been filed to be placed in one of the above conditions.’

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • Ministerial Decision 3131.2/22/97 1997 795 Β

              Description Approval of the General Regulation for Ports No 16 ‘on water taxis’.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19970200795

            • Ministerial Decision 2133.1/1896/2018 2018 164 Β

              Description Approval of amendment to General Regulation for Ports No 16 ‘on water taxis’.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20180200164

            • Ministerial Decision 2133.1/49509/2020 2020 3518 Β

              Description Approval of amendment to General Regulation for Ports No 16 ‘on water taxis’.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200203518

            • 1 Receipt of the shipowner’s notification by the port authority.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description For exercising the profession of operating a ship as a sea taxi, the shipowner is required to submit a notification to the port authority (Central Port Authorities).

              No No

            • 2 Certificate of submission of request.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The port authority to which the notification is submitted issues the interested party with a certificate of submission of a request.

              No No

            • 3 Inspection of compliance with legal requirements by the port authority.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description Within fifty (50) days from the notification, the port authority shall prohibit in writing the operation of the ship as a water taxi, if the relevant legal requirements are not met or compliance with them is not evident from the information submitted. During the above period, the party interested to exercise this specific profession is required to wait and postpone commencement of operations so that the port authority has the opportunity to carry out an inspection and, where appropriate, to prohibit the specific profession from being exercised if the legal requirements to this end are not met or it is not evident that they are met. After expiry of the aforementioned deadline, it shall be presumed that the profession is freely exercised (Article 3 of Law 3919/2011, Government Gazette, Series I, No 32). The port authority shall also prohibit the specific profession from being exercised after expiry of the deadline of fifty (50) days set, if it is established that the legal conditions for the profession to be exercised are not met.

              No No

            • 4 Issuance of certificate of compliance with the legal requirements for the operation of the ship as a water taxi.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description If it is established following inspection of the supporting documents that the requirements set out are met, the person that submitted the notification is issued a certificate of compliance with the legal requirements for the operation of the ship as a water taxi by the port authority.

              Yes Yes

            • 5 Establishment of non-compliance with the legal requirements for the operation of the ship as a water taxi.

              Description Following inspection, if the legal requirements for exercising the profession are not met or if it is not evident that they are met, the interested party shall be informed within fifty (50) days from submission of the notification and it shall be prohibited to operate the ship as a water taxi.

              Yes Yes

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