From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
Revision as of 12:43, 5 November 2021 by Σωτήρης Κυλάφης (Σωτήρης Κυλάφης (ΕΔΥΤΕ)) (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:Citizens")
Pages in category "Workers"
The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.
- Announcement of the commencement of occupation of workshop technician for car, motorcycle and motorbike (cross-border service provision)
- Certificate of registration for citizens of the Union residing in Greece as employees or non-employees
- Certificate of Suitability for Administrative and Other Staff of a Casino Business
- Cross-border Announcement of Commencement of Practicing the Profession of Radio Electrician B'
- Extension of Master Oxyacetylene Welder class II licence to Master Arc Welder class II licence
- Notification about operating parking areas for heavy-duty vehicles
- Powderman and Blaster's licence of Class 1
- Registration certificate (e-EFKA)
- Sickness Benefit (e-EFKA)
- Submission of a Complaint on Safety and Health Issues at Work