Category:Commercial enterprises
From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
Pages in category "Commercial enterprises"
- Announcement of Commencement of Practicing Trade in Type A or B Fertiliser
- Licence of a Dealer of Modern Movable Monuments and Shops Marketing Modern Movable Monuments
- Licence to trade in air rifles and other objects prescribed by art. 6, par. 3 (subparagraphs εδ, δ, η, θ and ια) of Law 2168/93
- Licence to trade in explosives
- Licence to trade in revolvers, semi-automatic pistols, shotguns, hunt-ing weapons, weapons for the destruction of adhesive material, sniper rifles, spare parts, cartridges, hunting powder, and firearms of A and long firearms of B and their parts as sample
- License to trade in weapons and other items classified as collectible, historical or family heirlooms