Suitability Licence for Manufacturers

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

36c62aa2-73b8-41b7-a57c-7ff86d61b60d 366227 Άδεια Καταλληλότητας Κατασκευαστή

At a glance

Points of service

Available only digitally

Digital provision points

Number of required documents

9 to 16


From 750 to 30,000 €

Estimated Time

5 days


The procedure concerns the Suitability Licence for Manufacturers granted to persons who manufacture/accommodate Technical Instruments and Materials and/or Special Areas, to Holders of Gambling Licence. Technical Instruments and Materials and Special Areas are used by Licence Holders for the Processing of the Games.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure


Provided to

Related links

Validity duration

7 years

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:

Legal entities


Application for a Suitability Licence for Manufacturers

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Digital signature, Identification document





        See also

        Means of redress or appeal:

        Hierarchical appeal/recourse

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:


        Output & Results




          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Suitability Licence for Manufacturers of Technical Equipment and Materials for Games and/or Special Areas

            Official title

            Suitability Licence for Manufacturers

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Registries updated

            Μητρώο Κατασκευαστών



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)



              End of Process




            • 1 Administrative In the case of a person applying for a Category A.1 Suitability Licence for Manufacturers, he/she shall hold a relevant licence from a competent EU or EEA Regulatory Authority, and ISO/IEC 27001 certification, or has demonstrable evidence of having started the necessary procedures to obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification.

              No No

            • 2 Administrative The Manufacturer Applicant or, in the case of a legal person, persons that exercise the administration, management and/or legally represent the Manufacturer Applicant, must have not been convicted by final judgment of a felony or any penalty for theft, embezzlement, fraud, dishonesty, receiving and disposing of the proceeds of crime, extortion, forgery, active or passive bribery, dangerous or grievous bodily harm, concealment of a crime, currency crime, common dangerous crime, crime against personal freedom, crime against sexual freedom, crime against sexual freedom, crime of economic exploitation of sexual life, crime provided for in the legislation on drugs, weapons, explosives and tax evasion, crimes in the wider financial sector, as well as for a crime provided for in the legislation on gambling, whether in Greece or abroad.

              No No

            • 3 Administrative It shall not be in a status of bankruptcy, winding-up, special administration, composition or other similar situation, as well as in a declaration of bankruptcy process or for the adoption of a decision to make a compulsory winding-up, or special administration or a composition or another similar procedure.

              No No

            • 4 Administrative Νο licence or approval or certification of a manufacturer of gaming equipment and materials must have been revoked by another regulatory authority or governmental body or agency.

              No No

            • 1 In order to grant a Category A.1 Suitability Licence for Manufacturers and to register in the relevant Register an administrative fee shall be paid up at the rate of five thousand (5,000) euros by submitting the application. 5000 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 2 For the purposes of granting a Category A.2 Suitability Licence for Manufacturers and registering in the relevant Register, a an administrative fee of EUR 1,000 shall be paid with the submission of the application. 1000 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 1

            • 3 For the authorisation of a Category B Suitability Licence for Manufacturers and the registration to the relevant Register, an administrative fee of EUR 1,000 shall be paid with the submission of the application. 1000 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 1

            • 4 In order to grant a Category C Suitability Licence for Manufacturers and to register in the relevant Register, an administrative fee shall be paid up at the rate of EUR five hundred (500) by submitting the application. 500 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 1

            • 5 In order to grant a Category D Suitability Licence for Manufacturers and to register in the relevant Register, an administrative fee shall be paid up at the rate of EUR two hundred (fifty 250) by submitting the application. 250 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 1

            • 6 In order to grant a Category A.1 Suitability Licence for Manufacturers, an annual fee of twenty-five thousand (25,000) euros shall be paid for maintaining the entry in the Register. 25000 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Annual fee

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 7 In order to grant a Category A.2 Suitability Licence for Manufacturers, an annual fee of five thousand (5,000) euros shall be paid for keeping the registration in the Register. 5000 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Annual fee

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 6

            • 8 In order to grant a Category B Suitability for Manufacturers, an annual fee of five thousand (5,000) euros shall be paid for the maintenance in the Register. 5000 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Annual fee

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 6

            • 9 In order to grant a Category C Suitability for Manufacturers, an annual fee of one thousand (1,000) EUR shall be paid for keeping the registration in the Register. 1000 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Annual fee

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 6

            • 10 In order to grant a Category D Suitability Licence for Manufacturers, an annual fee of five hundred (500) EUR shall be paid for maintaining the registration in the Register. 500 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card)

              Type of Cost Annual fee

              Fee Link pdf=20220202166


            • 6

            • 1 Certificate of commencement of a profession/commercial activity (if applicable). Certificate

              Certificate of commencement of a profession/commercial activity (if applicable).

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance on "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Professional

              No 9703

            • 2 Proof of appointment of a legal representative, if the applicant is established abroad. Proof

              Proof of appointment of a legal representative, if the applicant is established abroad.

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:265882

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B 3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Establishment

              No 3798

            • 3 Certificates of registration in Registers of professionals/companies in the country of establishment. Certification

              Certificates of registration in Registers of professionals/companies in the country of establishment.

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8619

            • 4 Licences/approvals/certificates to exercise the profession/activity of a manufacturer of gambling Technical Means and Materials (if any). Standard

              Licences/approvals/certificates to exercise the profession/activity of a manufacturer of gambling Technical Means and Materials (if any).

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Professional

              No 2354

            • 5 The procedure concerns the issuance of a Copy of the Criminal Record, which is issued: a) in criminal proceedings and b) for the issuance of an Administrative Act of a Public Authority, where required by law as a supporting document. The validity of the copy is normally 3 months. Public Administration bodies are also able to issue electronic copies, in cases where the copy of the Criminal Record is by law a necessary supporting document for the completion of an administrative act within their competence. If and for whatever reason it is not possible to issue the certificate electronically, the person concerned makes a digital appointment on myKEPlive to be served by an employee of the Citizen Service Centres (KEP) via videoconference. Criminal Record Copy for General Use

              The procedure concerns the issuance of a Copy of the Criminal Record, which is issued: a) in criminal proceedings and b) for the issuance of an Administrative Act of a Public Authority, where required by law as a supporting document. The validity of the copy is normally 3 months. Public Administration bodies are also able to issue electronic copies, in cases where the copy of the Criminal Record is by law a necessary supporting document for the completion of an administrative act within their competence. If and for whatever reason it is not possible to issue the certificate electronically, the person concerned makes a digital appointment on myKEPlive to be served by an employee of the Citizen Service Centres (KEP) via videoconference.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:977354

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (fek B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4750

            • 6 Licence for the provision of Technical Means and Materials and/or Special Spaces to gaming providers issued by a competent Member State of the EU or the EEA (in the case of a Category A.1 Manufacturer applicant). Permit

              Licence for the provision of Technical Means and Materials and/or Special Spaces to gaming providers issued by a competent Member State of the EU or the EEA (in the case of a Category A.1 Manufacturer applicant).

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 4627

            • 7 A contract or cooperation agreement with a Licensee for the provision to the Licensee of the IMI and/or Special Spaces and/or support for the management and operation, if any, or a solemn declaration that no such pre-contract or contract exists. Where the contractual relationship between a Licensee and a Developer applying for a Suitability Licence exists after the granting of a Suitability Licence to the Developer, evidence of the conclusion of the relevant contract shall be communicated to the Hellenic Gaming Commission within 15 days of the conclusion of the relevant contract (In the case of a Category A.1 manufacturer applicant). Contract

              A contract or cooperation agreement with a Licensee for the provision to the Licensee of the IMI and/or Special Spaces and/or support for the management and operation, if any, or a solemn declaration that no such pre-contract or contract exists. Where the contractual relationship between a Licensee and a Developer applying for a Suitability Licence exists after the granting of a Suitability Licence to the Developer, evidence of the conclusion of the relevant contract shall be communicated to the Hellenic Gaming Commission within 15 days of the conclusion of the relevant contract (In the case of a Category A.1 manufacturer applicant).

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 9164

            • 8 The procedure concerns the issue of an electronic solemn declaration by the person concerned, without a visit to a store of administrative authority or KEP. You can enter the e-mail address in the following two ways: (a) by your personal web banking codes in one of the available banks; or (b) by your personal access codes at the TAXISnet (after entering once with the web banking codes, to confirm your mobile phone number); then you will receive confirmation codes with SMSs on your mobile. The electronic responsible statement you will issue is legally equivalent to a responsible declaration bearing the authentic signature and you can either send it electronically, or print it and deposit it on a public service. At the same time, you will have the right to sign the form of the declaration of responsibility under Law 1599/86 (Article 8) and submit it to a responsible service as a reasoned submission. Solemn Declaration

              The procedure concerns the issue of an electronic solemn declaration by the person concerned, without a visit to a store of administrative authority or KEP. You can enter the e-mail address in the following two ways: (a) by your personal web banking codes in one of the available banks; or (b) by your personal access codes at the TAXISnet (after entering once with the web banking codes, to confirm your mobile phone number); then you will receive confirmation codes with SMSs on your mobile. The electronic responsible statement you will issue is legally equivalent to a responsible declaration bearing the authentic signature and you can either send it electronically, or print it and deposit it on a public service. At the same time, you will have the right to sign the form of the declaration of responsibility under Law 1599/86 (Article 8) and submit it to a responsible service as a reasoned submission.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:265882

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 9 A certificate from the relevant competent authority certifying that the applicant is not in a situation of bankruptcy, winding up, forced management, composition or other similar situation, as well as in a procedure for the declaration of bankruptcy or for the adoption of a decision of forced liquidation or forced management or composition or another similar procedure. Certification

              A certificate from the relevant competent authority certifying that the applicant is not in a situation of bankruptcy, winding up, forced management, composition or other similar situation, as well as in a procedure for the declaration of bankruptcy or for the adoption of a decision of forced liquidation or forced management or composition or another similar procedure.

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8619

            • 10 A list containing indicative categories, types and/or types of TMGs and/or Special Areas which the applicant manufactures/uses or intends to manufacture/stood to Licence Holders. Table / Statement / Catalogue

              A list containing indicative categories, types and/or types of TMGs and/or Special Areas which the applicant manufactures/uses or intends to manufacture/stood to Licence Holders.

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (VATB 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B'3262 Error Correction B'4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8689

            • 11 ISO/IEC 27001 certificate or a written attestation from the Contractor to undertake the development and application of the ISO/IEC 27001 information safety management system, which ensures that the Applicant Manufacturer has launched the necessary procedures to obtain the ISO/IEC 27001 certification. (In case of AK Manufacturer of Class A.1) Certification

              ISO/IEC 27001 certificate or a written attestation from the Contractor to undertake the development and application of the ISO/IEC 27001 information safety management system, which ensures that the Applicant Manufacturer has launched the necessary procedures to obtain the ISO/IEC 27001 certification. (In case of AK Manufacturer of Class A.1)

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Administrative

              No 3603

            • 12 Establishment and legality documents of the applicant Document

              Establishment and legality documents of the applicant

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4084

            • 13 A decision to form a Board of Directors in a body Rule

              A decision to form a Board of Directors in a body

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 1127

            • 14 Practical IGC or legal document representing the legal person Document

              Practical IGC or legal document representing the legal person

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4084

            • 15 Authorization to sign and submit the application if it is not signed by the legal representative Document

              Authorization to sign and submit the application if it is not signed by the legal representative

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4084

            • 16 Equity of the applicant with a detailed breakdown of the percentages of each shareholder, partner or shareholder with the determination of the actual beneficiary (Beeficia Owner), for percentages of more than 10% on the shares or shares. (In case of AK Manufacturer of Category A.1) Document

              Equity of the applicant with a detailed breakdown of the percentages of each shareholder, partner or shareholder with the determination of the actual beneficiary (Beeficia Owner), for percentages of more than 10% on the shares or shares. (In case of AK Manufacturer of Category A.1)

              Relevant link: pdf=20220202166

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Notes: See in detail Article 9 of Law No 6580/27.4.2022 (FEK B 2166) of a Ministerial Decision on "Modification and Codification of No 79305/27.7.20 Decision of the Minister of Finance "Financial Affairs of the Persons Regulation" (B3262 Error Correction B4441)".

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Ownership

              No 4084

            • Law 4002 2011 180 Α

              Description Regulation of the gambling market and other provisions.

              Legal references pdf=20110100180

            • Ministerial Decision 9 56580 ΕΞ 2022 2022 2166 Β

              Description Amendment and codification of the decision of the Minister of Finance No. 79305/27.7.2020 on the "Adoption of the Gaming Regulation on the suitability of persons" (B 3262 Error correction B4441).

              Legal references pdf=20220202166

            • 1 Receipt - filing - application for authorisation.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The request shall be digitally registered under the Central Protocol of the Hellenic Gaming Commission, charged to the competent service unit and then to a competent official for evaluation.

              No No

            • 2 Infringement check

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description Checking for the payment of the administrative fee for the authorisation and registration in the relevant Register paid upon application.

              Yes No

            • 3 Rejection of a fee or code payment

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Payment rejection of of fee and/or other information relating to the payment code. Return of application to the applicant for data correction.

              Yes Yes

            • 4 Confirmation of payment and forwarding for evaluation

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Yes No

            • 5 Assessment of application and verification of supporting documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description Inspection of the correct completion of the form for the submission of the application and the attached supporting documents shall be made; in the case of deficiencies, a requirement shall be made for the submission of additional information.

              No No

            • 6 Positive evaluation recommendation

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Yes No

            • 7 Negative evaluation recommendation

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Yes No

            • 8 Rejection decision - Information of interested parties

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Yes Yes

            • 9 Issuance of a decision approving the granting of a licence - Dispatch of a Partner's Certificate of Suitability

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Yes No

            • 10 Information of the Public Register of Associates

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Yes Yes

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