Difference between revisions of "ΔΔ:Member Registration of the Economic Chamber of Greece Register"

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
Line 14: Line 14:
|process_evidence_identification_type=Identification with TAXISnet codes, Identification document
|process_evidence_identification_type=Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
|process_trigger=Applied for
|process_trigger=Applied for
|process_trigger_type=Application (digital)
|process_trigger_type=Application (digital)
|process_usage=Supporting document
|process_usage=Supporting document
|process_output_type=Registry update, Document Production
|process_output_type=Document Production, Registry update
|process_source=SDG, EU-GO
|process_source=EU-GO, SDG
Line 44: Line 44:
|process_application_type=Application / Solemn Declaration
|process_application_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (digital)
|process_application_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Latest revision as of 16:51, 26 June 2024

959cb5e5-e009-46d3-8668-4431694da075 921332 Αναγγελία Έναρξης Ασκήσεως του Επαγγέλματος του Οικονομολογικού Επαγγέλματος-Εγγραφής Μέλους στο Μητρώο του ΟΕΕ

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Directorate of Administrative Services / Member Registry Organization Department

Number of required documents

4 + (


From 16.5 to 31.5 €

Deadline of completion

3 months


The procedure concerns the member registration of the Economic Chamber of Greece register. It is addressed to citizens.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Directorate of Administrative Services / Member Registry Organization Department

Provided to

Related links


Within three months of the announcement of the exercise of the profession, the Service may prohibit its exercise, in the event that the legal conditions for this are not met or their assistance is not shown by the submitted data.

Last update



Application Type

Application / Solemn Declaration

Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Application Submission – Solemn Declaration of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Other Objection

        Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

        Tacit approval

        After the expiry of the above deadline, it is assumed that the profession is practiced freely (Article 3 of Law 3919/2011 Official Gazette 32/A/2-3-2011). In this case, the interested party may request a relevant certificate from the competent administrative authority, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 10 of Law 3230/2004 (Government Gazette 44/A/11-2-2014).


        • 69.2 Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy

        Output & Results


        Document Production, Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Announcement of Commencement of the Practice of the Financial Profession - Registration of Membership in the Register of the Economic Chamber of Greece

            Official title

            Member Registration of the Economic Chamber of Greece Register

            Languages supported


            Ways of provision


            Registries updated

            Μητρώο των Μελών του Οικονομικού Επιμελητηρίου



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)




            • 1 Possession of passwords to enter software The applicant should have a username and password provided by the Economic Chamber of Greece (or a TAXISnet username and password) in order to have access to the digital services of the Economic Chamber of Greece (https://eservices.oe-e.gr/oee/).

              No No

            • 2 Educational The applicant must: - be a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (former ASOEE), the University of Piraeus (former ABSP), the University of Macedonia of Economics and Social Sciences (former A .Β.Σ.Θ.), The Departments of Economics of the University of Athens, the University of Thessaloniki, the University of Patra, the University of the Aegean and the University of Crete, the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, or a graduate of economics from foreign economic schools or departments of universities that will be established or converted into economics, if they use their degree for professional purposes in the public or private sector or - be a graduate of the departments of Accounting, Marketing and Advertising, Business Administration, Tourism Business, Financial Applications, Finance and Auditing and Financial and Insurance of the School of Management and Economics of Technological Educational Institutions and holds a masters degree in economics or an equivalent foreign masters degree and uses his or her bachelors or masters degree to fill a position in the public and private sectors or to pursue a liberal profession or - in case the applicant is graduate from a non-economic schools, could be a graduate from a postgraduate program in economics or - to hold a doctorate in economics

              No No

            • 3 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The applicant must not, after obtaining the degree, have been irrevocably convicted of imprisonment, theft, embezzlement, bribery, bribery, oppression, dereliction of duty, crimes against morals, defamation, fraudulent use of a foreign trademark, fraudulent bankruptcy, smuggling and violation of drug trafficking laws.

              No No

            • 1 For the first five years from the year of obtaining the degree. Depositing the amount at the National Bank of Greece (account number 040/546004/26). 9 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Checkout of a competent authority, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)


            • 2 For after the first five years from the year of acquisition the degree. Depositing the amount at the National Bank of Greece (account number 040/546004/26). 16.50 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Checkout of a competent authority, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Administrative Fee (not provided by e-paravolo webpage)


            • 1

            • 3 Proof of deposit for the first 5 years from the acquisition of the degree if the degree was obtained after 1998 of the order of €7.50. In the event that the first five years have passed since the acquisition of the degree, the amount increases to €15.00 for the annual subscription. It is noted that the payment can be achieved through the provision of a debt certificate from the website of the O.O.E. or to the Fund of the O.O.E. 7.5 € - 15 €

              Cost Calculation Durational (annually or other)

              Method of Payment Checkout of a competent authority, Digital (debit / credit card)

              Type of Cost Annual fee


            • 1 Copy of the degree from Greek higher economic of the Universities. Proof of Study

              Copy of the degree from Greek higher economic of the Universities.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2825

            • 2 Copy of decision Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π. for foreign university degrees and a copy of the degree. Proof of Study

              Copy of decision Δ.Ο.Α.Τ.Α.Π. for foreign university degrees and a copy of the degree.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 1

              Yes 2825

            • 3 Copy of a degree from the Departments of Economics and Accounting of the Technological Educational Institutions (TEI) and a copy of a postgraduate diploma in economics or an equivalent postgraduate diploma abroad. Proof of Study

              Copy of a degree from the Departments of Economics and Accounting of the Technological Educational Institutions (TEI) and a copy of a postgraduate diploma in economics or an equivalent postgraduate diploma abroad.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 1

              Yes 2825

            • 4 Copy of D.O.A.T.A.P. decision for degrees from foreign universities and a copy of the degree Proof of Study

              Copy of D.O.A.T.A.P. decision for degrees from foreign universities and a copy of the degree

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 1

              Yes 2825

            • 5 Copy of the PhD degree related to the subject of economics. In cases where one of the above supporting documents has been obtained abroad, the official degree exchange rate is submitted from DOATAP, as well as the detailed courses grades. Proof of Study

              Copy of the PhD degree related to the subject of economics. In cases where one of the above supporting documents has been obtained abroad, the official degree exchange rate is submitted from DOATAP, as well as the detailed courses grades.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 1

              Yes 2825

            • 6 Copy of masters degree in economics (if available). In cases where it has been acquired abroad, the official exchange rate from D.O.A.T.A.P. is also submitted, as well as the detailed grade of the courses Proof of Study

              Copy of masters degree in economics (if available). In cases where it has been acquired abroad, the official exchange rate from D.O.A.T.A.P. is also submitted, as well as the detailed grade of the courses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2825

            • 7 Excerpt from a general criminal record or equivalent document, when the person concerned has the citizenship of another EU member state. (Compulsory ex-officio search by the competent authority) Criminal Record Copy for General Use

              Excerpt from a general criminal record or equivalent document, when the person concerned has the citizenship of another EU member state. (Compulsory ex-officio search by the competent authority)

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/en/ipiresies/dikaiosune/poiniko-metroo/antigrapho-poinikou-metroou

              Submission by: Ex officio (manual)

              Relevant Procedure: Copy of Criminal Record

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4750

            • 8 Proof of deposit of annual subscriptions (see Costs section) Proof of Bank account

              Proof of deposit of annual subscriptions (see Costs section)

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: It is noted that the payment can be achieved through the provision of a debt certificate from the website of the O.O.E. or to the Fund of the O.O.E.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 6714

            • 9 Two identity type photos Photograph

              Two identity type photos

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/en/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/stoikheia-polite-kai-tautopoietika-eggrapha/myphoto-gia-polites

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Relevant Procedure: MyPhoto for citizens

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8298

            • Law 1100 1980 295 Α

              Description Exercise of the economic profession Amendments to the law: Law 4712/2020 (Official Gazette 146/B/2020) - Articles 57 par. 1: Amendment of article 2 of Law 1100/1980 (Purpose of O.E.E.) Law 4610/2019 (Official Gazette 70/A/2019) - Articles 237 par. 7: Amendment of par. 9 of article 3 of Law 1100/1980 (Sanctions) Law 3912/2011 (Official Gazette 17/A/2011) - Article 11 par. 3: Amendment of par. 3 of article 1 of Law 1100/1980 par. 7 no. 237 - Amendment of paragraph 9 of article 3 of Law 2515/1997 (Official Gazette 145/A/1997) Article 1 par. 4: Amendment of par. 1 of article 3 of Law 1100/1980 (Obligation to register members) P.D. 475/1991 (Official Gazette 176/A/1991) Article 8: Amendment of paragraph 8 of article 1 of Law 1100/1980 Law 1479/1984 (Official Gazette 145/A/1984) - Article 1: Amendment of Article 1 of Law 1100/1980 (Recommendation of O.E.E.) - Article 3: Amendment of Article 3 of Law 1100/1980 (Members) - Article 6: Amendment of Article 7 of Law 1100/1980 (Administrative Organization of O.E.E.)

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19800100295

            • Presidential Decree 475 1991 176 Α

              Description Exercise of the economic profession.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19910100176

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 41/ΓΓ 2013 17 Β

              Description Facilitation via Citizen Service Centers – Single Service Centers KEP-EKE.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20130200017

            • 1 Submission of application and of required documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The interested party submits electronically on the website his application, filling in the required fields.

              Notes The information system assigns a protocol number to the application upon submission.

              No No

            • 2 Informing the interested party

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Executive of the Department of Organization of the Register of Members of the relevant Administration of the H.C.G. sends an e-mail to the interested party and informs him / her that the member ID has been issued.

              No Yes

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