At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
Deadline of completion
2 months
Basic information
Competent body
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
Provided to
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
Topographic plan of the area in four (4) copies, signed by the competent engineer. ...
Topographical drawing
Topographic plan of the area in four (4) copies, signed by the competent engineer.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
Solemn Declaration of the applicant according to article 8 of law 1599/1986, which states that:
• du ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn Declaration of the applicant according to article 8 of law 1599/1986, which states that: • during the last eight years he/she was not finally convicted for fuel fraud and he was not convicted at first instance for fuel smuggling, without prejudice to the provisions of Law 4177/2013 (AD 173), as in force • he/she has the legal right to use and exploit the space for the establishment of a "port gas station", submitting a legally approved decision of concession, of the competent body administration and port operator, for the use of the Port Zone space for the establishment of a gas station - the issuance shall always be aligned with the provisions regarding concessions of areas of the port zone, article 24 of law 2971/2001 (AD 285) as amended and in force with article 34 of law 3153/2003 (AD 153).
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
Solemn Declaration of the applicant according to article 8 of law 1599/1986, which the legal entity ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn Declaration of the applicant according to article 8 of law 1599/1986, which the legal entity states that: • during the last eight years he/she was not finally convicted and the legal entity it represents was not finally convicted for fuel fraud and he was not convicted at first instance and the legal entity it represents at first instance for fuel smuggling, without prejudice to the provisions of Law 4177/2013 (AD 173), as in force • the legal entity has the legal right to use and exploit the space for the establishment of a "port gas station", submitting a legally approved decision of concession, of the competent body administration and port operator, for the use of the Port Zone space for the establishment of a gas station - the issuance shall always be aligned with the provisions regarding concessions of areas of the port zone, article 24 of law 2971/2001 (AD 285) as amended and in force with article 34 of law 3153/2003 (AD 153).
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
Alternative document of: 2
Solemn Declaration of article 8 of law 1599/1986 from the engineer of the installation, which states ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn Declaration of article 8 of law 1599/1986 from the engineer of the installation, which states that: - The location where the service station is to be located is in an area where such use is not prohibited by the legislation in force. - The terms and prerequisites of the JMD 33180/351/2019 are met, as well as of the PD 1224/1981 (AD 303), RD 465/1970 (AD 150), PD 595/84 (AD 218) or MD 93067/1083 (Government Gazette 5661 / ΒΔ / 2018) in case of fuel, as in force but always in a way that it does not contradict the terms and conditions of the JMD 33180/351/2019. - The design of the facilities and the equipment installed in the gas station under construction meet the requirements of the relevant national and European regulations and standards.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
General layout plan, in 4 copies at an appropriate scale depending on the size of the installation. ...
Drawings / studies by an engineer / architect
General layout plan, in 4 copies at an appropriate scale depending on the size of the installation.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence. The plan is also delivered in electronic form.
Design of electromechanical (E / M) installations in 4 copies at an appropriate scale depending on t ...
Electromechanical drawing
Design of electromechanical (E / M) installations in 4 copies at an appropriate scale depending on the size of the installation.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence. The design is also delivered in electronic form.
Drawings of details, accompanied by a file of detailed documentation of the technical characteristic ...
Drawings / studies by an engineer / architect
Drawings of details, accompanied by a file of detailed documentation of the technical characteristics of the equipment, in four (4) copies.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence. The drawings are also delivered in electronic form.
Technical report, signed by the competent engineer, for the electrical installations, in 4 copies. ...
Technical report, signed by the competent engineer, for the electrical installations, in 4 copies.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence. The technical report is also delivered in electronic form.
Form for inclusion in the standard environmental commitments, in accordance with the provisions of t ...
Form for inclusion in the standard environmental commitments, in accordance with the provisions of the JMD 46537 (GG 2036 / BD / 2013), as in force, taking into account the environmental licencsing of all Port facilities.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
Written consent of the Directorate of Port and Building Infrastructure, the General Secretariat of P ...
Written consent of the Directorate of Port and Building Infrastructure, the General Secretariat of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investments of the Ministry of Shipping and Insular Policy.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Establishment Licence.
Valid certificate of active fire protection, issued by the relevant Fire Service. ...
Certificate of Active Fire Protection
Valid certificate of active fire protection, issued by the relevant Fire Service.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Building permit. ...
Βuilding permit
Building permit.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Volumetric table by an accredited volumetric body for each fuel tank (according to JMD Φ2-1617 (GG 1 ...
Table / Statement / Catalogue
Volumetric table by an accredited volumetric body for each fuel tank (according to JMD Φ2-1617 (GG 1980/Β`/2010).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Registration numbers of the tanks according to art.5 par.9, of JMD Φ2-1617 (GG 1980/Β`/2010). ...
Table / Statement / Catalogue
Registration numbers of the tanks according to art.5 par.9, of JMD Φ2-1617 (GG 1980/Β`/2010).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Solemn declaration of the installer of the system of inputs-outputs of liquid fuels and responsible ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn declaration of the installer of the system of inputs-outputs of liquid fuels and responsible statement of the Engineer.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: Solemn declaration, according to the provisions of JMD Φ2-1617 / 2010 (Β` 1980) as in force, submitted within thirty (30) working days from the issuance of the operating license. In case they are not submitted within the above period, the issued permit is revoked. For the Operating Licence.
ATEX explosion proof certificates for pumps, distributors, level gauges and other equipment. ...
ATEX explosion proof certificates for pumps, distributors, level gauges and other equipment.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Certificate of compliance from an accredited body of metal and / or plastic fuel tanks, in accordanc ...
Certificate of compliance from an accredited body of metal and / or plastic fuel tanks, in accordance with the provisions of the requested study, the applicable provisions and national or European standards and regulations.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Certificate of compliance for the electrical installations (strong currents, weak, ground, lighting) ...
Certificate of compliance for the electrical installations (strong currents, weak, ground, lighting), according to applicable standards and regulations.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Solemn Declaration of law 1599/1986, of the Engineers responsible by law who supervised the executio ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn Declaration of law 1599/1986, of the Engineers responsible by law who supervised the execution of the mechanical, electrical and building installations of the gas station, in which the following shall be stated: - All the terms of the founding licence were met PD 1224/1981 (A` 303), RD 465 / 1970 (A` 150) , PD 595 / 1984 (Α` 218) or JMD 93067/1083 (GG 5661 / Β` / 2018), in case of fuel, as in force, in those points that do not contradict the terms and conditions of the JMD 33180/351/2019. - All certificates of compliance, attestations and other documents have been checked, from which the compliance of the equipment and facili-ties of the service station with the requirements of the relevant national and European regulations and standards is presumed; copies of which are kept in the file of the service station table of which is submitted - The construction works of the gas station were carried out in accordance with the approved plans, the study of the distribution of explosion-proof zones, the technical reports and the plans of the foundation permit and the building permit, as well as the national and European standards and regulations. - All the craftsmen, foremen, assistants involved, who were used for the construction of the gas station, have - where provided by the existing legislation - the required licenses or certificates of declaration of profession in accordance with the relevant national or European standards
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Solemn declaration for assuming the duties of Head of Operation of a gas station, according to the p ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn declaration for assuming the duties of Head of Operation of a gas station, according to the provisions of article 24 of law 4439/2016 (A΄ 222).
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Certification of training, from an appropriate educational structure, that the operator of the servi ...
Certification of training, from an appropriate educational structure, that the operator of the service station or the natural person designated by him/her, knows the use of firefighting equipment and fire protection equipment.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Solemn Declaration of the applicant (natural person or legal representative), prepared in accordance ...
Solemn Declaration
Solemn Declaration of the applicant (natural person or legal representative), prepared in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of Law 1599/1986, in which it is responsibly stated that the staff of the service station knows the use of the available fire protection means, the actions they must take in case of emergency, the use of equipment for the prevention and control of marine pollution from petroleum products, as well as the actions to be taken in case of leakage into the sea.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Technical file for the construction of the gas station, which includes at least the following:
- All ...
Drawings / studies by an engineer / architect
Technical file for the construction of the gas station, which includes at least the following: - All certificates of compliance regarding the equipment, electrical installations, tanks and piping used for the construction of the "port gas station" are in accordance with applicable national and European standards and regulations. - Contract with a licensed waste management body, in accordance with the provisions in force - Copies of the radiographic inspections of the tanks as well as the non-destructive inspections of the tanks, in the case of existing underground fuel tanks, which document compliance with applicable European Standards and Practices, as well as the hydraulic test certificate - The preventive equipment maintenance program.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Licensing by the competent Authority, in accordance with the existing provisions of law 2991/2001 (A ...
Permit (conditional)
Licensing by the competent Authority, in accordance with the existing provisions of law 2991/2001 (A` 285), in case (a) the "port gas station" is estab-lished within a land port area outside of its building facilities that have taken place, (b) no building permit is required, such as landscaping projects (such as fencing, paving, etc.).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the Operating Licence.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Building
Company law
Business formation (individual, corporate).
- For company establishment see the link below
Link Link
Possession of passwords to enter software
The applicant shall have a TAXISnet username and password.
For the Establishment Licence: The interested party (Natural Person) or the representative of the Legal Person (and its members) shall be a citizen of Greece, or of a EU or EEA member state.
For the Establishment Licence: The Legal Person shall be established in Greece.
For the Establishment Licence: The interested party (Natural Person) or the representative of the Legal Person (and its members) shall meet the requirements of art.13 of PD 118/2006.
For the Establishment Licence: The interested party (Natural Person) or the representative of the Legal Person (and its members) shall have reached the age of majority in accordance with electoral law.
Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses
For the Establishment Licence: The interested party (Natural Person) or the representative of the Legal Person (and its members) shall not have been convicted for offences listed in Law 4439/ 2016.
For the Establishment Licence: The interested party (Natural Person) or the representative of the Legal Person shall be entitled to use the space where the Station will be installed.
Urban planning
For the Establishment Licence: The location where the Station will be installed shall be in an area where such land usage is not prohibited by the applicable provisions.
For the Establishment Licence: The study of the station facilities and equipment shall have taken into account the requirements of the national and European regulations and standards.
For the Establishment Licence: Spaces and facility equipment shall have been configured in accordance with the institutional framework requirements.
For the Establishment Licence: They shall have accepted the Model Environmental Commitments.
For the Establishment Licence: The requirements of the institutional framework of PD 1224/1981, RD 465/1970 and JMD 33180/351/2019 shall be met.
For the Operating Licence: All conditions of the establishment licence shall have been respected and all requirements of the institutional framework (PD 1224/1981, RD 465/1970, JMD 3310/351/2019) shall have been met.
Licensing 30€. An additional 30€ for each new pump or distributor, irrelevant to the number of throttles (for liquid fuel)
30 € - 450 €
e-Administrative Fee code 8228
Cost Calculation One-off, Quantitative
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
Fee Link Link
Licensing 30€. An additional 30€ for each new pump or distributor, irrelevant to the number of throttles 30 € - For CNG
30 € - 450 €
e-Administrative Fee code 8240
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
Fee Link Link
Licensing 30€. An additional 30€ for each new pump or distributor, irrelevant to the number of throttles 30 € - for (LPG) or mixed (LPG) and liquid fuel:
30 € - 450 €
e-Administrative Fee code 8237
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
Fee Link Link
Issuance/amendment of licences of oil-related products under the law 3054/2002 - Licencing of operation of liquid fuel:
200 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost Impost
Fee Link Link
Issuance/amendment of licences of oil-related products under the law 3054/2002 - Licencing of operation of liquid gas:
200 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost Impost
Fee Link Link
Annual licensing impost for oil-related products under the law 3054/2002 - Operation license for liquid fuel stations:
40 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost Impost
Fee Link Link
Annual licensing impost for oil-related products under the law 3054/2002 - Operation license for liquid gas stations:
40 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost Impost
Fee Link Link
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherAdministrative Recourse
Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:
Tacit approval
Licence for the operation: In case the 30-day period expires without a response from the competent authority, then it assumed that the business can lawfully operate (tacit approval) and the interested party may request an Attestation of Lawful Operation, according to article 10 par.4 of Law 3230/2004.
Amendment of the licence: In case the 15-day period expires without a response from the competent authority, then it assumed that the changes have been approved (tacit approval) and the interested party may request an attestation, according to article 10 par.4 of Law 3230/2004.NACE
- 46.71 Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
Output & Results
For the establishment licence: Submission of application and of required documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The interested party submits to the Protocol Office of the Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit an Application – Solemn Declaration of the establishment/of the amendment of the licence, accompanied by all the required evidence.
For the establishment licence: Licence dispatch to the interested party - Notification of other relevant bodies
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The employee of the competent Department/ Directorate sends the establishment licence/ the amended licence, along with the approved plans, to the interested party and notifies it to the relevant building service, as well as to the relevant road maintenance service responsible for the road in front of the station to be established, as well as to the competent port authority and the Management Operator.
For the operation licence: Submission of application and of required documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The interested party submits to the Protocol Office of the Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit an Application – Solemn Declaration of the operation/of the amendment of the licence, accompanied by all the required evidence.
For the operation licence: Licence dispatch
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description In case the licence is not granted within the institutionally provided deadline, the applicant may request an attestation of lawful fulfilment of the prerequisites. In cases of resubmission, the licence shall be issued within 15 days.
Other information
Official title
Languages supported
Ways of provision
Law 4439/2016 (Government Gazette 222/Α)
Description Simplification of fuel station (Integration of Directive 2014/84/EC), article 14 – amending articles 17, 18 PD 1224/1981 and article 17, 18 RD 465/1970 (prerequisites, documentation)
Royal decree 465/1970 (Government Gazette 150/Α)
Description Prerequisites, documentation (Fuel stations) Amendments: • PD 118/2006 (GG 119/Α/2006) - Art. 1 – Amending art. 1 of RD 465/1970 (Establishment and Operation) - Art. 2 – Amending art. 2 of RD 465/1970 (Definitions) - Art. 3 – Amending art. 3 of RD 465/1970 (Categories of Stations) • RD 143/1989 (GG 69/Α/1989) - Art. 1 – amending art. 2 of RD 465/1970 (Definitions) - Art. 2 - amending art. 2 of RD 465/1970 (Distances between established stations) • PD 1224/1981, (GG 303/Α), amending RD 465/1970 (prerequisites, documentation)
Joint Ministerial Decision 33180/351/2019 (Government Gazette 1454/Β) Articles 2, 3, 9, 10, 14
Description License for the establishment and operation of gas stations within the port zone and in tourist ports - Art. 2 par.2 - Licensing Authority - Art. 3 - Establishment license (terms - prerquisites) - Art. 9: par.1 - Establishment licence (supporting documents), par.2 - Establishment licence (Deadline for reply by Licensing Authority) - Art. 10: par.1 - Operating license (supporting documents), par.2 - Operating License (Response deadline from Licensing Authority) - Art. 14 - Abolition of JMD 72983/6562/14/2015
Joint Ministerial Decision 72983/6562/14/2015 (Government Gazette 88/Β)
Description Terms - Prerequisites - Supporting documents - competent authorities for the licence of establishment and operation of service stations within the port zone and in tourist ports
Joint Ministerial Decision Φ2-1617/2010 (Government Gazette 1980/Β)
Description Procedure for the establishment and control of input-output monitoring systems at petrol stations (supporting documents for the approval of operating license)
Joint Ministerial Decision Δ2/Α/Φ.5/οικ. 2490/2005 (Government Gazette 218/Β)
Description Compensatory impost (operating license)
Ministerial Decision 13935/930/2014 (Government Gazette 674/Β)
Description Terms - Conditions for the issuance of licenses for the establishment and operation of compressed natural gas stations Amendments: - MD 93067/1083/2018 (GG 5661 / Β / 2018) - abolition and replacement of MD οικ.13935 / 930
Τype of procedure
Trigger (submission method)
Life events
End of Process