At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
From 100 to 350 €
Estimated Time
10 minutes
The stations are divided into categories according to the annual number of passengers embarking or disembarking each year:
- category 1 (up to 150 000 passengers),
- category 2 (from 150 000 to 1 000 000 000 passengers),
- category 3 (from 1 000 000 to 3 000 000 passengers),
- category 4 (from 3 000 000 to 10 000 000 passengers),
- category 5 (from 10 000 000 and above).
Basic information
Competent body
Provided to
Validity duration
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
The notification includes the necessary information on the activity carried out and is submitted by the operator of the activity, who is solely responsible for the information contained therein.
No supporting documents shall be submitted with the notification. The operator of the intercity bus station must keep the required supporting documents, as referred to in article 4, of Ministerial Decision No 313214/2021 (GG B 5271), together with proof of submission of all notifications of the start of operation of the establishment, at the place where the activity is carried out.What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification with TAXISnet codes
Personalised information from myAADE, showing the date of the commencement of operation of the inter ...
Tax certificates
Personalised information from myAADE, showing the date of the commencement of operation of the intercity bus station.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: The printout of the personalised information from myAADE, which shows the date of commencement of operation of the intercity bus station, is required prior to the submission of a notification, in accordance with par. 1, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Temporary information from myAADE showing the date of the commencement of operation of the intercit ...
Tax certificates
Temporary information from myAADE showing the date of the commencement of operation of the intercity bus station under the new operator.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: For the notification of a change, which concerns only the activity operator, the personalised information from myAADE, which shows the date of opening of the intercity bus station, must be printed again before the notification is submitted (par. 1, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision with protocol number 313214/2021 (GG B 5271)).
Alternative document of: 1
Certification of primary-use spaces issued by a private individual engineer in accordance with par. ...
Certification of primary-use spaces issued by a private individual engineer in accordance with par. 8, of article 107 of Law 4495/2017.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: According to par. 2, of Article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No 313214/2021 (GG B 5271): Α. The certificate shall indicate the exact location of the property, the total area of the primary use space together with other spaces, the certificate of land use from the relevant Building Inspection Αuthority (YDOM) and shall expressly certifie that the area is legally existing with regard to the construction and use as an intercity bus station and that it meets all the requirements to operate as an intercity bus station, in accordance with the building regulations in use, the fire protection regulations, the general and specific urban planning regulations in force at the time, as well as the building specifications of specific legislation for this activity. B. the certificate shall be accompanied by copies of all public documents related to urban planning legitimacy and copies of approved plans of the intercity bus station, showing all the areas of the activity.
Approval of traffic connection, if required. ...
Approval of traffic connection, if required.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: According to par. 3, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No 313214/2021 (GG B 5271), the approval of the traffic connection, according to the terms and conditions of the No. 465/1970 R.D., is required in case the intercity bus station is located in an area outside of an approved urban plan.
Solemn Declaration of proper construction of the approved traffic connection. ...
Solemn Declaration of proper construction of the approved traffic connection.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: According to par. 4, of article 4, of Joint Minsterial Decision No 313214/2021 (GG B 5271), a Solemn Declaration of a legally competent engineer is required, that the traffic connection was implemented in accordance with the relevant approved plans.
Technical report of a competent engineer, in accordance with par. 5, of article 4, of the Joint Mini ...
Technical report
Technical report of a competent engineer, in accordance with par. 5, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: The technical report shall describe the structure and category of the station, the additional facilities, such as those referred to in article 6 of No. 79/2004 (A 62) P.D., its auxilliary facilities (such as passenger and staff sanitary facilities, passenger hand luggage and cleaning stores, refrigerators, heating or air-conditioning machinery, fire-fighting and general auxilliary rooms and facilities), the basic elements taken into account in the design of the station, the installation and construction of the ramped inspection levels (if any) and its electromechanical installations. The technical report shall be accompanied by a topographical plan of the site and the floor plans of the areas that are mentioned detailed in paragraphs (a) to (e),in par. 5, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271). Where an engineers signature is required in the above documents, a digital signature is used that shall be dated before the date of notification.
Certification by a competent engineer that the activity of the station is in compliance with applica ...
Certification by a competent engineer that the activity of the station is in compliance with applicable regulations.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: According to par. 5, of article 4, of No. 313214/2021 (G5271), the technical report certifies, by the legally competent engineer, that the activity is in accordance with 79/2004 (A` 62) P.D. and the relevant decrees. Where an engineers signature is required in the above documents, a digital signature is used that shall be dated before the date of notification.
Environmental Conditions Approval Decision (AEPO) or submission to the Standard Environmental Commit ...
Environmental Conditions Approval Decision (AEPO) or submission to the Standard Environmental Commitments (SEA).
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: According to par. 6 of article 4 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 31324/2021 (GG B` 5271): Decision of inclusion in the Standard Environmental Commitments (P.P.D.), according to the Joint Ministerial Decision no. 170613/2013 (B` 2505) by the competent authority or approval of environmental conditions (AEΠO) by the competent authority according to the Ministerial Decision under DIPA/oik. 37674/2016 (B` 2471) For intercity bus stations with annual boarding or disembarkation of 50,000 to 149,999 passengers, an act of inclusion in an P.P.D. shall be issued by the relevant regional transport and communications department. For intercity bus stations of the 2nd and 3rd category, approval of environmental conditions is required by the environmental licensing department of the relevant Decentralised Administration. For intercity bus stations of the 4th and 5th category, approval of environmental conditions is required from the competent Central Service of the Ministry of Environment and Energy.
Certificate of active fire protection from the relevant Fire Service (par. 7, of article 4, of the J ...
Certificate of Active Fire Protection
Certificate of active fire protection from the relevant Fire Service (par. 7, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271))
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Certificate of (Active) Fire Protection
Notes: The active fire protection certificate is issued by the relevant Fire Service, in accordance with Joint Ministerial Decision 16085/F.700.1/2009 (B 770).
Proof of payment of the fee of the deposit, according to article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision ...
Electronic Fee
Proof of payment of the fee of the deposit, according to article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision, No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: The operator of the activity shall pay the fee prior to the submission of the notification of the commencement of operation, in order to complete the relevant field in the notification form and keep the proof of payment together with the other supporting documents at the place of exercise of the activity, in accordance with par. 8, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision, No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Proof of payment of the fee of Article 7 of article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2 ...
Electronic Fee
Proof of payment of the fee of Article 7 of article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271), in case of change of the place of exercise of the activity.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: The operator of the activity shall pay the fee, before submitting the notification of change of the place of exercise of the activity, in order to complete the relevant field in the form of the notification of change and keep the proof of payment together with the other supporting documents at the place of exercise of the activity (par. 8, of article 4, of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (Government Gazette B 5271)). According to par. 6, of Article 7, of the Decree No. 313214/2021 (Government Gazette B 5271), No fee is required for the notification of cessation of operation, change of operator or change of any other notified element other than the place of exercise of the activity.
Alternative document of: 10
After the Notification of commencement of operation, a Certificate of Registration of the installat ...
After the Notification of commencement of operation, a Certificate of Registration of the installation in the Digital Register of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: After the submission of the notification of commencement of operation, the operator is obliged, among other documents, to keep at the site of the station the Certificate of Registration of the installation in the Digital Register of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in accordance with the provisions of the notification of commencement of operation under the Ministerial Decision oik. 59388/940/2020 (B 5407).
After the Notification of Change of operator. Certificate of Registration of the station in the Digi ...
After the Notification of Change of operator. Certificate of Registration of the station in the Digital Register of the Ministry of Public Works, in the name of the new operator of the station.
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: After the submission of the notification of change of operator, the new operator is obliged, among other documents, to keep at the site of the station the Certificate of Registration of the installation in the Digital Register of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, in accordance with the notification of change of operator, as described in the notification of change of operator, under the Ministerial Decision 59388/940/2020 (B 5407). It concerns only the notification of a change in the activity operator.
Alternative document of: 12
A Solemn declaration in case of a change of operator, in which the new operator or legal representat ...
Solemn Declaration (conditional)
A Solemn declaration in case of a change of operator, in which the new operator or legal representative declares that he/she has the legal right to operate the station and the period of operation of the station.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Keep within business establishment
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration
Notes: The Solemn Declaration is issued and kept only in case of change of the operator of the activity and in which the new operator or the legal representative of the new legal person operating the station declares that he has the legal right to operate the station and to define the period of operation of the station. The procedure of issuing an electronic Solemn Declaration by the applicant is carried out without the need to visit an administrative authority or a point of Single Contact (KEP). The entry to the service of issuing the electronic Solemn Declaration in the following two (2) ways: a) with the applicants personal web banking codes in one of the available banks or b) with your personal passwords in TAXISnet (after entering the web banking codes to confirm the mobile phone number of the applicant). The applicant then receives confirmation codes by SMS on the mobile phone. The electronic Solemn Declaration issued is legally equivalent to a Solemn Declaration with an original signature and can be sent electronically, or printed and deposited at a public office. At the same time, the right of the applicant to physically sign the form of the Solemn Declaration of the Law 1599/86 is maintained. (Article 8) and to submit it to a competent authority as a supporting document for his/her case.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative
Company law
Establishment of a business (individual, corporate). The establishment of a business is done online via the online application:
Link Link
Possession of passwords to enter software
The notifier must have myAADE credentials
Link Link
Compliance with the terms and conditions for the operation of Intercity Bus Stations, as specified in P.D. 79/2004, (zoning, facilities, building, electromechanical equipment, marking, etc.), in order to notify the commencement of operation.
Collection and maintenance of the required documents for the notification of the commencement of operation of an Intercity Bus Station, according to article 4 of the Joint Ministerial Decision no. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
In case of a notification of a change of data or a change of activity or a change in the place of provision of the activity, the relevant file with all the necessary supporting documents, as well as copies of both the change of notification and other notifications that have preceded the current change, must be kept in the enterprise.
Alternative condition of 4
The operator of the Intercity Bus Station obtains the required fee electronically through the Electronic Fee service (e-Paravolo) and pays the corresponding fee (depending on the category of the Station), before submitting the notification, in order to fill in the relevant field in the notification form and keeps the proof of payment together with the other supporting documents in accordance with article 7, of the Joint Ministerial Decision with protocol number 313214/2021 (Government Gazette B 5271).
The operator of the Intercity Bus Station shall obtain the required fee and in case of submission of the notification of change of place of provision of activity, in order to complete the relevant field in the form of the notification of change and keep the proof of payment together with the other supporting documents.
No fee is required for a notification of cessation of operation, change of entity or change of any other notified element other than the change of the place of provision of the activity in accordance with article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision with protocol number 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Fee in favour of the State (article 7 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (B 5271)), depending on the category of the Intercity Bus Station, as characterized on the basis of the annual number of passengers.
100 € - 350 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking)
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
1th category Intercity Bus Stations: 100€,
100 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
2th category Intercity Bus Stations: 150€,
150 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
3th category Intercity Bus Stations: 200€,
200 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
4th category Intercity Bus Stations: 300€,
300 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
5th category Intercity Bus Stations: 350€,
350 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherSpecial administrative appeal
- 52.21 Service activities incidental to land transportation
Output & Results
Initiation of the notification procedure
Description Submission of a notification of commencement of operation or notification of change of data by the applicant to the competent authority
Notes The submission of any notification is made through the Integrated Information System for the Exercise of Activities and Controls (NotifyBusiness/OPS-ADE), to the Transport and Communications Service of the relevant regional unit. Until the OPS-ADE becomes operational as far as the notification of the activity is concerned, the notification of commencement of operation or change of data shall be submitted in paper or by an electronic form, either directly to the competent authority or to any physical or electronic point of Single Contact (KEP – EKE).
Receipt of notification of the commencement of operation of a station
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Submission of a notification of commencement of operation by the applicant to the competent authority.
Notes Once the notification has been submitted, the entity can start operating its activity. No supporting documents shall be submitted with the notification. The operator shall keep all supporting documents at the place of activity.
Receiving a data change notification
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Submission of a notification of change of data by the applicant to the competent authority.
Notes The procedure to be followed for the submission of the notification of changes to the data to be changed is the same as the initial notification procedure described in article 3 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (GG B 5271).
Receipt of a notification of a change of activity operator
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Submission of notification of change of activity operator to the competent authority.
Notes In case of a notification for a change of activity operator, according to article 9 of Law 4442/2016, which occurs with the transfer of ownership or the right to operate the activity to another operator, both the new and the old operator must inform within ten (10) days of this change. The notification shall relate only to information concerning the operator of the activity. The supporting documents relating to the operator of the activity shall be issued for the new operator.
Receipt of a notification of operation's cessation
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Submission of a cessation notification by the operator to the competent authority.
Notes In the event of the cessation of the operation on the site where it is carried out, the operator of the activity shall notify the cessation. For the submission of the notification of cessation of operation, the procedure of the initial notification described in Article 3 of the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 313214/2021 (Government Gazette B 5271) is followed accordingly.
Issuance of proof of notification's submission
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Issue of proof of submission of the notification, which is made through O.P.S.-A.D.E. or
Notes When the notification is submitted through the O.P.S.-A.D.E. or through the electronic system of the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration (, it receives a unique number and time stamp, generated by the system. The file with the unique number serves as evidence of the submission of the notification and does not need to receive a protocol number. It applies to all notifications of commencement of operation or change of data, including change of operator and change of place of activity.
Disclosure of the notification
Responsible for Implementation Competent body
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Disclosure of the notification by the competent authority to the relevant audit services.
Notes The competent authority notifies without delay, and at the latest within five (5) working days, the relevant Fire Department, the relevant Building Department, the competent Environmental Service of the relevant Region and the relevant D.O.Y.-Tax Office to which the intercity bus station is subject to.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Ways of provision
Law 4442/2016 (Government Gazette 230/Α) Articles 189 έως 196
Description Title: "New institutional framework for the exercise of economic activity and other provisions". Articles 189 to 196 of the relevant Law, as added by article 12 of Law 4796/2021 (GG 63 A), provide for the notification procedure for the operation of Intercity Bus Stations, as well as the procedure for the notification of the change of the operator and of the change of activity of such stations.
Legal references Link
Presidential Decree 79/2004 (Government Gazette 62/Α) Articles 1 έως 8
Description Title: Definition of the terms and conditions for the establishment and operation of Intercity Bus Stations and Truck Stations and Freights loading and unloading.
Legal references Link
Joint Ministerial Decision 313214/2021/2021 (Government Gazette 5271/Β)
Description Title: "Definition of the procedure, content, supporting documents, the fee and penalties for the notification of operation of an intercity bus station". This Decision (article 10) repealed the Decision No. 81590/1446/F.4.2/2015 (GG 3002 B), regarding the notification of the commencement of an intercity bus station without fuel pump installations.
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 59388/940/2020 (Government Gazette 5407/Β)
Description Title: Determination of terms and conditions for the creation, development, operation and maintenance of a Digital Register of operating car repair shop and their technicians, vehicle service stations, lubrication stations, car washes and other related vehicle service facilities and any other necessary details. The Decision, inter alia, provides for the data to be entered in the Digital Register relating to the operating car repair shop and the technicians in charge of them, vehicle service stations, car washes, etc., as well as the issue of a Certificate of Registration of these data.
Legal references Link
Circular 13929/929/2014
Description Title: "Notification of the commencement of vehicle service facilities in accordance with the provisions of Law 3919/2011, as in force". It concerns the previous procedure for the Announcement of the Opening of Intercity Bus Stations.
Legal references Link