At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Remote Points of service
Number of required documents
Deadline of completion
15 days
Basic information
Competent body
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
Validity duration
5 years
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
Single Certificate of Jurisdiction or any equivalent document if the applicant (natural or legal per ...
Single Certificate of Jurisdiction or any equivalent document if the applicant (natural or legal person) has the nationality of another Member State of the EU.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: This supporting document shall be submitted to the relevant Regional Tourism Service of the Ministry of Tourism every five years. If it is not submitted, the Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements shall be removed by decision of the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service of the Ministry of Tourism.
A letter of guarantee of 5,000 €, issued in favour of Greek State or equivalent guarantee reserves, ...
Letter of guarantee
A letter of guarantee of 5,000 €, issued in favour of Greek State or equivalent guarantee reserves, issued by the Deposit and Loans Fund.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: The letter of guarantee, amounting to five thousand (5,000) euros, is issued in favour of the Greek State by financial institutions established in Greece or in another EU Member State and by insurance companies established in Greece. In addition, the interested party may also deposit equal guarantee deposits, which are issued by the Deposits and Loans Fund, in accordance with Article 17 of Law 3646/1928 (Α’ 154). The letter of guarantee from financial institutions and insurance companies, which has a duration of at least five years, states that its validity is automatically extended for a further six months after the date of revocation of the Certificate of Existence of Legal Conditions for any reason whatsoever and also if no other letter of guarantee of at least five years validity is deposited before its expiry. The letter of guarantee shall be forfeited in favour of the Greek State by decision of the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service, to cover any consumer claims arising from their transactions with the tourist office. Before the decision to forfeit the letter of guarantee is issued, the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service of the Ministry of Tourism invites the company, within a period of not less than one (1) month, to settle the financial claims notified against it and proven by official evidence. The above time limit may be extended for one (1) additional month by decision of the Head of the Regional Tourism Service. If the time limit expires without effect, the relevant forfeiture act is issued without further notice to the person concerned. The reimbursement to the beneficiary of the product of the forfeited letter of guarantee in favour of the Greek State is made upon submission of a final court decision. If there is more than one beneficiary and the amount of the letter of guarantee does not cover all the claims, it shall be paid to the beneficiaries in equal shares. The decision to forfeit the letter of guarantee in whole or in part shall require the undertaking concerned to make good the full amount of the letter of guarantee within a time limit of fifteen (15) days from the date of notification of the above decision. If the above time limit has elapsed without effect, if the undertaking fully reimburses the amount of the letter of guarantee within three (3) months of the decision to revoke it, the Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements shall be reissued without further procedure. Otherwise, the procedure for issuing a new Letter of Credit shall be followed. In the event that the letter of guarantee expires without another letter of guarantee of at least five years validity having been submitted, the Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements will be withdrawn by decision of the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service of the Ministry of Tourism.
Title deeds or a lease or concession agreement, unless the tourist office operates via the internet. ...
Property titles (conditional)
Title deeds or a lease or concession agreement, unless the tourist office operates via the internet.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: Title deeds or a lease or concession agreement stating that the operator has an office, unless the tourist office operates online. According to Article 4(5) of Law 393/1976 (A 199) it is permitted to operate tourist agencies that can provide only via the internet the services provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of that Law. These tourist offices are required to contain the term “Electronic Services” (e-service). For the provision of a certificate of assistance to the legitimate conditions for the operation of the tourist office, a office is required to exist. In the event of a conversion of an existing tourist office into a tourist office which provides only via the internet, and vice versa, a new certification is issued.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Ownership
A copy of commencement of a business issued by the relevant Tax Office. ...
Tax certificates (conditional)
A copy of commencement of a business issued by the relevant Tax Office.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: It concerns exclusively online tourist offices.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Building
Legal document on the legal representation of the legal entity. ...
Legal documents from legal entities (conditional)
Legal document on the legal representation of the legal entity.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Company law
The companys statutes and any amendments thereto, with their respective FEKs of publication. ...
Legal documents from legal entities (conditional)
The companys statutes and any amendments thereto, with their respective FEKs of publication.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Company law
Certificate of Corporate Changes, issued for Limited Liability Companies, General Partnerships, Limi ...
Certificate of corporate changes (conditional)
Certificate of Corporate Changes, issued for Limited Liability Companies, General Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, Public Limited Companies, and Private Capital Companies by the competent authority.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Company law
An extract of the criminal record of general use, issued within the last three months, or equivalent ...
Criminal Record Copy for General Use (ex officio)
An extract of the criminal record of general use, issued within the last three months, or equivalent document, if the applicant is a national of another EU Member State.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Ex officio (digital), Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: An extract of the criminal record of general use, issued within the last three months, or an equivalent document, if the applicant is a national of another EU Member State, "which shows that the applicant has not been convicted of a felony or one of the misdemeanours: theft, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, forgery, counterfeiting, aggravated assault, drug offences or offences relating to public morals. In the event of the expiry of the letter of guarantee without another letter of guarantee of at least five years validity, the Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements shall be removed by decision of the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service of the Ministry of Tourism.
Company law
Establishment of a business (individual, corporate)
- For a business establishment see the link below. Natural persons, nationals of third countries and legal entities having their registered office in third countries have the right to operate a travel agency, provided that they have a special power of attorney in Greece. The above right shall be recognised provided that, in accordance with the legislation of of the State of their nationality or place of business, the same right shall be recognised for Greek citizens and for companies having their registered office in Greece.
Link Link
Possession of passwords to enter software
The applicant shall be a TAXISnet code holder.
Link Link
Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses
The person interested must not have been irrevocably convicted of a felony or one of the misdemeanours including theft, embezzlement, fraud, extortion, forgery, counterfeiting, aggravated assault, drug offences or offences relating to public morals.
Bankruptcy law
The person interested (natural and legal person) must not have been declared bankrupt.
The person concerned should submit a title of ownership or a lease or concession of use, showing that the operator has a writing establishment; where the tourist office operates online, the person concerned should have a office, which should be notified to the competent Tax Office and the relevant Regional Tourism Service and the supporting documents provided for.
Deposit of a guarantee letter in favour of the State by financial institutions established in Greece or another EU Member State.
In case the tourist office operates online, the person concerned must have a special installation.
Tourist Offices.
Administrative fee of three hundred (300) euros with the code ALE 1450189001 in favour of the Greek State, plus 2%, tax stamp fee’ with the code: 1110489001 and 0.4% ‘additional 20% tax stamp fee’ with the code: 1110403001, payable to any Tax Office. Alternatively, the version of the error can be terminated via the online e-paravolo platform, using the interested partys unique code for Taxisnet, in the administrative fee code: 5713. After it is issued, the amount of money for the offence is payable either to the cash of a bank branch or via electronic banking services (web-banking).
300 €
e-Administrative Fee code 5713
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post
Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee
Fee Link Link
With the code ALE 1110489001 plus 2% of the amount under the heading ‘Other tax stamp fees’
6 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Tax Office cashier
Type of Cost Stamp Duty
With the code ALE 1110403001 plus 0.4% of the amount under the heading ‘additional 20% on tax stamp fee’
1.2 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Tax Office cashier
Type of Cost Stamp Duty
Letter of guarantee.
In the payment method add «Subsidies and Loans Fund»
5000 €
Cost Calculation One-off
Method of Payment Bank cashier, Insurance Companies
Type of Cost Letter of guarantee
- 79.1 Travel agency and tour operator activities
- 79.11 Travel agency activities
- 79.00 Travel agency, tour operator and other reservation service and related activities
- 79.12 Tour operator activities
- 79.90 Other reservation service and related activities
Output & Results
Initiation of proceedings
Submission of application and supporting documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent body
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The person concerned shall submit the Application - Solemn Declaration attached to the prerequisites to the Protocol Office of the relevant Regional Tourism Service or to the Points of Single Contact (KEP-EKE).
Electronic Submission of Application and Supporting Documents
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The person concerned shall submit the Application - Solemn Declaration and the required documents electronically on the EUGO portal.
Application/Solemn Declaration Protocol
Responsible for Implementation Competent body
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Head of the Protocol Office of the relevant Regional Tourism Service or KEP-EKE receives the Application - Solemn Declaration with the attached supporting documents and registers it, and at the same time, gives the protocol number to the person concerned or the Confirmation of submission of a request by correspondence.
Forwarding of an application
Responsible for Implementation KEP (ΚΕΠ) employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Head of the KEP-EKE shall transmit a request to the person concerned by means of attached supporting documents.
Forwarding of Application-Solemn Declaration
Responsible for Implementation Competent Office
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of the Protocol Office of the relevant Regional Tourism Service forwards the Application - Solemn Declaration to the Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service.
Forwarding of of Application-Solemn Declaration and Supporting Documents
Responsible for Implementation Head of Organization
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service charges the Application - Solemn Declaration and supporting documents to the Head of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions.
Charging to a competent official
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions charges the Application - Solemn Declaration and supporting documents to the responsible official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions.
Checking of supporting documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description An official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions shall check the completeness and correctness of the application and the required supporting documents. If the supporting documents are assessed as incomplete, the staff official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions shall draw up a draft information document with the shortcomings of the application and forward it to the hierarchy for signature.
Signature of draft
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Signature
Description The Head of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions shall verify and sign the draft information document with the shortcomings of the application and forward it to the Head of the Regional Tourism Service.
Signature of draft
Responsible for Implementation Head of Organization
Μethod of Implementation Signature
Description The Head of the Regional Tourism Service signs the draft information document with the shortcomings of the application and returns it to the competent official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions.
Document delivery
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions sends / delivers the signed document to the applicant.
Submission of missing supporting documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The person concerned shall submit the supporting documents which were not available to the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions.
Checking of supporting documents
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description An official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions of the relevant Regional Tourism Service, rechecks the completeness of the application and the required supporting documents.
Registration to the Registry of Tourism Enterprises
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description An official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions of the relevant Regional Tourism Service, registers the company in the relevant Register of Tourism Enterprises, if it is established that the legal conditions are met.
Drawing up of a statutory assistance certificate
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description An official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions of the relevant Regional Tourism Service draws up a Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements and forwards it to the Head of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions for signature.
Signature of certificate by the Head of Department
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions signs the draft Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements and forwards it for signature to the Head of the Regional Tourism Service. It is followed by the Signature of the certificate of existence of legal requirements by the head of department.
Signature of confirmation of legal requirements by the head of the Regional Tourism Service
Responsible for Implementation Competent body
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Head of the relevant Regional Tourism Service shall sign the Certificate of Existence of Legal Requirements and return it to the official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions of the relevant Regional Tourism Service.
Granting a certificate of existence of legal existence to the person concerned
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description An official of the Department of Tourism Enterprises and Professions of the relevant Regional Tourism Service shall provide the person concerned with the signed Certificate Existence of Legal Requirements in the manner chosen at the time of his/her application by post or in person.
Other information
Official title
Languages supported
Ways of provision
Law 4875/2021 (Government Gazette 250/Α) Articles 30 και 31
Description Model tourist destinations of integrated management, destination management and promotion organisations, Greek thermal springs and other arrangements for the promotion of tourism development.
Legal references Link
Law 4582/2018 (Government Gazette 208/Α) Articles 25,26,27,33
Description Thematic Tourism - Special Forms of Tourism - Arrangements for the modernisation of the institutional framework in the field of tourism and tourism education - support for tourism entrepreneurship and other provisions.
Legal references Link
Law 4276/2014 (Government Gazette 155/Α) Articles 1 παρ. παρ. 4
Description Simplification of procedures for the operation of tourism businesses and tourist infrastructure, special forms of tourism and other provisions. Registration in the Register of Tourism Enterprises
Legal references Link
Law 4093/2012 (Government Gazette 222/Α) Articles subpar. Η.2. par. 1, par. 5α
Description Hiring of Private Passenger Vehicles (P.P.U.V.) with driver by tourist offices. Amendments: - Law 4582/2018 (A΄ 208) Article 28 - Addition of paragraph 5A (Transport without fare by tourist agencies is allowed). - Law 4254/2014 (Α΄ 85), par. 2 Subpar. F 14 -Amendment of par. 1 subpar. H.2 (Prohibition of fare transportation by tourist agencies), par. 2 Sub. F 14 - Amendment to point (a), par. 3, subpar H.2 (Capacity of tourist agencies to hire of Private Passenger Vehicles with a driver).
Legal references Link
Law 3270/2004 (Government Gazette 187/Α) Articles art. 4, par. 6
Description Responsibilities of the Ministry of Tourism Development and tourism issues
Legal references Link
Law 393/1976 (Government Gazette 199/Α)
Description On the Establishment and Operation of Tourist Offices. Amendments: - Law 4549/2018 (A΄ 105) Section H Article 44 - Amendment of Article 1 of Law No. 393/1976 (Operation) - Law 4582/2018 (A208), Article 25 - Addition of paragraph (3) to Article 393/1976 (Tourist offices of third countries), art. 24 - Amendment of par. 2 art. 1 of Law 393/1976 (Operation), art. 26 - Addition of par. 5 of art. 4 of Law 393/1976 (Internet tourist office), par. 1 art. 27 - Addition of par. 1 art. 6 of Law 393/1976 (Scope of activity), par. 2 of art. 27 - Addition of par. 1 of art. 11 of Law 393/1976 (Fine), art. 24 - Amendment of par. 2 Article 1 (Operation) - Law 4403/2016 (A 125) art. 29 - Amendment of sect. d of par. 1 art. 4 of Law 393/1976 (Title deeds - Enumeration of documents) - Joint Ministerial Decision 16016/2012 (B΄ 3055) article 1 - Amendment of subpar. b, c and d of par. 1 art. 3 of Law 393/1976 (Procedure) - Joint Ministerial Decision 15408/2012 (B΄ 2991) Article 2 - Amendment of subpar. (d) of par. 1 art. 4 of Law 393/1976 (Title deeds), par. 4 no. 3 - Amendment of par. 1 art. 5 of Law 393/1976 (Letter of guarantee), art. 1 - Amendment of art. 3 of Law 393/1976 (Granting of operating licence) - Joint Ministerial Decision 14737/2011 (B 2607), par. 4 - Amendment of art. 5 of Law 393/1976 (Guarantees), par. 5 - Amendment of par. 3 art. 6 of Law 393/1976 (Designation of the competent implementing body) - Joint Ministerial Decision 1597/2011 (B 108), par. 3 art. 3 - Amendment of par. 4 art. 4 of Law 393/1976 (Issuance of Special Sign of Operation), par. 4 art. 3 - Amendment of art. 5 of Law 393/1976 Guarantees), par.1 art. 3 of Law 393/1976 (Operation - Issuing of Tickets) - Law 3105/2003 (A 29) par.4 art. 52 - Amendment of par.3 of art. 11 of Law 393/1976 (Right and procedure for appeals) - P.D. 288/1991 (A΄ 102) Article 3 - Amendment of par.4 of art. 4 of Law 393/1976 (Issuance of the Special Sign of Oepration).
Legal references Link
Presidential Decree 127/2017 (Government Gazette 157/Α) Articles 20
Description Organisation of the Ministry of Tourism - Competence of the Regional Tourism Service. Amendment: - Law 4506/2017 (A 191) par. 2 of art. 5 - Amendment of subpar. a of par. 2 of Article 20 of the PD 127/2017.
Legal references Link
Joint Ministerial Decision 15408/2012 (Government Gazette 2991/Β)
Description Amendment of Joint Decision No 1597/28-01-2011 of the Ministers of Administrative Reform and Electronic Governance, Finance, Labour and Social Security and Culture and of Tourism "Adaptation to the provisions of Directive 2006/123/EC" (FEK B108) as in force. Incorporation of the procedure for the operation of tourist offices at the Points of Single Contact (EKE). Amendment: - Joint Ministerial Decision 16016/2012 (FEK 3055/2012) art. 2 - Amendment Annex I to the Joint Ministerial Decision 15408/2012 (B 2991)
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 16016/2012 (Government Gazette 3055/Β)
Description Integration of the procedure for the operation of tourist offices at the Points of Single Contact (E.K.E.).
Legal references Link