At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
35 €
Estimated Time
1 day
Basic information
Competent body
Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
Provided to
Related links
Validity duration
5 years
a) for all undertakings-installations upon duly determined by the applied provisions as a required supporting document for the licence or the notification for the operation of the undertaking-installation and b) in the case of operations of undertakings-installations that are exercised freely (do not fall within the scope of process of authorisation, approval) or notification of operation)and fall under the following building uses and risk categories: - "Offices" of C risk category -"Commerce" of C risk category -"Education" of C risk category - "Storage" of C risk category (non commercial storage rooms, i.e. storage rooms that do not have a Business Activity Code)
The issuance of the (active) fire protection certificate concerns all the main and secondary activities of the business - installation to meet their operational needs, such as the use of liquid or gaseous fuels, such as LPG, gas installations, etc. in areas of main use (public gathering, temporary accommodation, manufacturing activity, etc.). The (active) fire protection certificate does not legalize the use of the building - space from a planning point of view, does not exempt the interested party from the obligation to grant permits or approvals provided for by other provisions, nor is it a document of the legality of the installation, which is checked by the competent licensing or supervisory authority. It certifies, after submission of the required documents provided for in Commission Regulation No. 13/2021 Fire Protection Decree (5519 B), that the measures and means of the approved (active) fire protection study have been taken and are functioning well, which is in accordance with the specifications specified, has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the current institutional framework by a competent engineer according to law and does not exclude the risk of fire and the resulting risks in the area for which the certificate is issued.
The current fire safety legislation always refers to an ignition source, without considering cases of arson, sabotage, vandalism, fire following a terrorist act, and other similar actions. The responsibility for the installation, maintenance and proper functioning of all preventive and suppressive measures and means of fire protection rests with the owner - operator of the establishment.
(Active) fire protection certificates issued to undertakings - establishments in accordance with the previous applicable regulations shall remain valid until their expiry date.Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
With the introduction of unique connection credentials (name of user and password) to the electronic service “E-licens / Fire Service Approvals”
Means of redress or appeal:
Other Administrative Appeal - Contentious Appeal
Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:
The administrative act ‘Issue of a certificate of (active) fire protection’ and other administrative acts of fire protection are governed by Law 2690/1999 (45 A) - ‘Ratification of the Code of Administrative Procedure and other provisions’, as applicable.Other