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Welcome to “National Register of Administrative Procedures”, the official register of procedures of the Greek Public Sector.
"National Registry of Administrative Public Services" is directed at individuals, professionals as well as public servants who need to find useful information, such as supporting documents, steps, time and cost of implementation, on any administrative procedure they wish.
You can find procedures of your choice by simply using the search bar at the top-right corner of this page, or alternatively through navigating in the register's categories stated below.
551 Published
Procedures that any interested person may seek in the Registry based on type or on life events.
4 Under Publication
Procedures, that are at the final stage of control by the Ministry of Digital Governance
1 Under Approval
Procedures, that are at the intermediate stage of control and approval by the competent authorities
3 Under Process
Procedures, that are at the initial stage of registration by the competent authorities.

Short Presentation National Registry of Administrative Public Services