834452Notification of Commencement of Operation of Passenger Car Washing and Lubricating Facilities

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

cafd8d75-dc50-49ae-aeda-172a3a0a3386 834452 Γνωστοποίηση λειτουργίας πλυντηρίων ή/και λιπαντηρίων οχημάτων

At a glance

Number of required documents

14 to 18


100 €

Estimated Time

5 days


This procedure concerns the notification of the commencement of operation of passenger car washing and lubricating facilities. It also concerns the amendment of the initial notification as well as the notification of change of the activity operator.

Basic information

Competent body

Related links


The procedure is provided by the Transport and Communications Directorates of the concerned Regional units of the country. The service is provided digitally either through gov.gr (currently only for the region of Attica - gradually other regions will join) or through notify business.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Notification of the commencement of a car wash and/or vehicle oil service or notification of operation due to changes in activity data without changing the operator of the activity.


The notification can be submitted digitally either through gov.gr (currently only for the region of Attica - gradually other regions will join) or through notify business.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes

  • 1 1 Notification of the old operator of the activity in case of change of the operator of the activity. ... Notification / Announcement / Reporting

    Notification of the old operator of the activity in case of change of the operator of the activity.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For notification of change of activity body. The notification concerns only information about the operator of the activity and must be submitted to the Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit within ten (10) days of the change.

  • 2 2 Notification of the new operator of the activity in case of change of the operator of the activity ... Notification / Announcement / Reporting

    Notification of the new operator of the activity in case of change of the operator of the activity

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For notification of change of activity body. The notification concerns only information about the operator of the activity and must be submitted to the Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit within ten (10) days of the change.

  • 3 3 Proof of submission of notification. ... Certificate

    Proof of submission of notification.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle oil service or the submission of a change notification of activity data (except for the change of the operator of the activity).

  • 4 3.1 Proof of submission of notification of the old activity body. ... Certificate

    Proof of submission of notification of the old activity body.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For notification of change of activity body.

    Alternative document of: 3

  • 5 4 Proof of submission of the notification of the new operator of the activity. ... Certificate

    Proof of submission of the notification of the new operator of the activity.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For notification of change of activity body.

  • 8 5 Certificate of the main use area by a private engineer according to paragraph 8 of article 107 of La ... Certificate

    Certificate of the main use area by a private engineer according to paragraph 8 of article 107 of Law 4495/2017, which indicates the exact location of the property, the total area of the main space after its annexes, The Land use attestation by the relevant Building Service and explicitly confirms that the site is legally existing in relation to the construction and use as a car wash and/or lubricating vehicle and meets all the conditions for its operation as a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant; in accordance with the current building regulations, the fire protection regulation, the current general and specific urban planning provisions, as well as the building specifications of the legislation specific to the activity. The above certificate is accompanied by: I) copies of all public documents on urban legality (building permit, revision or update of building permit, approval of small scale building works, decision to exclude from demolition, authorization of legalization, Confirmation of the completion of the procedure for suspension of penalties or of payment of 30% of the single special fine, etc.) and II) copies of approved floor plans of the area to be operated by the car wash and/or lubricating vehicle activity, in which all its premises are reflected.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a change notification of activity data (except for the change of the operator of the activity). It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

  • 9 6 Solemn declaration of Law 1599/1986 of the new operator of the activity that he has the legal right ... Solemn Declaration

    Solemn declaration of Law 1599/1986 of the new operator of the activity that he has the legal right to operate the car wash and/or lubricating vehicles.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

    Notes: For the notification of a change consisting only of a change of the operator of the activity.

  • 10 6.1 A solemn declaration by the establishment body stating that there is no block of flats regulation. ... Solemn Declaration (conditional)

    A solemn declaration by the establishment body stating that there is no block of flats regulation.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

    Notes: It is required if the activity is within a horizontal property area and when there is no regulation of the building. For the submission of an initial (new) notification for the start of a car was and/or vehicle lubricant service. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Ownership

    Alternative document of: 9

  • 13 7 Technical report by the competent describing the layout of the activity according to its type, equip ... Drawings / studies by an engineer / architect

    Technical report by the competent describing the layout of the activity according to its type, equipment, specifications and standards followed and the practices adopted. The technical report shall certify by the competent engineer according to law that the activity is in accordance with the Presidential Decree 455/1976 (a’ 169) and the case-by-case decrees.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a notification of change of activity data (other than the change of activity carrier) and if the change affects the traffic connection of the installation. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

  • 14 8 Floor plans of the car wash and/or lubricating vehicle areas that accompany the technical report of ... Floor plan

    Floor plans of the car wash and/or lubricating vehicle areas that accompany the technical report of the competent engineer in which all the details of its construction and operation are reflected, the sound insulation measures, electrical lighting and the mechanical installations within it.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a notification of change of activity data (other than the change of activity carrier) and if the change affects the traffic connection of the installation. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

  • 15 9 Topographic of the area accompanying the technical report of the competent engineer, where points of ... Topographical drawing

    Topographic of the area accompanying the technical report of the competent engineer, where points of interest and distances of activity are noted, for the determination of compliance with the minimum safety distances, according to the specific conditions of location, existing in the legislation on car wash and/or lubricating vehicles.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a notification of change of activity data (other than the change of activity carrier) and if the change affects the traffic connection of the installation. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

  • 16 10 Decision to be included in the Environmental standards , according to the Joint Ministerial Decision ... Environmental Compliance Receipt

    Decision to be included in the Environmental standards , according to the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 52891/26.09.2013 (B’ 2446) by the Transport and Communications Department of the relevant Regional Unit, where the car wash and/or lubricant vehicle is subjected to.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a change notification of activity data (except for the change of the operator of the activity).

  • 17 10.1 Decision to be included in the Environmental standards , according to the Joint Ministerial Decision ... Environmental Compliance Receipt

    Decision to be included in the Environmental standards , according to the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 52891/26.09.2013 (B’ 2446) by the Transport and Communications Department of the relevant Regional Unit, where the car wash and/or lubricant vehicle is subjected to.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the notification of a change consisting only of a change of the operator of the activity.

    Alternative document of: 16

  • 18 11 Proof of payment the relevant fee. ... Fee

    Proof of payment the relevant fee.

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: Only in the case of the initial notification and not in the case of a change in the particulars of the notification.

  • 19 12 Certificate of registration of the fields in the Digital Register of Laundry and/or vehicle Lubrican ... Certificate

    Certificate of registration of the fields in the Digital Register of Laundry and/or vehicle Lubricants of the Ministry of infrastructure and Transport in accordance with Ministerial Decision No. 59388/940/2020 (B’ 5407).

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the notification of a change consisting only of a change of the operator of the activity. After the submission of the notification of the change of the operator of the activity is kept in the area of exercise of the activity.

  • 20 12.1 Certificate of registration of the car wash and/or vehicle lubricant in the Digital Register of the ... Certificate

    Certificate of registration of the car wash and/or vehicle lubricant in the Digital Register of the Ministry of infrastructure and Transport according to Ministerial Decision No. 59388/940/2020 (B’ 5407).

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: After the submission of the notification, it is kept in the area of activity.

    Alternative document of: 19

  • 21 13 Form for the modification of data concerning the new operator of the activity in the Electronic wast ... Certificate

    Form for the modification of data concerning the new operator of the activity in the Electronic waste Register, as well as copies of the electronic submissions of the annual waste reports for the years of operation of the activity according to no. 43942/4026/2016 etc. (B΄2992).

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the notification of a change consisting only of a change of the operator of the activity. After the submission of the notification of the change of the operator of the activity is kept in the area of exercise of the activity.

  • 22 14 Registration form in the Electronic waste Register of the operator of the activity, as well as copie ... Certificate

    Registration form in the Electronic waste Register of the operator of the activity, as well as copies of the electronic submissions of the annual waste reports for the years of operation of the activity according to no. 43942/4026/2016 etc. (B΄2992).

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: After the submission of the notification, they are kept in the area of activity.

  • 11 15 Approval of a traffic connection, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Royal Decree 4 ... Approval (conditional)

    Approval of a traffic connection, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Royal Decree 465/1970 in case the car wash and/or vehicle lubricant is established in an area outside an approved city plan.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a notification of change of activity data (other than the change of activity carrier) and if the change affects the traffic connection of the installation. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Urban planning

  • 12 16 Solemn declaration by the competent legal engineer that the approved traffic connection of the activ ... Solemn Declaration (conditional)

    Solemn declaration by the competent legal engineer that the approved traffic connection of the activity was implemented in accordance with its approved plans (deposited when the car wash and/or vehicle lubricant is established in an area outside an approved city plan).

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

    Notes: For the submission of an initial (new) notification of the start of a car wash and/or vehicle lubricant service or the submission of a notification of change of activity data (other than the change of activity carrier) and if the change affects the traffic connection of the installation. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Urban planning

  • 23 17 A solemn declaration by the operator of the activity that the regulation of the block of flats does ... Solemn Declaration (conditional)

    A solemn declaration by the operator of the activity that the regulation of the block of flats does not prohibit the use of the space for the operation of the washing machine and/or lubricating vehicles.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Keep within business establishment

    Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

    Notes: It is required if the activity is within a horizontal property area and when there is a regulation of the building. For the submission of an initial (new) notification for the start of a washing machine and/or vehicle oil service. It is not required for notification of change of the operator of the activity.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Ownership



  • 1 Company law Business formation (individual, corporate).
    • For company establishment see the link below

    Link Link

  • 2 Possession of passwords to enter software The applicant shall have a TAXISnet username and password.

    Link Link

  • 3 Technical For the notification of commencement of operation: Fulfilment of conditions and requirements in accordance with Presidential Decree 455/1976 (location, installations, building, electro-mechanical equipment, signage etc.).

  • 4 Administrative For the start of a car wash and/or a vehicle lubricant operation: Submission by the body of the initial (new) notification activity and maintenance of a copy of the notification in the site of the activity.

  • 5 Administrative All required evidence, as well as a copy of both the amendment of the notification and the notifications preceding the amendment shall be kept in a file (For the notification of an amendment or a change of the activity operator).

  • 6 Administrative For the change of the installation of the car wash and/or the lubrication of vehicles or the change of the activity body: Submission of notification of the change and maintenance of a copy of this notification in the area of the activity.

  • 7 Administrative No supporting documents shall be provided when submitting the change notification. The operator of the activity must keep a file with the required supporting documents, a copy of both the notification of the change and the notifications that have preceded the change and the evidence of submission of all notifications in the area of activity.


  • 1 For the submission of the initial notification for each car wash activity (a) or (b) vehicle lubricant the amount is one hundred euros ( € 100.00). No fee is required for notification of closure, change of entity or change of another notified item other than the place where the activity is carried out. 100 €

    Cost Calculation One-off

    Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking)

    Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

    Fee Link Link

  • 2 For the submission of the initial notification for each car wash activity (a) or (b) vehicle lubricant the amount is one hundred euros ( € 200.00). No fee is required for notification of closure, change of entity or change of another notified item other than the place where the activity is carried out. 200 €

    Cost Calculation One-off

    Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

    Fee Link Link

Output & Results


Digital document production, Document Production


  • 1 Notification of commencement of operation / Notification of amendment: Submission of notification

    Responsible for Implementation Other

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The interested party submits the notification/ notification of amendment to the Transport and Communications Service of the regional unit in which the SEKOOMEE is located, through the Integrated Information System of Activities and Controls (OPS-ADE). Until the commencement of operation of the OPS-ADE and regarding the notification of SEKOOMEE activity (or its amendments), the notification is submitted in paper or electronic form either directly to the competent authority or to any physical or electronic Citizens Service Centre (KEP) that operates as a Point of Single Contact (EKE).

    Notes Applies to notifications of commencement of operation / Notifications of amendment

  • 2 Notification of commencement of operation / Notification of amendment: Notification receipt

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The Transport and Communications Service of the regional unit issues a receipt for the notification submission to the interested party.

    Notes Applies to notifications of commencement of operation / Notifications of amendment

  • 3 In case of change of the activity operator: Submission of notification

    Responsible for Implementation Other

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description In case of change of the activity operator that occurs with the transfer of ownership or of the right of exploitation of the activity to another operator, both the new and the old operators shall notify this change within ten (10) days to the Transport and Communications Service of the relevant regional unit, through the Integrated Information System of Activities and Controls (OPS-ADE). Until the commencement of operation of the OPS-ADE, the notification of the change of activity operator is submitted to the Transport and Communications Service of the relevant regional unit. Alternatively, the notification may be submitted by post or e-mail. In this case, the date of receipt of the letter (postal or electronic) by the Transport and Communications Service of the relevant regional unit is considered as date of notification.

    Notes It applies to changes of the activity operator in accordance with art.9 of Law 4442/2016

  • 4 In case of change of the activity operator: Notification receipt

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The Transport and Communications Service of the regional unit issues a receipt for the notification submission to the interested party.

    Notes It applies to changes of the activity operator in accordance with art.9 of Law 4442/2016

Other information

Alternative titles

Announcement of the start of operation of vehicle service facilities (covered car station or washing machine – lubricant), announcement of Operation of Passenger Car Washing and Lubricating Facilities, Notify your new business activity (for vehicle service facilities)

Official title

Notification of Commencement of Operation of Passenger Car Washing and Lubricating Facilities

Languages supported

Greek, English

Ways of provision



  • Law 4442/2016 (Government Gazette 203/Α) Articles 11

    Description As amended and still in force Notification as a procedure (in general), notification of amendment and of change of the operator

    Legal references Link

  • Law 4014/2011 (Government Gazette 209/Α)

    Description Environmental licensing of projects and activities, regulation of illegal buildings in connection with environmental balance creation and other provisions of the Ministry of Environment

    Legal references Link

  • Presidential Decree 455/1976 (Government Gazette 169/Α)

    Description On the terms and conditions for the establishment and operation of car stations and the installation of car washing machines - lubricants, fuel pumps and the conditions for granting the required permits.

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 312990/2021 (Government Gazette 5270/Β)

    Description Determination of procedure, content and supporting documents, administrative fee and penalties for the notification of operation of washing machines and/or vehicle lubricants.

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 43942/4026/2016 (Government Gazette 2992/Β)

    Description Organization and operation of the electronic waste register, in accordance with the provisions of article 42 of Law 4042/2012 (a 24), as in force.

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 52891/2013 (Government Gazette 2446/Β)

    Description Model Environmental Commitments for the activities: Repair shops, body shops , vehicle (truck, car and motorcycle) washing and lubrication shops classified in the “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” subgroup of Group 9 under Ministerial Decision 1958/12.

    Legal references Link

  • Ministerial Decision 59388/940/2020 (Government Gazette 5407/Β)

    Description Definition of terms and conditions for the creation, development, operation and maintenance of a digital register of operating crews and managers of such, vehicle stations, lubricants, washing machines and other related vehicle servicing facilities and any other necessary details.

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital), Application (handwritten)



End of Process


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