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Number of required documents
From 10 to 20 €
Estimated Time (digitally)
1 minute
a) construction of, addition to and repair of buildings;
b) demolition of structures, excluding the cases referred to in paragraph 4;
c) excavation or backfill of plus/minus 0,80 metres, as well as floorings, preparations of plots and parcels for the purpose of building;
d) construction of a pool;
e) a change of use, if there is an adverse change in the data of the coverage diagram or in the design loads of the structural integrity study or a change in mechanical installations with regard to their passages from other floors or communal areas;
f) construction of retaining walls, as well as surrounding walls and fences that are not covered by the small-scale construction works approval;
g) construction of underground tanks;
h) works involving the installation of underground, prefabricated tanks for liquid and gaseous fuels at service stations;
i) works referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, with a budget of over EUR 25,000, calculated in accordance with Annex B to Law 4495/2017, per horizontal or vertical property, without prejudice to the provisions of the penultimate paragraph thereof;
j) legalisation of all works carried out, which require issuance of a building permit. (see Article 29 of Law 4495/17 ‘Administrative acts for the performance of building works’). Categories of issuance method of building permits (Article 33 of Law 4495/17) The issuance method of building permits falls under different categories, depending on the area, location, use, size and environmental footprint of the building to be constructed, as follows:
Category 1:
a) construction of a special building in an area within the city plan with a surface area of more than 1,000 m2 and construction of a building with a predominantly residential use of more than 2,000 m2;
b) construction of a special building, in an area outside the city plan or within a demarcated settlement, in accordance with the Presidential Decree of 24 April 1985 (Government Gazette, Series IV, No 181) or within a settlement in existence since prior to 1923, with approved boundaries, in accordance with the Presidential Decree of 2 March 1981 (Government Gazette, Series IV, No 181);
c) construction of a building with residential use in an area outside the city plan where there is no cadastral registration or on land not fit for building according to the regulations;
d) addition of structure to a legally existing building with a special building use, provided that it exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the existing structures;
e) constructions and works on monuments listed by the Ministry of Culture and Sports;
f) constructions and works on listed buildings according to the Ministries of the Environment and Energy and of Culture and Sports;
g) construction or addition to plots or land within protected areas pursuant to Article 19 of Law 1650/1986 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 160) or zones, such as archaeological sites, historical sites, traditional settlements or traditional parts of the city;
h) construction or addition to or constructions and works on plots or land in contact with demarcated water streams;
i) construction or addition to plots or land and constructions and works on plots or land in contact with a demarcated shoreline or coastline;
j) fencing of plots of land with a frontage on an international, national or provincial road or plots of land within the city planning zone) works for the installation of underground tanks for liquid and gaseous fuels at service stations;
l) works involving the reconstruction of buildings and structures in general, falling within the scope of Presidential Decree of 8.2.1979 (Government Gazette, Series IV, No 130), unless otherwise set out in more specific provisions;
m) any case which does not fall under Categories 2 and 3.
Category 2:
a) construction of a building on a plot of land within a settlement in existence since prior to 1923, without approved boundaries;
b) legalisations of buildings and structures and changes in use of Article 106 of Law 4495/17;
c) construction or addition to or constructions and works on plots or land, where general or specific provisions provide for on-site inspection by the competent City Planning Agency.
Category 3:
(a) construction of a building in an area within an approved plan with a surface area of no more than 1,000 m2 floor space for special buildings and no more than 2,000 m2 floor space for buildings with a predominantly residential use;
b) construction of a building with a residential use in an area outside the city plan where there is cadastral registration and an approved General Urban Plan or a Plan for the Spatial and Residential Organisation of Open Cities on a plot that is fit for building in accordance with the regulations;
c) construction of a building on a plot within a demarcated settlement pursuant to the Presidential Decree of 24 April 1985 (Government Gazette, Series IV, No 181) for a building with a predominantly residential use;
d) addition of structure to a legally existing building, with a residential use;
e) addition of structure to a legally existing building with a special use, provided that the addition does not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the existing structures, inside and outside the city plan;
f) changes in the use of buildings or independent horizontal or vertical properties located in areas inside or outside the plan;
g) construction of a pool, provided it is not covered by the cases of approval of small-scale construction works;
h) retaining walls, surrounding walls and fences that do not fall under the category of small-scale construction works, without prejudice to Category 1 cases;
i) installation works for underground and prefabricated water tanks and sewage tanks; j) repair works and works to change the layout of lawfully existing buildings which do not fall under the cases referred to in Article 30;
k) works of the cases of Article 29(2) for which a building permit must be issued in accordance with their budget;
Basic information
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Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
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Validity duration
4 years
- Engineers, with their personal access codes to My TEE, can issue and manage administrative acts for the performance of construction works (approvals, permits, revisions).
- The competent bodies for the issuing of administrative acts relating to the performance of building works are the City Planning Agencies of municipalities, unless specific provisions provide otherwise (see Article 31(1) of Law 4495/17).
- The procedure for submitting, checking and issuing the acts for the performance of building works pursuant to Article 28 is carried out exclusively online via the electronic platform of the Technical Chamber of Greece.
- If the electronic submission information system is not functioning, the application for an administrative act must be submitted with an attached file containing the necessary supporting documents, in hard copy, to the Points of Single Contact (KEP), and is duly forwarded to the City Planning Agency.
Article 38 of Law 4495/17 Procedure for checking of a building permit: a) Permits falling under the issuance method of Categories 1, 2 and 3 with the preliminary approval of Article 36 shall be issued automatically, following the electronic submission of the dossier with the required supporting documents and the necessary designs, provided for in Article 40.
- The number of the building permit issued electronically shall be posted online without delay and construction works may commence, with a dossier containing the necessary supporting documents attached, in hard copy, to the Points of Single Contact (KEP), and is duly forwarded to the City Planning Agency.
Article 38 of Law 4495/17 Procedure for checking of a building permit: a) permits falling under the issuance method of Categories 1, 2 and 3 with the preliminary approval of Article 36 shall be issued automatically, following the electronic submission of the dossier with the required supporting documents and the necessary designs, provided for in Article 40.
- The building permit number issued electronically shall be posted online without delay and construction works may commence.
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
The declaration of undertaking is made by the corresponding engineer.
see Article 40(1.a), Law 4495/17What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification with TEE codes (Technical Chamber of Greece)
Means of redress or appeal:
Hierarchical appeal/recourse
Output & Results
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