Cross-border provision of services by tourism companies

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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758ecf22-94e1-49ca-9a36-95fc875cef72 260998 Διασυνοριακή Παροχή Υπηρεσιών από Τουριστικές Επιχειρήσεις

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), MINISTRY OF TOURISM

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents

3 to 5


Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

40 days


The procedure pertains to the temporary and occasional provision of tourism services by tourism businesses and is addressed to providers licensed and legally engaged in this activity in other EU Member States and wish to operate in the Greek territory for a limited time period.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure

Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity


Related links

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


A statement of temporary and occasional provision of tourist services.


A Cross-border Services Declaration Standard (Article 17 Ν. 3844/2010) is available at FEK B 699/2011.

What you will need






        • Other reservation service and related activities

        Output & Results


        Administrative Act


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Official title

            Cross-border Services from Tourist Enterprises

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Ways of provision




              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (handwritten)




            • 1 Labour The person concerned should be legally established in the Member State of establishment, exercise the professional activity in question legally and should not be prohibited, even on a temporary basis, at the time the certificate was issued.

              No No

            • 2 Insurance The person concerned must provide the information on any insurance cover of the provider or a guarantee relating to his professional liability towards the recipients of the services and, where applicable, against third parties, on account of the provision of the service.

              No No

            • 3 Building The person concerned must provide information on the use of infrastructure on the Greek territory, in so far as this is necessary for the provision of the service.

              No No

            • 1 Accurate copy of passport or police identity Proof of Citizenship

              Accurate copy of passport or police identity

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2712

            • 2 Confirmation by the competent authority of the Member State of establishment that the provider is legally established and legally engaged in the specific occupation and that it has not been prohibited, even on a temporary basis, at the time of the issue of the certificate. Certificate

              Confirmation by the competent authority of the Member State of establishment that the provider is legally established and legally engaged in the specific occupation and that it has not been prohibited, even on a temporary basis, at the time of the issue of the certificate.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9703

            • 3 Information on any insurance cover of the provider or a guarantee relating to its professional liability to the recipients of the services and, where applicable, to third parties, due to the provision of the service. Additional supporting documents

              Information on any insurance cover of the provider or a guarantee relating to its professional liability to the recipients of the services and, where applicable, to third parties, due to the provision of the service.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: They are translated into Greek.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9102

            • 4 Information on the use of infrastructure on Greek territory, as necessary for the provision of the service. Additional supporting documents

              Information on the use of infrastructure on Greek territory, as necessary for the provision of the service.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: They are translated into Greek.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              No 9102

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 2874 2011 421 Β

              Description Cross-border provision of services by tourist enterprises on Greek territory, in accordance with the provisions of No 17 of Law No.3844/2010 (VRC 63/A), as currently in force (VRC 699/B/2011)

              Legal references gAkMy7leJ5MXD0LzQTLf7MGgcO23N88knBzLCmTXKaO6fpVZ6Lx3UnKl3nP8NxdnJ5r9cmWyJWelDvWS 18kAEhATUkJb0x1LIdQ163nV9K--td6SIubr52WOXdktCWUrvkTytsAIRbHqwoKEaCAScVODN6yx2

            • 1 Receipt of the cross-border provision of tourist services

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The person concerned shall submit a declaration of cross-border provision of services (No. 17 of Law No. 3844/2010) together with prerequisites to the Office of the Ministry of Tourism Protocol or to the JEP-EKE or to portal eugo.

              No No

            • 2 Protocol on the provision of cross-border tourist services

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Head of the Protocol Office of the Ministry of Tourism or the CSR – receiving the application - Responsible Statement with the attached supporting documents and registering it, at the same time allocating the protocol number to the person concerned or attesting the request in a matching manner.

              No No

            • 3 Forwarding of an application

              Responsible for Implementation KEP (ΚΕΠ) employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Head of the JEP-EKE shall forward to the Ministry of Tourism the application of the person concerned with attached supporting documents.

              Yes No

            • 4 Promoting Application-Responsible Statement

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Head of the Ministry of Tourism's Protocol Office promotes the Application - Responsible Statement to the Head of the Directorate for Legislative Coordination and Good Legislation.

              Yes No

            • 5 Award of an application

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Head of the Directorate for Legislative Coordination and Good Legislation charges the Application - Responsible Statement and supporting documents to the relevant Department.

              No No

            • 6 Checking of supporting documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Director of the Department shall verify the completeness and correctness of the application and the prerequisites for supporting evidence.

              No No

            • 7 Signature of draft information document

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description If the supporting documents are assessed as incomplete, the Director of the Department of Tourism and Professionals shall sign a draft information document with the shortcomings of the application and forward it to the hierarchy for signature.

              Yes No

            • 8 Send of a document to the applicant

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Head of Department of Tourism and Occupational Affairs, sends / delivers the signed document to the applicant.

              Yes Yes

            • 9 Incidental cross-border provision of services

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description An audit shall be carried out to verify the completeness of the supporting documents as well as whether the conditions for the provision of occasional cross-border services are met, a member of the Department shall draw up a draft Decision on the occasional cross-border provision of services and promote it for signature in the hierarchy.

              Yes No

            • 10 Decision Signature by Head

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Head of the Department of Legislation and Good Legislation signes the Decision Occasional Cross-border Service Provision and returns it to the Director of the Department.

              No No

            • 11 Acknowledgement of the interested party

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description A member of the Department shall provide the person concerned with the signed decision Incidental Cross-border provision of services in accordance with the way he has chosen in his application by post or by person.

              No Yes

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