389223Declaration of baptism of a minor

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

b4cd3a79-fd27-4a00-87b3-45376fd2e49d 389223 Δήλωση βάπτισης ανηλίκου

At a glance

Points of service

Consulates, Registries

Number of required documents



Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

3 months

Estimated Time (digitally)

3 days


The procedure concerns the declaration of baptism at the Citizens Register in which the birth has been recorder. Alternatively, baptism can be declared at the Citizens Register of the parents place of residence where a baptism report is drawn up, as well as through the Single Digital Gateway gov.gr.

Basic information

Competent body


The declaration and registration of the baptism at the Citizens Register has the effect of declaring the religion and not of the first name. The first name of the minor is determined in accordance with the naming procedure. Baptism can be taken as a naming when it is done in accordance with the terms of Article 25 of Law 344/1976. This means that the parents declaration of the childs main name is made to the competent registrar, and the parents sign the relevant register of the declaration of their childs main name.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:



Application for a declaration of baptism


The application shall be digitally submitted to the single digital gateway of the public administration or in person at the citizens register where the birth has been registered. Alternatively, baptism may be declared at the citizens register of the parents place of residence; For residents of foreign countries, the baptism must be declared at the relevant Consulate.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes

  • 1 1 Declaration of baptism drawn up by the religious official who performed or assisted in the ceremony. ... Certificate

    Declaration of baptism drawn up by the religious official who performed or assisted in the ceremony.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)



  • 1 Administrative The baptism declaration can be made by the parents, the godparent and relatives of the minor baptised up to the third grade.

  • 2 Age The baptismal declaration can be made by the baptised person if he/she has reached the age of 14.

    Alternative condition of 1

  • 3 Administrative The childs Birth Certificate must have been drawn up in a citizens register in Greece.

  • 4 Administrative The Baptismal Declaration must be preceded by the completion of the Naming Declaration.

  • 5 Identity For the online procedure, when entering gov.gr with Taxisnet codes, a certified mobile phone number in the National Communication Registry is required.

  • 6 Possession of passwords to enter software Access to portal gov.gr and digital version of the final act requires the possession of web banking passwords.

    Alternative condition of 5

Output & Results


Document Production, Registry update


  • 1 Receipt of the application for a declaration of baptism

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description An application for a baptism declaration shall be received by the State Department of the relevant municipality.

  • 2 Check of data

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

  • 3 Information of Citizens' Register (N.P.O.) and Administrator's Enforcement Act

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description The Disciplinary Act, which is an extract and does not state the religion for the purpose of protecting sensitive personal data, is issued; this act is served on the applicant.

Digital steps

  • 1 Authentication User with Taxisnet Codes

    Responsible for Implementation Third entity software

    Co-responsible for Implementation MINISTRY OF DIGITAL GOVERNANCE

    Μethod of Implementation Data output from software

    Link Link

    Description User enters personal codes available on Taxisnet

    Notes The statement can be made: - one of the two parents / guardians - one of the contractors - whoever has up to third degree affinity with the child

  • 2 Successful User authentication

    Responsible for Implementation Third entity software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description Import the Taxisnet code pair successfully

  • 3 Could not close temporary folder: %s

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description in case of incorrect registration of the pair of codes

    Notes is an exit from the service

  • 4 User consent to access personal data of the natural persons registry

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Description It is recommended that the user use the following personal data: VET, Name, Last name, Fathername, Mothername, Year of Birth.

    Notes In order to identify the user electronically, the application "Single Digital Gate Applications" requires consent to gain access to the basic elements of the Register of Natural Persons of the Ministry of Economic Affairs managed by the A.D.E.

  • 5 The Data Overview

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data output from software

    Description the fields appear prefixed and locked: Name/ Surname/ LNG

  • 6 Select Role

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description the role of the declaration is chosen

    Notes The statement can be made: one of the two parents / guardians one of the contractors who has up to third affinity with the child

  • 7 Parent / Guardian: supplement

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description complete the necessary fields while the applicant/demand data is pre-paid and unprocessable

    Notes - the user's status (father or mother) is chosen to be completed: - children's surname and birth date - data from the second parent If any of the completed elements of the parent is wrong, the data should be corrected in the public financial service register (DU) of the citizen.

  • 8 Other declarations/category: completed

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description complete the necessary fields

    Notes fill out the - Data of the District Act (Number, Volume, Year) - For the Headquarters (DIMOS, LEXY - Child Details (Surname, Date of Birth) Parental care is exercised by a person (Yes, No)

  • 9 Systemic data transmission in the Citizens’ Register

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description Systemically sent the child's data to the Civil Registry to check whether there is a child named but not baptism

  • 10 A child's choice for baptism statement

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description the user selects the child for which the baptism will be declared

    Notes By interoperability the Disciplinary Act of birth of a child who does not bring a religion to the MATERIAL CULTURAL. In the case of multiple pregnancy, all registration actions are returned with distinctive distinction between the birth order of each child.

  • 11 Could not close temporary folder: %s

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description Not returned through interoperability Pre-school Act of birth of the child

    Notes application message: "No birth record has been found with this information" Possible fault reasons: - nothing has been completed or it has not been completed correctly in the previous step - no request for namedness has been made or a name application has been made but has not been finalized.

  • 12 Attendment of the baptism of the Holy Temple

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description the Applicant/Applicant attaches the attestation of baptism from the Holy Temple

    Notes the file should be pdf formatd up to 5 MB.

  • 13 Registration of contact details

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description the user enters his mobile phone number and e-mail (e-mail)

    Notes there is also a free text field for any observations by the applicant/applicant to the State which is responsible for a declaration of baptism.

  • 14 Overview of Baptism Declaration Data

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description user check the completed data

  • 15 Verification of survey data

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

  • 16 Wrong overview data

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data output from software

    Description there's some mistake in the fields and you can't go on with the process.

    Notes A correction should be made to the data in the Civil Service Register if the information is provided by the requesting party.

  • 17 Disposable Code Enclosure (OTP)

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description the user receives in his certified mobile phone the disposable code which he enters into the application.

  • 18 Submission of a baptism declaration

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

  • 19 Sending the application to the competent registry

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation MINISTRY OF DIGITAL GOVERNANCE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description The application shall be sent to the Civil Registry and in particular to the relevant registry and shall be incorporated into the data of the child.

    Notes the acceptance of the baptism is made by the Chief in second year

  • 20 Sending an application for a baptism declaration to the citizen's box

    Responsible for Implementation gov.gr

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description the application for the baptism declaration is automatically entered into the applicant's/applicant's box

  • 21 Accept baptism declaration

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

    Description the exile accepts the declared religion and finalises the change in the registration of the child in the Civil Register

  • 22 Mission of the Bachelor's Act of Birth to the Citizen's Window

    Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

    Co-responsible for Implementation TECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

    Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

    Description The Disciplinary Act of Birth is automatically sent to the applicant's citizens/applicant's/applicant's citizens and is automatically sent by written message and email to the applicant/applicant.

    Notes The Prefecture Act is an extract and does not state the religion for the purpose of protecting sensitive personal data. The document has advanced electronic seal and time marking, code number and QR code to verify it. It can be handled both electronically and forms. Its printed version does not require validation and is confirmed by the application of the warranty of Gov.gr documents.

Other information

Alternative titles

Baptism declaration

Official title

Declaration of baptism of a minor

Languages supported

Greek, English


  • Law 4883/2017 (Government Gazette 107/Α) Articles 115-124

    Description Creation and maintenance of an information system called the Citizens' Register

    Legal references Link

  • Law 344/1976 (Government Gazette 143/Α) Articles 25, 26, 27

    Description The baptism is recorded in the margin of the birth order within ninety days of that date, in the production of a declaration by the deceased or conceived in the practice of a religious servant; after that period, the declaration is accepted by the registrant, but means the penalties provided for in Article 49 of the same law.

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 9169 ΕΞ2022/2022 (Government Gazette 1210/Β) Articles 3

    Description Electronic baptism declaration

    Legal references Link

  • Circular 193/2022

    Description Electronic name statement and electronic baptism declaration



Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (handwritten), Public service / public body document, Via video calling

Life events


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