At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
- The service is not provided digitally
Number of required documents
Estimated Time
25 days
a. surveillance or guarding of movable or immovable property and facilities; b. protection of natural persons; c. secure transportation, using specially-modified armoured vehicles, of money, bond certificates, antiquities, works of art and other items of value; d. security guard protection for shows, exhibitions, conferences, competitions and sporting events; e. security checks for pilots / cabin crews, passengers, cabin baggage, check-in baggage, cargo and items for posting at airports and ports, as well as access control to premises and installations in general thereof, with the approval of the competent aviation or port authority; στ. escort services for the safe movement of vehicles carrying bulky or heavy objects, using special vehicles bearing the appropriate signage and indications; f. escort services for sports team delegations to ensure their safe transport; g. preparation of studies and the design of measures to ensure the safe conduct of the activities in cases a) to g); h. installation, maintenance and monitoring of the operation of machinery and security systems and alarm systems, other than those installed in vehicles; i. operation of centres for the reception, control and transmission of alarm signals, and
j. preparation of studies and design of security systems, with regard to the activities in cases i) and j).Basic information
Competent body
Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
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Application Type
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What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification document
Means of redress or appeal:
Hierarchical appeal/recourse