Difference between revisions of "ΔΔ:Grade equivalence for foreign academic qualifications"

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
(Σήμανση διαδικασίας σε κατάσταση μεταβολής λόγω αλλαγής νομοθετικού πλαισίου)
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|process_status=Υπό μεταβολή θεσμικού πλαισίου
|process_official_title=Grade equivalence for foreign academic qualifications
|process_official_title=Grade equivalence for foreign academic qualifications
|process_alternative_titles=Equivalence of the grade of a foreign qualification according to the Greek 10 point scale
|process_alternative_titles=Equivalence of the grade of a foreign qualification according to the Greek 10 point scale

Revision as of 13:47, 26 November 2024

188f3ec6-fc47-4265-9b24-08830903a4d4 709833 Αντιστοιχία βαθμού Ακαδημαϊκών Τίτλων Σπουδών Αλλοδαπής

The process is being reformed due to changes in the institutional framework

At a glance

Points of service


Digital provision points

  • The service is not provided digitally

Number of required documents



30 €

Estimated Time

1 month


This procedure concerns how to determine the equivalence of the grade of foreign academic qualifications from the first (graduate) and second (postgraduate) cycles according to the Greek 10 point scale. Applicants whose qualification has been recognised may apply for grade equivalence.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Academic Qualifications Recognition Directorate

Provided to

Related links


Until notified otherwise, the request should be provisionally sent to the DOATAP email: protocol@doatap.gr

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Request for grade equivalence of a qualification.


The application should be submitted to the following email address: protocol@doatap.gr

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Output & Results


        Document Production


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Equivalence of the grade of a foreign qualification according to the Greek 10 point scale

            Official title

            Grade equivalence for foreign academic qualifications

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Registries updated




              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital), email




            • 1 Educational Certificate of Recognition of Qualifications

              No No

            • 1 The fee payable for a certificate of equivalence is EUR 30 00, plus stamp duty (final amount payable: EUR 30 72). This amount must only be deposited with DOATAP’s account at the Bank of Greece (Account No: 26072595, IBAN: GR05 0100 0240 0000 0002 6072 595). The applicant who requested the re-examination must be named on the deposit slip. 30.72 €

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost Impost

              Fee Link http://www.doatap.gr/gr/paravola.php


            • 1 Certificate of Recognition of Qualifications Rule

              Certificate of Recognition of Qualifications

              Relevant link: https://e-doatap.doatap.gr/

              Submission by: Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: A copy of the decision recognising the qualification may be obtained from the above link only for applications for recognition of a qualification submitted after 20 May 2019. Holders of recognition decisions in hard copy must submit a digitised copy of that document.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 1127

            • Law 3328 2005 80 Α

              Description Organisational structure of DOATAP.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20050100080

            • Law Άρθρα 297-316, 442-444 και 479-481 4957 2022 141 Α

              Description Academic Recognition of Foreign Academic Qualifications / Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Centre

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20220100141

            • Law 5 3327 2002 152 Α

              Description Provisions relating to DIKATSA Issues relating to examinations required to recognise the equivalence of medical degrees awarded by similar universities abroad outside the EU are regulated.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20020100152

            • Law 101 4982 2022 195 Α

              Description Provisions relating to the Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Centre – Amendment of Articles 301, 479 and 480 of Law 4957/2022.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20050100080

            • 1 Application submitted and check of information submitted

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The application is checked, and if omissions or incorrect errors documents are found, the application is returned to the applicant for further action and resubmission. If the application is complete, the procedure moves to the next step.

              No No

            • 2 Calculation of grade equivalence

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The grade equivalence is calculated by the responsible official, according to the criteria for matching foreign grading systems to the Greek 10 point scale.

              Notes If there is no grading or evaluative classification scheme in the foreign qualification, the application folder will be forwarded to the Director for Academic Recognition together with the relevant note for other documentation to be taken into account.

              Yes No

            • 3 Approval of the calculated grade by the Head of the Directorate of Academic Recognition

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The calculated grade is approved by the Director for Academic Recognition, who signs the relevant calculations and sends the documentation to the next step for a certificate to be issued.

              Notes In cases where foreign qualifications do not have a grading or evaluative classification scheme, the Director for Academic Recognition will make a recommendation to the President.

              Yes No

            • 4 Recommendation from the Director for Academic Recognition concerning grade equivalence

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The recommendation of the Director for Academic Recognition must be based on consideration of the other information or documentation from the foreign educational institution —included in the recognition file for the qualification— in order to calculate the grade and, if this is not possible, the relevant qualification must be classed as non-gradable.

              Yes No

            • 5 Issuing of a Certificate of Equivalence

              Responsible for Implementation Head of Organization

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description The President must endorse and sign the Certificate of Equivalence.

              Notes Where the certificate is issued following a recommendation from the Director for Academic Recognition, the President must take into account the content of that recommendation in issuing the certificate of equivalence for that qualification or in classifying it as non-gradable.

              No Yes

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