143148Difference between revisions of "ΔΔ:Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian"

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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|process_official_title=Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian
|process_official_title=Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian
|process_alternative_titles=Cross-border - Procision of  Services: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist and e) Veterinarian (natural person)
|process_alternative_titles=Cross-border - Procision of  Services: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist and e) Veterinarian (natural person)

Revision as of 10:10, 22 May 2023

1bdba43e-c01e-48ed-85d5-c4921bd6ba7f 143148 Δήλωση Προσωρινής και Περιστασιακής Παροχής Υπηρεσιών: Α) Γεωπόνου, Β) Δασολόγου, Γ) Κτηνιάτρου, Δ) Γεωλόγου και Ε) Ιχθυολόγου

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Department of Administrative Support and Personnel for geotechnical registries, GEOTECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents



Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

7 days


The process pertains to the temporary and occasional provision of services in Greece by professionals EU member-states citizens, including Greek citizens, who are legally installed in these states and possess the legal qualifications in order to practice within that state the profession of agronomist, forester, veterinarian, geologist and ichthyologist, as these activities are described in the provisions of PD 344/ 2000 (GG 297 A). 2. The temporary and occasional character of the services is assessed on a case by case basis by the Competent Authority of article 3 and especially depending on the duration, frequency, periodicity and the continuous nature of the specific service.

Basic information

Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

GEOT.E.E., Department of Administrative Support and Personnel

Provided to

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:



Application of the interested party.


The application of the interested party shall include:

- personal data (name, VAT number, father’s name, citizenship, ID card number or passport number) - contact details (telephone - landline and mobile, fax, e-mail, postal address) - professional details (Member State of permanent establishment, profession practiced in the state of legal establishment and for which he/she has the legal qualifications, profession which he/she wishes to practice temporarily and occasionally in Greece) - the data of the insurance coverage for the professional liability (name of the insurance company, number of the insurance policy and op-tionally the amount) - the details of the professional space where he/she will work and the legal employment relationship - the data regarding whether it is the first time that he/she will provide temporary or occasional employment in the Greek territory and data for the previous exercise in case he/she has provided services in the past.

- the registration number in the commercial/ public register

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document

  • 1 1 Exact copy of passport or police ID card ... Identification document

    Exact copy of passport or police ID card

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 2 2 Attestation from the competent authority of the State of origin. ... Certificate

    Attestation from the competent authority of the State of origin.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 3 3 Documents proving his/her professional qualifications, translated into Greek and certified. ... Work Permit

    Documents proving his/her professional qualifications, translated into Greek and certified.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 4 4 If needed, proof of professional experience of at least two years in the last ten years, translated ... Proof of Previous Service

    If needed, proof of professional experience of at least two years in the last ten years, translated into Greek and validated.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 5 5 Validated solemn declaration of the interested party about Prerequisite no.5 ... Solemn Declaration

    Validated solemn declaration of the interested party about Prerequisite no.5

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:ΔΔ:Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration



  • 1 Labour The interested party shall be legally established in the State of origin to engage in the activities in question and shall not have been temporarily barred from engaging in such activities at the time of issue of the attestation

  • 2 Educational The applicant shall hold the relevant degree corresponding to the profession for which he/she is applying.

  • 3 Prior Service In the event that neither the profession nor the education is regulated by law in the Member State of establishment, the interested party shall have at least two (2) years of professional experience in the last ten (10) years.

  • 4 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The interested party shall not have been irrevocably convicted of a felony and of any penalty for theft, embezzlement (common and in the service), fraud, extortion, forgery, bribery, oppression, misappropriation of funds, breach of duty, recidivism, defamation, and for any crime against sexual freedom or of sex trafficking.


Means of redress or appeal:

OtherAdministrative appeal

Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:


In case of reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of the submitted sup-porting documents, the competent authority shall notify the provider in writing and set a further reasonable time limit for the issuance of the attestation. This attestation does not constitute a condition for the exer-cise of the right of free provision of services, which is obtained solely by submitting the written statement of paragraph 1 accompanied, in the cases of paragraph 2 of article 7 of PD 38/2010, by the documents pre-scribed in it.


  • 71.12 Engineering activities and related technical consultancy

Output & Results


Document Production


  • 1 Account creation and data entry

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The applicant visits the link of GEOTEE (Link), where he/she is informed about the application process and the supporting documents, and then enters his/her contact details in order to open an electronic account at Link. The applicant completes the requested fields and uploads all necessary documents to the platform in order to complete the submission (a Certificate of Submission is available to the electronic platform, that can be printed).

  • 2 Certificate available for printing

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description Following internal action taken by GEOTEE regarding new members subscriptions, a Certificate of Subscription is also available for printing.

Other information

Alternative titles

Cross-border - Procision of Services: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist and e) Veterinarian (natural person)

Official title

Cross-border Declaration of Temporary and Occasional Provision of Services of a: a) Geologist, b) Agronomist, c) Forester, d) Ichthyologist, and e) Veterinarian

Languages supported

Greek, English

Ways of provision



  • Presidential Decree 344/2000 (Government Gazette 297/Α)

    Description Exercise of the geotechnical profession

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 165261/ΙΑ/2010 (Government Gazette 2157/Β)

    Description Free provision of services in Greece by professional citizens of Member States of the European Union, in accordance with the provisions of articles 5 to 9 of p.d. 38/2010.

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital), Application (handwritten)


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