At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
Provided without cost
Estimated Time
2 months
- ‘Stationary street trading’ means the exercise of street trading activity by a trader always at the same fixed place designated and delimitated by the municipality which has granted the relevant authorisation.
- Authorisations are granted to natural persons taking part in calls issued by municipalities. The authorisations, designating the relevant places, are granted by municipalities after issuing a call. They are intended for natural persons registered in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings provided for in Law 3874/2010 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 151). Authorisation holders are selected in accordance with the points awarded to them on the basis of the criteria laid down in Article 16 of Law 4849/2021 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 207). Authorised traders may only sell agricultural products produced by them.
Basic information
Provided to
Related links
Validity duration
5 years
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
- a) an application submitted by the applicant including:
- aa) the applicant’s identity details;
- ab) the applicant’s Tax Identification Number (AFM);
- ac) the applicant’s Social Security Registration Number (AMKA)
- ad) the products to be offered for sale;
- ae) the registration number of the vehicle (privately owned or other) to be used;
- af) the number of registration in the Register of Fresh Vegetables Trader, for persons obliged to register therein;
- ag) the locations where the trading activity will take place; and
- ah) a solemn declaration to the effect that the person does not hold any other type of street trade authorisation.
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes
The supporting documents indicated in the call, to evidence that the criteria for awarding points ar ...
Additional supporting documents
The supporting documents indicated in the call, to evidence that the criteria for awarding points are satisfied, in accordance with Article 16(1)(a) of Law 4849/2021 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 207).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
A tax clearance certificate ...
Tax clearance certificate
A tax clearance certificate
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Relevant Procedure: Certificate of no outstanding tax debts
A social security clearance certificate. ...
Social Security Clearance Certificate (eEFKA)
A social security clearance certificate.
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
A certificate of registration in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings provided for in L ...
A certificate of registration in the Register of Farmers and Agricultural Holdings provided for in Law 3874/2010, confirming that the applicant is a farmer.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
The latest declaration filed with the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the Si ...
The latest declaration filed with the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) for the Single Payment Application and the latest Single Crop / Stock-Farming Declaration filed with the Greek Agricultural Insurance Organisation (ELGA).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
A solemn declaration on the quantities to be sold through street trading, per product, for the produ ...
Solemn Declaration
A solemn declaration on the quantities to be sold through street trading, per product, for the products included in the IACS for the Single Payment Application and the latest Single Crop / Stock-Farming Declaration filed with the Greek Agricultural Insurance Organisation (ELGA).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
A valid registration for the vehicle declared (privately owned or other). ...
A valid registration for the vehicle declared (privately owned or other).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
A valid health certificate in accordance with Decision No Υ1γ/Γ.Π./οικ. 35797/04.04.2012 (Government ...
Health certificate
A valid health certificate in accordance with Decision No Υ1γ/Γ.Π./οικ. 35797/04.04.2012 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1199) of the Minister for Health and Social Solidarity.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
A certificate of registration as a professional carrying out economic activity, issued on TAXIS (as ...
Certificate (conditional)
A certificate of registration as a professional carrying out economic activity, issued on TAXIS (as appropriate).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: This requirement does not apply to: Producer-traders who are eligible for the special arrangement provided for in Article 41 of Law 2859/2000 on the Added Value Tax Code.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Tax
A certificate of registration of a cash register, issued on TAXIS (as appropriate). ...
Certificate (conditional)
A certificate of registration of a cash register, issued on TAXIS (as appropriate).
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: This requirement does not apply to: Producer-traders who are eligible for the special arrangement provided for in Article 41 of Law 2859/2000 on the Added Value Tax Code.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Tax
A solemn declaration to the effect that the products are produced by the applicant himself/herself a ...
Solemn Declaration (conditional)
A solemn declaration to the effect that the products are produced by the applicant himself/herself and on the quantity to be sold through street trading.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Whether the products concerned are such that need not declared on IACS.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Technical
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation or an establishment authorisation for the ...
Operating Licence (conditional)
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation or an establishment authorisation for the poultry farm, or exemption by law from the relevant authorisation procedure, in accordance with Law 4056/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 52), as well as an egg candling certificate, in accordance with Regulations (EC) No 853/2004 (OJ L 139/55) and (EC) No 589/2008 (OJ L 163/6). The farm code should also be notified in all cases.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where eggs are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
An authenticated photocopy of a bee-keeping book, lawfully ratified in accordance with Decision No 3 ...
Booklet (conditional)
An authenticated photocopy of a bee-keeping book, lawfully ratified in accordance with Decision No 370910/14.5.2001 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 642) of the Minister for Agriculture.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where honey is included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation or an establishment authorisation for the ...
Permit (conditional)
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation or an establishment authorisation for the farm in accordance with Law 4056/2012 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 52).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where poultry and lagophorms are included in the products offered for sale. More specifically, producers with an annual production in excess of 10 000 poultry and lagophorms who are not obliged to slaughter the animals in approved slaughterhouses intended for poultry and lagophorms, respectively, shall fulfil the obligations imposed by the Directorate for Rural Economy and Veterinary Medicine of the Regional Unit in which the farm is located.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A valid certificate from the Fisheries Department of the Directorate for Rural Economy and Veterinar ...
Certificate (conditional)
A valid certificate from the Fisheries Department of the Directorate for Rural Economy and Veterinary Medicine of the Regional Unit concerned, indicating the complete details of the fishing boat, its ownership status, the fishing gear used, the fish species caught, the total quantities per species, as well as that the boat is in operation.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where fisheries are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A certificate from the Fisheries Department of the Directorate for Rural Economy and Veterinary Medi ...
Certificate (conditional)
A certificate from the Fisheries Department of the Directorate for Rural Economy and Veterinary Medicine of the Regional Unit concerned to the effect that the farm is in operation and indicating the species and quantities of the fisheries produced.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where aquaculture fisheries are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A distillation permit from the competent customs office, in accordance with
Article 7(E.3) and (E.8) ...
Permit (conditional)
A distillation permit from the competent customs office, in accordance with Article 7(E.3) and (E.8) of Law 2969/2001 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 281).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where goods produced by small distillers (also known as ‘2 day’ distillers) are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A valid certificate from the Central Electronic Register of Family Businesses (KIMO). ...
Certificate (conditional)
A valid certificate from the Central Electronic Register of Family Businesses (KIMO).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where goods produced by family businesses, as referred to in Article 3 of Decision No 4912/120862/5.11.2015 of the Minister for Rural Development and Food (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2468), are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A certificate to the effect that the legal requirements are met, as provided for in Article 4(3) of ...
Certificate (conditional)
A certificate to the effect that the legal requirements are met, as provided for in Article 4(3) of Joint Decision No 2078/80743/25.7.2017 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2679) of the Minsters for Finance and for Rural Development and Food, except in cases that involve the production of propagation material of flowering plants specified in the ministerial decision referred to in the fourth indent of Article 5(1) of Law 1564/1985 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 164).
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where propagation material of farmed plants is included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
A harvest declaration, a wine and must production declaration, a declaration of stocks from the prev ...
Declaration (conditional)
A harvest declaration, a wine and must production declaration, a declaration of stocks from the previous year, if any, and a copy of the small wine producer declaration submitted to the competent customs authority, in accordance with Article 4(1) of Decision No ΔΕΦΚΦΒ-5026381 ΕΞ 2015/16.12.2015 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2785) of the Minister for Finance.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where bottled wine is included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation for the plant. ...
Permit (conditional)
An operating authorisation or a preliminary authorisation for the plant.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where processed products which are not processed in the producer’s plant, but are processed in third-party plants, are included in the products offered for sale. Moreover, the producer must always have available supporting documents indicating the quantities of the products delivered to the processing plant and the relevant final quantities of products received.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
i) A certificate from the veterinary department confirming that the activity concerned has been regi ...
Certificate (conditional)
i) A certificate from the veterinary department confirming that the activity concerned has been registered. ii) A certificate of registration in the Central Electronic Register of Family Businesses (KIMO) for the products concerned, in accordance with Decision No 4912/120862/5.11.2015 of the Minister for Rural Development and Food.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: For stock farmers taking advantage of the national measures for own production of dairy products in their stock farm, in accordance with Article 6 of Joint Decision No 3724/162303/22.12.2014 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3438) of the Ministers for Development and Competitiveness and for Rural Development and Food, provided that dairy products are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
i) A certificate confirming that the production farm is included in the list of approved plants of t ...
Certificate (conditional)
i) A certificate confirming that the production farm is included in the list of approved plants of the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET), ii) in the case of leased farms, a lease agreement registered in the information system Independent Authority for Public Revenue (TAXIS).
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: For stock farmers having a privately-owned or leased approved plant, where dairy products are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
i) A certificate confirming that the milk-processing plant is included in the list of approved plant ...
Certificate (conditional)
i) A certificate confirming that the milk-processing plant is included in the list of approved plants of the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) and ii) a private agreement between the stock farmer and the milk-processing plant.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: For stock farmers who do not have a privately-owned or leased plant, but deliver the milk to an approved plant and receive the final processed product, where dairy products are included in the products offered for sale.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
Alternative document of: 23
Any certifications required under Regulations (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L 189), (EC) No 889/2008 (OJ L 25 ...
Certification (conditional)
Any certifications required under Regulations (EC) No 834/2007 (OJ L 189), (EC) No 889/2008 (OJ L 250) and (EC) No 1235/2008 (OJ L 334) and Decision No 2543/103240/2.10.2017 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 3529) of the Alternate Minister for Rural Development and Food.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: Where organic products are included in the products offered for sale. One’s products may be labelled as ‘organic’ only if this requirement is met.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative, Technical
Possession of passwords to enter software
The applicant must have obtained TAXISnet credentials.
Link Link
The applicant shall register as a professional carrying out economic activity and using a cash register, which must be declared and connected to the information system of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (TAXIS). Any persons who are eligible for the special arrangement provided for in Article 41 of Law 2859/2000 on the Added Value Tax Code are excluded from this obligation.
The applicant shall be a professional farmer.
The applicants shall have fulfilled all their obligations in terms of social security contributions.
The applicants shall have fulfilled all their obligations in terms of tax payments.
The applicant shall submit a valid registration and a valid certificate of roadworthiness (KTEO certificate) for the vehicle declared (privately owned or other).
The applicant shall submit a valid health certificate in accordance with Decision No Υ1γ/Γ.Π./οικ. 35797/04.04.2012 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1199) of the Minister for Health and Social Solidarity.
The applicant (natural person) shall be awarded points on the basis of certain criteria, as detailed in Ministerial Decision No 55332/27.05.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2660).
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherAdministrative appeal / Objection
Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:
Tacit rejection
- 47.8 Retail sale via stalls and markets
Output & Results
Publication of a call
Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description A call shall be published by the municipality concerned for granting producer and stationary trader authorisations.
Notes The authority responsible for issuing the call shall see to it that the call is posted on the ‘Open Market’ Integrated Administration System (OPSAA) and on its website at least 30 days prior to expiry of the deadline set for submitting the relevant applications. The call shall include at least the following information: the locations of the positions granted and the products which may be offered for sale thereat, the fee to be paid for the entire duration of the activity, as well as the method and time of payment of the fee.
Electronic submission of applications and supporting documents.
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The applicants shall, within the deadline set, submit to the OPSAA electronically the applications for taking part in the call, also attaching the required supporting documents.
Registration of the applications
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent official shall assign a registration number to the applications.
Forwarding of the application to the Examination and Evaluation Committee
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent official shall, after the deadline for submitting applications for taking part in the call expires, forward the applications and supporting documents to the Examination and Evaluation Committee.
Verification that the applications are complete and correct; evaluation of the applications
Responsible for Implementation Collective body
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The Examination and Evaluation Committee shall verify that the applications and supporting documents are complete and correct and shall evaluate the applications.
Notes This step shall be taken by the Examination and Evaluation Committee.
Preparation of an opinion/report on the results
Responsible for Implementation Collective body
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Examination and Evaluation Committee shall prepare a report on the applications.
Notes This step shall be taken by the Examination and Evaluation Committee.
Decision setting out the results of the call
Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent department of the municipality shall issue a decision setting out the results of the call.
Submission of objections
Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Objections may be submitted against the results of the call.
Notes Any person having a legitimate interest may, within 15 days from the date of publication of the results, object to the decision on the results of the call before the competent authority. The objections shall be forwarded by the competent department to the Objection Examination Committee.
Examination of objections
Responsible for Implementation Collective body
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The objections submitted against the decision on the results of the call shall be examined.
Notes Any person having a legitimate interest may, within 15 days from the date of publication of the results, object to the decision on the results of the call before the competent authority. This step shall be taken by the Examination and Evaluation Committee.
Decision on the objections
Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Issuance of a decision on the objections submitted against the results of the call.
Notes The decision of the competent authority on the objection shall be issued within 10 days of submission. Any person having a legitimate interest may lodge an appeal against the decision on the objection before the competent administrative court of first instance in accordance with the provisions of Articles 63 to 70 of Law 2717/1999 on the Code of Administrative Procedure (Government Gazette, Series I, No 97).
Issuance of the authorisation
Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description A stationary trader authorisation shall be issued.
Notes The competent department shall issue the professional street trader authorisation, including the information listed in the ministerial decision referred to in Article 67(7) of Law 4849/2021 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 207).
Update of the OPSAA and notification to the applicant
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The OPSAA shall be updated with the information of the new trader’s authorisation.
Notes The applicant shall be notified by email and shall obtain his/her authorisation from the OPSAA.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Ways of provision
Law 4887/2022 (Government Gazette 16/Α) Articles 134
Description Concerning sellers carrying out their activity in short-term street markets; amending Article 37 of Law 4849/2021.
Legal references Link
Law 4964/2022 (Government Gazette 150/Α) Articles 126
Description Concerning the deadline for registration in the ‘Open Market’ Integrated Administration System (OPSAA), holders of authorisations for professional trader positions, meaning of temporary positions, holders of eggs and honey producer-trader authorisations, and amending Article 66 of Law 4849/2021.
Legal references Link
Law 4849/2021 (Government Gazette 207/Α)
Description Reforming and modernising the regulatory framework for the organisation and operation of street trading, laying down provisions on the conduct of recreational activities and simplifying the framework of activities in education, enhancing the legislation on chambers, other provisions of the Ministry of Development and Investment, and other emergency provisions.
Legal references Link
Joint Ministerial Decision 18982/2022 (Government Gazette 925/Β)
Description Concerning goods to be offered for sale by producers and professional street traders.
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 9181/2022 (Government Gazette 433/Β)
Description Concerning combined products offered for sale through street trading, changes to and additions of products, information to be printed on the label put up at the point of sale, and correlation of products offered for sale by professional traders under previous arrangements.
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 55332/2022 (Government Gazette 2660/Β)
Description Concerning the supporting documents required to obtain, transfer and renew a producer and professional trader authorisation and the relevant positions or entitlements to carry out street trading activity. Amending Decision No 21061/25.02.2022 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 980) of the Minister for Development and Investment.
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 21057/2022 (Government Gazette 981/Β)
Description Information to be included in the authorisation for granting a position and an entitlement to carry out economic activity to a producer and a professional street trader.
Legal references Link
Ministerial Decision 31687/2022 (Government Gazette 1530/Β)
Description Setting out the content of a report prepared after an inspection that established a breach of Article 61(2) of Law 4849/2021.
Legal references Link
Τype of procedure
Trigger (submission method)
Life events
End of Process