134570License to Establish and Operate a Veterinary Office of Productive Animals

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

745be4c4-63da-4a94-ae8b-b8cffbb179de 134570 Άδεια Ίδρυσης και Λειτουργίας Κτηνιατρικού Γραφείου για τα Παραγωγικά Ζώα

At a glance

Points of service

Points of Single Contact (ΚΕΠ – EKE), Regional units, Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the competent Regional Unit

Digital provision points

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents



Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

7 days


The procedure concerns the authorisation for the establishment and operation of a Veterinary Office for productive animals, in which the veterinarian provides services related to the treatment and prevention of diseases of productive animals, as well as the application of good veterinary standards for the management of their health and welfare.

Veterinary examinations and treatment of sick productive livestock shall not be carried out in these offices. Such examinations or operations shall be carried out exclusively in the breeding units (stables).

The above procedure is addressed to holders of a degree in veterinary medicine from a higher educational institution (AEI) in Greece or an equivalent degree or diploma in the corresponding specialities from foreign schools and a licence to practise in Greece, who meet the appropriate requirements.

Basic information

Competent body

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Directorate of Veterinary Medicine of the competent Regional Unit


It concerns: Natural Persons Up to 7 days from the receipt of the request and any necessary supporting documents by the department responsible for issuing the final act (the time is binding on the department issuing the final act).

Last update



Application Type

Application / Solemn Declaration

Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:



Application Submission – Solemn Declaration.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes

  • 1 1 Copy of license to practice the profession, from GEOTEE. ... License to use

    Copy of license to practice the profession, from GEOTEE.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 2 2 Solemn Declaration of the applicant that he/she does not fall under the prohibitions defined in par. ... Solemn Declaration

    Solemn Declaration of the applicant that he/she does not fall under the prohibitions defined in par. 3 of article 19 of Law 3698/2008 (A 198) and that he/she does not maintain a Veterinary Office in another area across the country.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

    Relevant Procedure: Solemn declaration and electronic solemn declaration

  • 3 3 Topographic diagram with a floor plan of the professional roof on a scale of 1:100. ... Topographical drawing

    Topographic diagram with a floor plan of the professional roof on a scale of 1:100.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons



  • 1 Possession of passwords to enter software The applicant shall have a TAXISnet username and password.

    Link Link

  • 2 Educational They shall be holders of a degree from the Veterinary School of the Higher Education Institution (HEI) of the country or of an equivalent degree or diploma from foreign schools with corresponding specialties and a license to practice in Greece.

  • 3 Labour The shall not work in a dependent employment relationship in companies trading in veterinary medicinal products and in breeding units of productive animals.

  • 4 Labour They shall not be retired and shall not receive a pension as veterinarians from ETAA (former T.S.A.Y.).

  • 5 Labour They shall not be members of the Teaching Scientific Staff (DEP) of Higher Educational Institutions and Technological Educational Institu-tions of the country.

  • 6 Labour They shall not have monthly employment and insurance in ETAA (former T.S.A.Y.) as veterinarians of the State, the Greek Police, of the Regions and the other Local Authorities, of the organizations and of companies that belong to the wider public sector, of the bank or other public limited companies whose share majority belong to the State or Legal Persons under public law, of the state legal entities that have been characterized as legal entities under private law, of the subsidiaries of public companies and the other Legal Persons under public law

  • 7 Administrative They shall not hold a license for retail or wholesale sale of veterinary medicinal products in their name

  • 8 Company law They shall not participate in companies that deal with the production, import and marketing of veterinary medicinal products.

  • 9 Labour For veterinarians of the Armed Forces, the legal framework is implemented as defined by the Law Decree 1400/1973 (Government Gazette 114 AD), the Presidential Decree 130/1984 (Government Gazette 42 AD) and the Presidential Decree 4−1 / 1990 / ΓΕΣ / ΔΥΓ / 1ο.

  • 10 Technical They shall have as a commercial property an independent space of at least twenty (20) square meters.

  • 11 Technical It is allowed for a veterinary office of productive animals to have a common accommodation (collocation) with a pet veterinary clinic. Their sites must be completely separate and meet the terms and conditions of their establishment and operation.

  • 12 Geographical Each veterinarian is allowed to operation one single Veterinary Office throughout the country.


Means of redress or appeal:

OtherAdministrative redress/appeal

Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:

Tacit approval

If the competent authority does not respond before the above deadline, then the business may operate according to par. 4 of article 14 of Law 3844/2010 (GG 63/Α’/3-5-2010). On this occasion (tacit approval), the applicant may request from the competent authority a formal attestation (article 10, par.4 of Law 3230/2004).


  • 75.0 Veterinary activities

Output & Results


Document Production, Registry update


  • 1 Submission of application and of required documents

    Responsible for Implementation Other

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The applicant submits the required documents at the Veterinary Services of Regional Units (Departments or Directorates of Veterinary Medicine) or at KEP-EKE and receives Attestation for Application Submission.

  • 2 Dispatch of the licence to the interested party

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description The Veterinary Services of Regional Units (Departments or Directorates of Veterinary Medicine) sends the signed licence to the applicant.

Other information

Official title

Licence to Establish and Operate a Veterinary Office of Productive Animals

Languages supported

Greek, English

Ways of provision



  • Law 4691/2020 (Government Gazette 108/Α) Articles 14

    Description - Amendment of article 11 of Law 2538/1997 (controls on the implementation and compliance with the provisions on selling, rendering available in the market and using veterinary medicinal products) - Other Amendments of Law 2538/1997

    Legal references Link

  • Law 3698/2008 (Government Gazette 198/Α) Articles 18-24

    Description Articles 18 -2

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 155511/2011 (Government Gazette 1308/Β)

    Description Reasons relating to the public interest, facilitation of application submission via KEP-EKE

    Legal references Link

  • Joint Ministerial Decision 282371/2006 (Government Gazette 731/Β)

    Description Prerequisites, alignment with EU Directive 2001/82 regarding veterinary drugs

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital), Application (handwritten)



End of Process


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