Accessibility statement

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

This declaration is valid for the content published on It does not apply to content in subdomains.

The GRNET undertakes to make the relevant website and mobile application accessible, in accordance with the provisions of Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 184, 23-09-2020), as in force. This accessibility statement applies to and its mobile application

Identity of the declarant


Directorate for Digital Governance,

Kifisias Avenue 7, 115 23 Athens


Compliance status

This website and the above application fully comply with the accessibility requirements of Article 39 of Law 4727/2020 and partly with the standard WCAG 2.1 (Level AA).

In particular, the website and app incorporates the widget accessibility of a UserWay service website fed by a dedicated accessibility server (offering a range of functionalities to be used for persons with disabilities – including those with visual, hearing, cognitive and motor impairments). With this widget, most accessibility issues for the WCAG 2.1 Level AA are resolved. Drafting this accessibility statement.

The assessment of the website’s compliance and implementation with the requirements of Directive (EU) 2016/2102 and WCAG 2.1 (Level A and Level AA) was carried out:

The last revision of the declaration took place on 25/01/2023.

Activate the accessibility menu

The accessibility menu of the website can be activated by clicking on the icon of the accessibility menu displayed around the page. After activating the accessibility menu, wait a little to load the accessibility menu in its entirety.

Non-accessible content

In accordance with Article 3 (e) 37 of Law 4727/2020, excludes the content of third-party websites. This case concerns third-party websites other than, accessible via links.

Feedback and contact information

The Directorate for Digital Governance of GRNET ( shall ensure the continuous improvement of the accessibility of the website and of the application, always with a view to ensuring equal and unhindered use by all, regardless of their physical abilities or technology.

In a continuous effort to continuously improve and remedy any accessibility problems, we are regularly scanning our website with the UserWay accessibility scanner to identify and correct any potential accessibility barriers to the website. Despite our efforts to make all pages and content on the website and the application fully accessible, some content may not yet have been fully adapted to the stricter accessibility standards.

In accordance with Article 4 (b) 42 and Article 1 45 law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 184, 23-09-2020), any interested party has the right to submit observations or a request for information on the state of compliance or a request for missing information. Please help us to improve content accessibility by using the contact address below to let us know of any problems you may experience or to request access to inaccessible information or documents.

Communication with the Directorate for Digital Governance of GRNET regarding the above is done by sending a message to

Procedure for enforcement

The reply shall be communicated to the person concerned in an appropriate manner as soon as possible.

In the event of an unsatisfactory reply, the interested party is entitled to apply to the competent institutional authorities, such as by submitting a petition to the Sinigoros tou Politi (

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