447314Enrolment of pupils at a General Lyceum (Upper Secondary School)

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b8d4d993-5f93-41b2-b3b7-5210a67ab5e5 447314 Εγγραφή μαθητών στο Γενικό Λύκειο

At a glance

Points of service

High Schools, Secondary education directorates

Number of required documents

3 to 4 + (


Provided without cost

Estimated Time

4 months


The procedure concerns the enrolment / renewal of enrolment at Public General Lyceums, in May June of the previous school year, at intervals determined by a circular issued by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports. The declaration stating the applicant’s preference with regard to the General Lyceum is accompanied, depending on the class, by the optional courses and/or the study group.

Basic information

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Secondary education directorates

Validity duration



Exceptional enrolments:

Exceptionally, enrolments may be made in September, before the start of a course, during a period determined by a circular issued by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, in operating departments for pupils who were referred for the September examination period, where this is also provided for pupils who were unable to register for reasons of force majeure, by submitting official documents proving the inability to register within the prescribed period (e.g. for health reasons or serious family reasons).

Late enrolments: Late enrolments are subject to the approval of the head teacher of the relevant secondary school up to five (5) days after the start of the course, with the submission of official documents proving the impossibility of enrolment within the deadlines (e.g. for health reasons or serious family reasons). Any absences of pupils for the period from the beginning of the course until the late enrolment will be counted in full.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Electronic application for enrolment

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes

  • 1 1 A lower secondary school leaving certificate, if this has not been officially transmitted, another e ... Proof of Study

    A lower secondary school leaving certificate, if this has not been officially transmitted, another equivalent qualification or evidence or certificate of the pupil’s studies from the school they attended or from the school in which the archives of a school that has been abolished are kept. In this case, in order to complete the enrolment, the General Lyceum (GEL) at which the enrolment is made, must request in writing a verification of the content of the evidence or certificate of studies.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 2 2 Solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 75) of the guardian o ... Solemn Declaration

    Solemn declaration pursuant to Law 1599/1986 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 75) of the guardian of the pupil or of the pupil themself if they are an adult.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

    Notes: The solemn declaration must state: aa) the legal exercise of guardianship, if the pupil is a minor, unless they have already submitted a guardianship declaration at the time of the pupils enrolment in June; bb) the acceptance of electronic information on issues relating to the pupil’s schooling, as well as an email address for receiving the emails, or the telephone number to which SMS messages should be sent. In the event of the breakup of a partnership, whether it has been concluded by marriage or by a civil partnership between the guardians, two solemn declarations must be submitted, together with the guardians’ personal details; cc) that the enroled pupil does not attend any other General Lyceum or Vocational Lyceum or secondary school of any ministry or a higher education school or a post-secondary school / apprenticeship class of a vocational secondary school (EPAL) or a vocational training institute (IEK) or a vocational training school (ESK) or equivalent schools or institutions abroad, in accordance with Article 9(1E) of the same Ministerial Decision on dual enrolment; dd) that the enroled pupil does not hold an upper secondary school leaving certificate.

  • 3 3 Photocopy of the pupil’s ID card. ... Identification document

    Photocopy of the pupil’s ID card.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 4 3.1 Birth certificate issued by the municipality / municipal body in whose register the pupil is registe ... Birth certificate (Census) (ex officio)

    Birth certificate issued by the municipality / municipal body in whose register the pupil is registered.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Ex officio (digital), Ex officio (manual)

    Submitted by: Persons

    Notes: If the pupil does not have an ID card, and a certificate issued by the municipality / municipal body has not been submitted in the registers of which the pupil is enroled, the certificate must be sought ex officio by the head teacher of the school, so that the pupil’s details can be entered.

    Alternative document of: 3

  • 5 4 Authorisation for enrolment of minor citizens from third-countries ... Enabling act (conditional)

    Authorisation for enrolment of minor citizens from third-countries

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

    Notes: The online application by minor citizens from third-countries who fall under Article 21(8) of Law 4251/2014 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 80) and refugee children who fall under the provisions of Article 71 of Law 4547/2018 (Government Gazette, Series I, No 102) who wish to register at a General Lyceum, may be submitted by the head teacher of the school or by the refugee education coordinator, with their TaxisNet codes, once their guardians have submitted an application / solemn declaration to the school management stating: a) that they authorise the head teacher of the school or the refugee education coordinator to submit the online application on their behalf; b) their preference for the type of school they wish to enrol the pupil at; c) their inability to submit the online application themselves; and d) that they will provide: aa) the asylum application form; and bb) a residence certificate signed by the administrator of the accommodation centre or refugee accommodation centre, also stating the inability of the person concerned to obtain TaxisNet codes; or cc) a certificate of residence in another facility (e.g. a housing programme, non-governmental organisation, municipalities or international organisation). In this case, the certificate will be issued by the competent institution in each case, which will also declare the inability of the person concerned to obtain TaxisNet codes. In the case of citizens of third countries residing in Greece who have not completed the necessary steps to regulate their legal residence in Greece, the online application for the enrolment of their minor children may be submitted by the head teacher of the school, with their personal TaxisNet codes, provided that the children’s guardians submit an application / solemn declaration to the school management stating: a) that they authorise the head teacher of the school to submit the online application on their behalf; b) their preference for the type of school they wish to enrol the children at; c) their inability to submit the online application themselves; d) that have not completed the necessary steps to regulate their legal residence in Greece.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Citizenship



  • 1 Educational Holders of a lower secondary school leaving certificate or other equivalent qualification are entitled to enrol in the first year of the General Lyceum.

  • 2 Possession of passwords to enter software Pupils wishing to enrol or transfer to a Public General Lyceum, or their guardians, if they are minors, must submit, via the online application of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, an online application for the type of upper secondary school (General or Vocational Lyceum) they wish to attend. TaxisNet personal codes are required.

    Link Link

  • 3 Time limit Enrolment / renewal of enrolment at Public General Lyceums take place during the months of May June of the previous school year, at intervals specified in a circular issued by the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.

Output & Results


Administrative Act, Registry update


  • 1 Submission of an electronic application

    Responsible for Implementation Software

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description Pupils who wish to enrol in a Public General Lyceum, or their guardians, if they are minors, must submit, via an online application of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports, an e enrolment, an online application for the type of lyceum (general or vocational) they wish to attend.

  • 2 Spatial distribution of pupils

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description The competent directorates for secondary education allocate pupils to General Lyceums according to the area in which their permanent residence is located through an online application of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.

    Notes The competent directorates for secondary education allocate pupils to General Lyceums according to the area in which their permanent residence is located through an online application of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs and Sports.

  • 3 Submission of supporting documents

    Responsible for Implementation Educational Structure

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description After expiry of the deadline for the submission of online applications and their processing, the interested parties are notified through the electronic information system and invited to come to the General Lyceum to which they have finally been allocated and to which the lower secondary school leaving certificate has been transmitted, in order to submit the necessary supporting documents.

    Notes The interested parties have the right to submit the necessary supporting documents until the beginning of the course.

  • 4 Verification of qualifications

    Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

    Μethod of Implementation Inspection

    Description The head teachers of the schools are obliged to verify the academic qualifications submitted for the enrolment of the pupils, provided that these qualifications have not been transmitted to them by the school which issued them.

    Notes Qualifications are verified whenever necessary.

Other information

Alternative titles

Online application for enrolment / renewal of enrolment / transfer at/to a Public General Lyceum. Enrolment / renewal of enrolment at a General or Vocational Lyceum

Official title

Enrolment of pupils at a General Lyceum (Upper Secondary School)

Languages supported

Greek, English


  • Ministerial Decision 77231/2022 (Government Gazette 3323/Β)

    Description Amendment to Ministerial Decision 79942/ΓΔ4 of 21 May 2019 on enrolments, transfers, attendance and issues relating to the organisation of school life in secondary schools (Government Gazette, Series II, No 2005)

    Legal references Link

  • Ministerial Decision 79942/2019 (Government Gazette 2005/Β) Articles 9

    Description Enrolments, transfers, attendance and issues relating to the organisation of school life in secondary schools

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital)



End of Process


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