At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
- The service is not provided digitally
Number of required documents
Provided without cost
Estimated Time
2 months
Basic information
Competent body
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
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Validity duration
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification document
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherObjection to register or deletion from the special electoral roll of Community voters
Output & Results
Submission of an application/solemn declaration
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Community voters appear to the municipality where they reside and apply to vote in first and second-grade local and elections.
Posting details of new voters at the municipal store
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The statements of the data of new electorates are posted to each municipal store from 1 to 10 next month after the end of the two-month period.
Failure to lodge a complaint
Description No objections shall be lodged within the ten-day period.
Lodging of objections
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Within 10 days, any voter or a party representative recognised under the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament shall have the right to submit to the mayor an objection against the registration or non-registration of a person in such situations.
Notes The objections are made in writing and shall be delivered by the objectors themselves or by their special representative and must contain their name and address, the name of which is the one against whom they turn, the electoral list, the serial number of their registration, the special and specific reasons invoked by the objectors and the evidence of those reasons; an objection which does not contain these particulars shall be unacceptable and rejected by the competent court.
Posting of table in the Municipality's notice board
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Table with the details of the objectors and those against whom they are directed posted in the notice board of the municipality for five days.
Preparation of a report on the posting of statements and tables
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Objections to the complaints shall be made in writing by the Mayor or by the voter to whom they relate. A report shall be drawn up on the posting of the lists and tables, signed by an official of the municipality.
Forwarding of complaints, statements of objections and statements of objections to the competent Court of First Instance for judgment
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Complaints, objections to them and the statements relating to them shall be forwarded within five days of the expiry of the time limits by the Mayor to the competent Court of First Instance for judgment.
Judgements and decisions adopted by the Court of First Instance
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The President of the Court of First Instance, after receiving the complaints against the electoral rolls and any objections of the municipalities, shall set by his act, as soon as possible, the date and time of the hearing of the relevant cases by the Multi-Member Court of First Instance, which shall hear the cases in accordance with the procedure of voluntary jurisdiction. This act shall be published ten (10) days before the appointed hearing date by posting it on the notice board in the civil courtroom of the court.
Notes The judgment of the Court of First Instance shall be delivered within one month.
Sending of change data to the Elections Directorate of the Ministry of Interior
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The data on the changes are sent from the Municipality through a special application to the Elections Directorate of the Ministry of Interior in order to complete the registration procedure in the special electoral roll of Community voters.
Notes In the case that objections have been submitted and a decision of the Court of First Instance has been adopted, the final changes to the electoral rolls are forwarded by the Court of First Instance to the Directorate of Elections for further action.
Registration of a Community voter in the special electoral roll
Responsible for Implementation Competent Ministry
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description By sending the data, the registration of Community voters in the special electoral roll of EU residents is completed.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Law 4555/2018 (Government Gazette 133/Α) Articles 49
Description Electoral rolls.
Legal references Link
Presidential Decree 26/2012 (Government Gazette 57/Α) Articles 17
Description Filing of complaints.
Legal references Link
Presidential Decree 133/1997 (Government Gazette 121/Α)
Description Exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate during municipal elections by citizens of the European Union who reside in Greece and are not Greek citizens in compliance with Council Directive 94/80/EC (L 368 from 31.12.1994 p. 38).
Legal references Link