Registration of natural persons in the Employers’ Register (e-EFKA)

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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76080a4a-08a2-4f83-a2d7-7a8ac88ff97d 709026 Απογραφή φυσικού προσώπου στο Μητρώο Εργοδοτών (e-ΕΦΚΑ)

At a glance

Points of service

Available only digitally

Number of required documents

Not required


Provided without cost

Estimated Time (digitally)

41 minutes


This procedure concerns the registration of natural persons in the Employers’ Register. It is addressed to those already registered in the Register of the Electronic National Social Security Fund (e-EFKA) who have started a sole proprietorship with the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) and intend to employ staff as employers.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure

Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure


Service / organizational unit of a authority entity


Provided to

Related links


In the event of failure to complete the registration of a natural person in the Employers’ Register through the online service or the objective impossibility of using it, the employer may, by way of exception, apply to the Regional Service of e-EFKA to which the registered office of their company belongs.

Last update



What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Output & Results


        Digital document production, Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Register yourself as an Employer (for natural persons eEFKA)

            Official title

            Electronic service for the registration of natural persons in the Employers’ Register



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)

              Life events




            • 1 Insurance They must already be registered in the Register of insured persons of the Electronic National Social Security Fund (e-EFKA).

              No No

            • Law 1 4670 2020 43 Α

              Description Under this Article, the Legal Entity Governed by Public Law known as the ‘National Social Security Fund’ (EFKA) is renamed ‘Electronic National Social Security Fund’ (e-EFKA), and the Integrated Fund for Supplementary Pensions and Lump Sum Benefits (ETEAEP) is integrated into it.

              Legal references pdf=20200100043

            • Law 11 4670 2020 43 Α

              Description This article stipulates that all attestations and certificates issued by the Electronic National Social Security Fund (e-EFKA) in accordance with the provisions in force for the transactions of citizens with other services and organisations, are to be received in electronic form by means of a direct link with the information systems of the bodies to which they are being submitted.

              Legal references pdf=20200100043

            • Law 53 4387 2016 85 Α

              Description EFKA consists of one (1) primary branch for insurance and other benefits, into which the pre-existing bodies, branches, sectors, and accounts of the former insurance bodies are automatically integrated.

              Legal references pdf=20160100085

            • Formal document 100615 2021

              Description A general document from e-EFKA that analyses the new electronic service, its scope, and describes the implementation flow.

              Legal references

              ΑΔΑ ΨΒΥΤ46ΜΑΠΣ-ΕΥΧ

            • 1 User identification with TaxisNet passwords

              Responsible for Implementation Third entity software

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)


              Description Users are identified using the TaxisNet passwords of the General Secretariat of Information Systems (GSIS).

              No No

            • 2 User identification with their Social Security Number (AMKA) and confirmation of personal data

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

              Description The data drawn from the General Secretariat of Information Systems (GSIS) is authenticated (combined identification) using the AMKA data, and users confirm their data.

              No No

            • 3 Select ‘Register’ and recover general business data from the IAPR

              Responsible for Implementation Third entity software

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

              Description By selecting ‘Register’, a registration application number is assigned and general business data are retrieved by the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) (general employer data, data on the registered office of the undertaking, data on employer activities with Business Activity Codes (KAD) as declared to the IAPR, type of undertaking, and details of branches).

              No No

            • 4 Registration of employee data

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

              Description Employee data shall be entered as follows: AS or TIN or AMKA, specialisation, and date of employment commencement.

              No No

            • 5 Submission of electronic application

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Users submit the request.

              No No

            • 6 Assignment of Employer Register Number

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Data output from software

              Description Employer registration number assignment confirmation and printing of confirmation.

              No Yes

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