Registration in Greece, for VAT declaration purposes, of an enterprise established in another EU Member State

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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86a52e04-6bd0-42d9-a65c-13472ee04ec3 590700 Εγγραφή στην Ελλάδα για την εκπλήρωση δηλωτικών υποχρεώσεων για σκοπούς Φ.Π.Α. επιχείρησης εγκατεστημένης σε άλλο κράτος-μέλος της ΕΕ

At a glance

Points of service


Digital provision points

  • The service is not provided digitally

Number of required documents

Not required


Provided without cost

Estimated Time

5 days


It is possible to assign a tax identification number (TIN) to taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union who do not have a TIN in Greece and carry out transactions that are taxed in Greece, without the obligation to appoint a tax representative.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

1st Tax Office of Athens

Related links

Validity duration


Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Presented by the applicant (email)

Submitted by:

Persons, Legal entities, Public entities, Legal entities under private law


Declaration of assignment of TIN/ commencement of operations of Community taxable persons without establishment in Greece


E-mail 1st Tax Office of Athens:

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

VIES system





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Administrative appeal

        If it is not possible to verify the data through VIES

        Output & Results


        Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Assigning of a TIN to persons subject to VAT and established in another EU Member State Procedure for assigning a TIN to persons subject to tax who are established in another Member State of the European Union

            Official title

            Registration in Greece, for VAT declaration purposes, of an enterprise established in another EU Member State

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Ways of provision


            Registries updated

            Φορολογικό μητρώο



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              email, Application (handwritten)

              Life events




            • 1 Tax The applicant must be a taxable person and must have received a tax identification number for VAT purposes in their Member State of establishment.

              No No

            • 2 Establishment The taxable person interested in receiving a TIN in Greece in order to submit VAT declarations must be established in another EU Member State.

              No No

            • 3 Administrative The interested taxable person may not have appointed, at the same time, a tax representative for VAT purposes in Greece.

              No No

            • Law 35, 36 2859 2000 248 Α

              Description Taxable persons (Article 35(1)): - case b – the taxable person established within another Member State, for transactions carried out by him, for which the place of taxation is within the territory of Greece, except for transactions for which the recipient is liable and where he has not appointed a tax representative, in accordance with Article 36(4)(e). Obligations of taxable persons (Article 36(4)): - case e – optional possibility for taxable persons established in another EU Member State who do not have an establishment in Greece to appoint a tax representative Amendments: - Law 3453/2006 (GG I/74), Article 5(1d) - Law 2992/2002 (GG I/54/2002), Article 18(3)

              Legal references pdf=20000100248

            • Ministerial Decision 1- 4 Circular 1113 2013 1252 Β

              Description Procedure for assignment of TINs and the submission of periodic VAT returns for the payment of VAT by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union: - Article 1 – Procedure for assigning TIN - Article 2 – Submission of VAT returns and payment of VAT - Article 3 – Contractor’s method of payment - Article 4 – Entry into force

              Legal references

              ΑΔΑ ΒΛ4ΜΗ-6ΤΦ

            • Decision ΜΟΝΟ Circular 1089 2014 961 Β

              Description Amendment of Decision Circular No 1113/23.5.2013 of the Minister for Finance and the Deputy Minister for Finance, ‘Procedure for assigning a TIN and submitting periodic VAT returns for the payment of tax by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union.

              Legal references

              ΑΔΑ ΒΙ04Η-ΘΦΒ

            • Decision 1- 3 Circular 1153 2016 3511 Β

              Description Amendment and supplementation of Decision Circular 1113/13 of the Minister and Deputy Minister for Finance ‘Procedure for assigning a TIN and submitting periodic VAT returns for the payment of tax by taxable persons established in another Member State of the European Union’.

              Legal references

              ΑΔΑ ΩΒΜΥΗ-ΧΔΔ

            • 1 Receipt of the Declaration of Annex I of Ministerial Circular 1113/2013 by email from the 1st Tax Office of Athens

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent officer of the Administrative and Computer Support Department receives the declaration of assignment of TIN/commencement of operations of Community taxable persons without establishment in Greece.

              No No

            • 2 Vetting of declaration

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description The competent officer checks the declaration submitted in respect of: 1) its completeness; 2) the accuracy of the information declared following verification with the VIES data; 3) any other tax identification number in Greece, in the name of the applicant, via appointment of a tax representative or for any other reason.

              No No

            • 3 Refusal to assign a TIN

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description If it is found that the necessary requirements are not met, the applicant’s request is rejected and no TIN is assigned.

              Yes No

            • 4 Approval of refusal to assign

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description The competent director shall approve the refusal.

              Yes No

            • 5 Notification of taxpayer

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description A short message is prepared and sent to the applicant, informing them that their request has been rejected.

              Yes No

            • 6 Entry of the declaration of commencement in the TAXIS register subsystem

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description if all the required conditions are met, the competent officer will enter the declaration of commencement in the TAXIS registry subsystem.

              Yes No

            • 7 Assignment of TIN

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description The applicant is assigned a TIN.

              Yes No

            • 8 Preparation of reply document and signing

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description A certificate of assignment of a TIN is issued and signed by the head of the 1st Tax Office of Athens.

              Yes No

            • 9 Sending of an email

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent officer notifies the applicant of their TIN by email, notifying the Directorate of Application of Indirect Taxation – Section A and the Directorate of Audits – Section F.

              Yes No

            • 10 Change and revocation of a tax representative while maintaining the same TIN

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description If an indication (X) has been selected in the fields ‘Change’ and ‘Revocation of tax representative’, and if all the information in the declaration has been duly completed, the competent officer will notify the TAXIS Register subsystem of the change, maintaining the same tax identification number.

              Yes No

            • 11 Preparation of reply document and signing

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description A certificate of change is issued and signed by the head of the 1st Tax Office of Athens.

              Yes No

            • 12 Send of an e-mail

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Director

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent officer shall notify the applicant of the confirmation of change.

              Yes No

            • 13 Archiving

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The declaration and the related correspondence are filed in the special archive kept by the Registry Department of 1st Tax Office of Athens.

              No Yes

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