Water Aerodrome Operating Licence

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

023727ee-b609-44ce-a98d-d4f51cbb573b 237276 Άδεια Λειτουργίας Υδατοδρομίου

At a glance

Points of service


Digital provision points

  • The service is not provided digitally

Number of required documents

8 to 9


2,500 €

Estimated Time

8 months


The procedure concerns the granting of a water service licence and is addressed to citizens, businesses, public bodies and legal persons.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure


Related links


1) The average estimated time quoted relates to the administrative procedures required. It does not include the time required for the interested party to complete the construction of the facilities and equipment of the waterway and any interventions that may be required following the conclusion of the Water Aerodrome Commission.

2) The technical file referred to in Article 7 of Law 4663/2020, as in force, which accompanies the application for a waterway licence, is the set of documents as listed in the scope of the procedure.

3) If, based on the conclusion of the Water Aerodrome Commission, it is found that the waterway requires corrective action and a new inspection is required, the interested party shall pay an additional fee of five hundred (500) euros to the Greek State.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities


Application of the person concerned


Submission of an application by the person concerned for authorisation to operate a water aerodrome at the Air Transport Department of the Directorate of Transport Development.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Other Administrative appeal or contentious appeal pursuant to Article 24 of Law No 2690/1999; the person concerned may apply, either by the administrative authority which issued the act, for the withdrawal or modification of it (demand for a treatment) or, by the authority led by the authority which adopted the act, for the annulment of it (contentious appeal); the administrative authority to which the application is submitted must notify the person concerned of its decision in respect of that application no later than thirty (30) days, unless otherwise provided for.

        Output & Results




          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Water Aerodrome Operating Licence

            Official title

            Granting of a Water Aerodrome Operating Licence




              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (handwritten)




            • 1 Administrative The water aerodrome operating licence shall be granted to a public body.

              No No

            • 2 Citizenship A water aerodrome licence is granted to associations of persons and to natural persons of Greek nationality or nationality of a Member State of the European Union (EU) or a State belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) residing in Greece or a Member State of the EU or of the EEA.

              Alternative condition of 1

              Yes Yes

            • 3 Tax A Water Aerodrome licence shall be granted to natural or legal persons who have their residence or seat address in a country other than Greece, but within the EU or the EEA, if a natural or legal person is appointed as a counterparty and substitute, residing or domiciled in Greece and the following information is provided: full name/name, ID number (for the natural person) or GEMI number, or the corresponding number of the Professional Chamber of Commerce Register, as well as the details of the legal representative (for the legal person), VAT number, competent tax office, address of residence/headquarters and contact telephone number.

              Alternative condition of 1

              Yes Yes

            • 4 Citizenship Α Water aerodrome licence is granted to legal persons under private law having their registered office either in Greece or in the territory of a Member State of the EU or in a Member State belonging to the E.E.A., provided that more than fifty percent of the property, capital and effective control of such property belongs to natural or legal persons having their nationality and residence or registered in a Member State of the EU or of the E.E.A.

              Alternative condition of 1

              Yes Yes

            • 5 Age The representative under the law (managing director, or manager or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and legal persons under private law (except the public body) must have completed the 18th year of their age.

              No No

            • 6 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The representative under the law (managing director, or manager or legal representative or natural person), the members or partners of the associations of persons and legal persons under private law (excluding the public body) shall not be sentenced irrevocably to any penalty for crimes of desertion, insubordination, offences against the constitution, treason against the country, offences against the free exercise of political rights, against the exercise of state authority, against sexual freedom and the economic exploitation of sexual life, criminal organisation, acts of terrorism, forgery, counterfeiting, piracy, forgery, dishonesty in office, breach of confidentiality of telephone and oral communications, theft, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, dishonesty, bribery or corruption, oppression, drugs, animal theft, smuggling, smuggling and weapons and explosives offences, and the other offences listed in Annex 1 of the National Civil Aviation Security Regulations, whether or not the conviction is recorded in the applicants criminal record.

              No No

            • 7 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The representative under the law (advisor, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and NCIs (excluding the Public Body) have not served a custodial sentence of more than six (6) months for a crime committed by fraud.

              No No

            • 8 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The representative under the law (administrator, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and NCIs (excluding the public body) shall not be held temporarily or irrevocably indicted to a trial for a felon or offence referred to in Article 5(3) of Law 4663/2020, as in force or not, whether or not they have been convicted by a final judgment on a felony or an offence in Case b(3) of Article 5 of Law 4663/2020, as in force.

              No No

            • 9 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The representative under the law (advisor, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and RIS (excluding the public body) shall not be deprived of their civil rights, even if the time set for their deprivation has expired.

              No No

            • 10 Administrative The representative under the law (advisor, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and PSEs (excluding the public body) shall not be subject to judicial support.

              No No

            • 11 Conditions for non-commission of criminal offenses The representative under the law (administrator, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and PSEs (excluding the public body) shall not be dismissed by a public service for disciplinary action relating to the offences in (b) of Article 5 of Law No 4663/20, as applicable.

              No No

            • 12 Labour The representative under the law (administrator, administrator or legal representative or natural person), members or partners of associations of persons and PSEs (excluding the public body) shall not be manufacturers or traders of arms, ammunition or explosives.

              No No

            • 13 Administrative A licence shall be issued for the establishment of a watercourse for which the person concerned is requested to operate.

              No No

            • 1 Examination of an application for authorisation 2500 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 2972

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking), Hellenic Post

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 1 Responsible Declaration of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 Solemn Declaration

              Responsible Declaration of Article 8 of Law 1599/1986

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:265882

              Notes: The person concerned shall provide a solemn declaration of the authenticity of the signature for the fulfilment of the conditions laid down in Article 5(1) of Law 4663/2020, as applicable, stating its full details and legal form (public body pursuant to paragraph 7 of Article 1 of Law 4663/2020, as applicable, PPP, associations of persons or individual undertaking)

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 2 Responsible declaration under Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (in the case of a non-public body) Solemn Declaration

              Responsible declaration under Article 8 of Law 1599/1986 (in the case of a non-public body)

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:265882

              Notes: Where the person concerned is not a public body (as defined in paragraph 7 of Article 1 of Law No 4663/2020, as applicable for the verification of the conditions laid down in Article 5(3) of Law No 4663/2020, as both the representative under the law (administrator or trustee or legal representative or natural person) and the members or partners, they shall submit a solemn declaration with a view to the authenticity of the signature stating that:

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 1

              Yes 7320

            • 3 Responsible for the compatibility of the water supply licence with its technical file, pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 9 of Law No.4663/2020 and the first paragraph of Article 9 of Law No. 29C/23445/636/13-04-2020 (ADD: 9TY2465XX-K18) Solemn Declaration

              Responsible for the compatibility of the water supply licence with its technical file, pursuant to the second paragraph of Article 9 of Law No.4663/2020 and the first paragraph of Article 9 of Law No. 29C/23445/636/13-04-2020 (ADD: 9TY2465XX-K18)

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Relevant Procedure: ΔΔ:265882

              Notes: This supporting document shall be submitted by the person concerned after the completion of the procedure for examining the technical authorisation file by the competent authorities as provided for in paragraph A.2 of L.4663/2020 and not at the initial application stage.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • 4 List of legal persons Legal documents from legal entities

              List of legal persons

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Public entities

              Notes: Where the applicant is a legal person, a list of its legality documents shall be drawn up, as referred to in the first paragraph of Article 18271/25-01-2021 (ADE: 9OCS 465X-ALC) clarification circular.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9338

            • 5 Definition and elements of a representative, if applicable Other Document

              Definition and elements of a representative, if applicable

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public entities

              Notes: Where the applicant for a natural or legal person has his or her registered office in a country other than Greece but within the European Union or the European Economic Area, a natural or legal person shall be designated as an agent and a substitute of him or her, residing or established in Greece, and the following particulars shall be declared: name/name, A.D. (for the natural person) or number of GEMI or corresponding number of a Chamber of Commerce.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7475

            • 6 A copy of the start-up declaration or of the trade change declaration submitted to the competent tax authority on the operation of a watercourse. Tax certificates

              A copy of the start-up declaration or of the trade change declaration submitted to the competent tax authority on the operation of a watercourse.

              Relevant link: https://www.gsis.gr/

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7140

            • 7 Confirmation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Service of a stop to setting up companies), which mentions the company’s data, representatives and activities regarding the operation of a water service. Certificate

              Confirmation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Service of a stop to setting up companies), which mentions the company’s data, representatives and activities regarding the operation of a water service.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Public entities

              Notes: The certificate shall be submitted by the person concerned instead of the copy of the start-up declaration or the trade change declaration.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              Alternative document of: 6

              Yes 9703

            • 8 Aquarium Manual Manual

              Aquarium Manual

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Notes: The Waterway Manual shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex Ib to Law 4663/2020, as applicable.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2315

            • 9 Aquarium Security Programme Schedule/Program

              Aquarium Security Programme

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Notes: The Water Safety Programme shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex II to L.4663/2020, as applicable.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 1716

            • 10 Plan to Combat Extraordinary Needs. Action / implementation plan

              Plan to Combat Extraordinary Needs.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Notes: The Emergency Status Management Plan shall be drawn up in accordance with Annex III to L.4663/2020, as applicable.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7230

            • 11 Water supply contract Private Agreement

              Water supply contract

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Legal entities under private law, Persons, Public bodies, Public entities

              Notes: The water supply contract shall include, as a minimum, the contractual period which may not be less than five years, its possibility to extend and amend it, the terms and conditions of operation and maintenance of infrastructure, the price to be paid, the terms of solution of the contract and the commitments in the event of transfer of the licence for the establishment or operation of the water supply. In the tourist ports for which a concession exists already in force, the water service contract is an integral part of it. If the licence is applied for, or ICES, and the holder of the licence is a public body, in the water service contract concluded between the holder of the licence and those companies, the condition that it is co-responsible for the obligations arising from the licence is also the natural persons holding the shares or shares of those companies.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 8972

            • Law 38-49 4903 2022 46 Α

              Description Standard proposals for infrastructure projects and other emergency provisions.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20220100046

            • Law 70 4850 2021 208 Α

              Description Temporary first water network licensing (Amendment of Law 4663/2020)

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210100208

            • Law Μέρος Γ΄ άρθρο 75 / Παράρτημα Β΄ 4757 2020 240 Α

              Description Annex B' to the Act referred to in paragraph 3 of Article 8 of Law No.4663/2020, namely: the words - the Civil Aviation Service (PSC) - shall be replaced by the words - the Civil Aviation Authority (PSC) - in paragraph 3, 4 and 5 of Article 8 of Law No.4663/2020, the words - the Director of the Ministry of Civil Aviation - shall be replaced by the words - the Governor of the Civil Aviation Authority - and Article 8 of Law No.4663/2020, as set out in its entirety in Annex II.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200100240

            • Law 8 4663 2020 30 Α

              Description The application shall be accompanied by a technical file containing the supporting documents in cases a, b, c, d, i, k, l and m of Article 7 of Law 4663/2020, as applicable.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200100030

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 366725 2021 6071 Β

              Description Establishment of infringements and fines to water service providers following an inspection by the Water Commission for failure to provide information and for preventing access to water facilities and infrastructures

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210206071

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 181170 2021 3134 Β

              Description To lay down the technical specifications of the individual installations of the fuel supplying facility for the service of aquarium aircraft and the procedures for supplying such fuel tanks, and any other details necessary to establish the terms and conditions for granting its authorisation.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210203134

            • Joint Ministerial Decision ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΙΠΑ/72406/4705 2021 3497 Β

              Description Environmental Blocks

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210203497

            • Ministerial Decision 218004 2022 3780 Β

              Description Modify the no.20271/546/23-03-2020 decision of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport "Recommendation and establishment of the Water Commission and the definition of the project and its responsibilities" (B' 1494) as amended by Decision No 283352/12-10-2021 (B'4873) Decision of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

              Legal references http://www.et.gr/idocs-nph/pdfimageSummaryviewer.html?args=sppFfdN7IQP5 cc--m0e17SbYZy34W5SqO6GCXsjRbK8rzSZFxgk-eBForQf1Hh1kAYi3ORfmap4RhWGU9vuuy82AoeJqMVA75h8iB-tM3 vKMSuwFT8g8jMbcMCublFfxlNP8qam0bfa5M9uzw4plC1cnvGp Rk6lNkz9CJaOlbKkECQ0BCHA..

              ΑΔΑ Ψ8ΖΛ465ΧΘΞ-ΦΓ1

            • Ministerial Decision 283352 2021 4873 Β

              Description Amendment of No 20271/546/23-3-2020 decision of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport "Recommendation and establishment of the Maritime Committee and the definition of the project and its responsibilities" (B’1494)

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20210204873

              ΑΔΑ 6ΛΥΖ465ΧΘΞ-Ν9Ρ

            • Ministerial Decision οικ.20271/546 2020 1494 Β

              Description Establishment and establishment of the Water Commission and definition of the project and its responsibilities

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200201494

            • Circular 142803 2022

              Description Circular 3/2022 Modifications on the provisions of Article 9 of Law No 4663/20 (A'30), as amended by Article 42(1) of Law No 4903/2022 (A'46) - Determination of services

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%226%CE%A3%CE%A5%CE%9E465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-39%CE%A8%22&page=0

              ΑΔΑ 6ΣΥΞ465ΧΘΞ-39Ψ

            • Circular 136680 2022

              Description Circular 2/2022 Clearances on amendments made to Law No 4663/2020 (A'30) by the provisions of Law No 4850/2021 (A'208) and Law No 4903/2022 (A'46) and their corresponding application to pending applications for authorisation of a water route

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%2291%CE%97%CE%96465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-6%CE%95%CE%9A%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ 91ΗΖ465ΧΘΞ-6ΕΚ

            • Circular 93347 2022

              Description Circular 1/2022 Competent services in case (d) of para. A.1 of Article 9 of Law 4663/20 (A'30).

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%226%CE%9A%CE%98%CE%9B465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-%CE%9B%CE%92%CE%9D%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ 6ΚΘΛ465ΧΘΞ-ΛΒΝ

            • Circular 269262 2021

              Description Circular 2/2021 (Good repetition No 270825/05-10-2021)

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%22%CE%A9%CE%94%CE%911465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-%CE%A6%CE%A3%CE%9E%22&page=0

              ΑΔΑ ΩΔΑ1465ΧΘΞ-ΦΣΞ

            • Circular 18271 2021

              Description Circular 1/2021 Statements on the provisions of Article 7(a) (codifications of the technical file) and Article 9(A.1) (transmission of the water technical file to the competent authorities) of Law 4663/2020 (A'30) as amended by Law 4757/2020 (A'240)

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%229%CE%A9%CE%A8%CE%A3465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-%CE%9B%CE%A7%CE%A7%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ 9ΩΨΣ465ΧΘΞ-ΛΧΧ

            • Circular 93092/Σ.6218 2020

              Description Clarifications concerning the provisions of Article 7 (1) (g) of Law 4663/2020 on the concession of use of space as a waterway

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%22%CE%A8%CE%A6%CE%964465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-%CE%93%CE%9A7%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ ΨΦΖ4465ΧΘΞ-ΓΚ7

            • Circular Δ29Γ/οικ.38602/1139 2020

              Description Modification of Circuit No. 29C/23445/636/13-04-2020 (AD: 9TY2465XX-K18) in Part I Establishment, Operation and Operation of Airports on Water Surfaces of No.4663/2020

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%22%CE%A9%CE%9A%CE%95%CE%9C465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-0%CE%9F%CE%9D%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ ΩΚΕΜ465ΧΘΞ-0ΟΝ

            • Circular Δ29Γ/23445/636 2020

              Description Circular of Part I Establishment, Operation and Operation of Airports on Water Surfaces of Law 4663/2020

              Legal references https://diavgeia.gov.gr/search?query=ada:%229%CE%A4%CE%A52465%CE%A7%CE%98%CE%9E-%CE%9A18%22&page=0&sort=relative

              ΑΔΑ 9ΤΥ2465ΧΘΞ-Κ18

            • 1 Receipt of the application and examination of complete technical aquarium file.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description The person concerned shall submit an application with an attached technical file to the Air Transport Division of the Department of Transport, requesting the authorisation of a water service and the Department of Air Transport shall check the water transport technical file with regard to its completeness.

              No No

            • 2 Completion of the technical file - Information to be submitted for copies - copies of the supporting documents in the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where the technical file submitted by the person concerned is complete, the Air Transport Division shall inform him of the submission of copies/copies of the technical documentation to be sent to the competent authorities referred to in paragraph A.1 of Article 9 of Law 4663/20, as applicable.

              Yes No

            • 3 Absence of supporting documents - Information of interested party on the submission of additional/modified supporting documents

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where there are insufficient supporting documents, the Air Transport Division shall inform the person concerned; the person concerned shall provide the supporting documents requested.

              Yes No

            • 4 Review of the completeness of the technical file and inform the person concerned of the submission of copies of copies of the supporting documents of the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where the person concerned submits to the Air Transport Division the supporting documents indicated, the Air Transport Division shall review the technical file for its completeness and, if complete, inform the person concerned of the submission and/or copies of the supporting documents of the technical file.

              Yes No

            • 5 Transmission of a technical file of water for opinion to the competent authorities with notification to the person concerned

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Air Transport Division shall transmit the technical file, if complete, within 10 (10) working days, to the competent services referred to in Article 9(1), by means of a communication to the person concerned, to deliver an opinion or rejection or to propose amendments.

              Notes The relevant services are: 1. National Defence Authority / Directorate-General C2 (Infrastructure) 2. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Islands Policy / Headquarters of the Hellenic Coast Guard (L.S.) / Hellenic Coast Guard (EL.S.) / Ministry of Maritime Safety 3. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Islands Policy / Ministry of Ports, Port Policy and Maritime Investment 4. Authority of Civil Aviation - Department of Aviation and Airport Supervision - Directorate of Safety from Distributions and Environmental Protection 5.National Ministry of Civil Protection / Headquarters of the Hellenic Police / Department of State Security 6.State of Tourism / Department of Spatial Planning and Infrastructure 7. Competent Authority of the Ministry of Defence / Ministry of Defence of the Ministry of Defence (State of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Defence) 10.

              No No

            • 6 No amendments to the technical file supporting the documentation shall be indicated.

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description It concerns the case where, following examination of the technical file, the competent authorities do not indicate any changes to the supporting documents submitted.

              Yes No

            • 7 Indicate changes to the supporting documents in the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description Where, following examination of the technical file, the competent authorities indicate changes to their documentation submitted, the person concerned shall make the corresponding amendments and submit the corrected technical documentation to all Services with a notification to the Department of Air Transport. In addition, it shall re-submit the updated environmental authorisation data to the competent environmental service.

              Yes No

            • 8 Review of a technical file with the corrected supporting documents of the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description In the event of any suggestion of modifications and where the person concerned submits the corrected technical documentation to all Services with notification to the Air Transport Division, the competent authorities shall review the technical file within 15 working days of receipt of the technical documentation and inform the person concerned with notification to the Air Transport Division and other relevant services.

              Yes No

            • 9 Identify the competent services' opinion on the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description The procedure for examining the technical file shall be completed by the competent authorities in the form of an opinion on the supporting documents of the technical file and the pre-approval or approval of the technical instructions for water, where necessary.

              No No

            • 10 Identification of acceptance or substantiated acceptance of supporting documents in the technical file and the pre-authorisation or approval of the aqueous instructions

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description Upon examination of the technical file, the competent authorities shall deliver an opinion on the supporting documents of the technical file and the pre-authorisation or approval of the technical instructions for water, where necessary.

              Yes No

            • 11 Imposition of an opinion rejecting the supporting documents in the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Co-competent Authority

              Μethod of Implementation Action of the executive / co-competent body

              Description The competent authorities, after examining the technical file on water, shall deliver an opinion on the supporting documents on the technical file on water.

              Yes No

            • 12 Rejection of an application for a water service authorisation and information to the person concerned

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where the competent authorities deliver an opinion on the supporting documents in the technical file, the Air Transport Division shall reject the application by informing the person concerned, the competent authorities and the competent environmental authority.

              Yes Yes

            • 13 Receipt Responsible Statement of the interested party on the compatibility of the environmental authorisation with the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description At the request of the interested party, at the end of the examination procedure the Air Transport Division shall be responsible for a declaration on the compatibility of the water type authorisation with that technical file, such as the one (the technical file) which has been established after the completion of the examination procedure provided for in Article 9(2) of Law 4663/2020.

              Yes No

            • 14 Issue of a certificate of acceptance of the technical file

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Upon completion of the procedure for examining the technical file by the competent authorities and after having delivered an opinion on or substantiated acceptance of its supporting documents, the approval of the watertrack manuals and the completion of the provisions of paragraph B.6 or C.4 of Article 8 of Law 4663/20, as applicable, shall issue a certificate of acceptance of the technical file.

              Yes No

            • 15 Informing the Waters Commission for an Inspection

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Following the issue of the certificate of acceptance of a dossier for an operating licence and after the construction of all the facilities has been completed and the necessary equipment has been added to meet the requirements of Law 4663/2020, as applicable, the person concerned shall inform the Air Transport Division in writing and this shall notify the Air Transport Committee referred to in Article 11 of Law 4663/2020 for an inspection.

              Yes No

            • 16 The Maritime Committee shall carry out an inspection of the water supply system.

              Responsible for Implementation Collective body

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description Following the issue of the certificate of acceptance of a dossier for an operating licence and after the construction of all the facilities has been completed and the required water-intensive equipment has been added to meet the requirements of Law 4663/2020, as applicable, the person concerned shall inform the Air Transport Division and shall notify the Water-inspection Committee of the water-inspection operation within twenty (20) working days.

              Yes No

            • 17 Conclusion issued by the Committee on Waters

              Responsible for Implementation Collective body

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Notes The Maritime Committee shall issue a finding within five (5) working days of the date of the inspection, which shall be sent to the Air Transport Division.

              No No

            • 18 Failure to require corrective action on the ground of the findings of the Committee on Waters

              Description It concerns the case where, on the basis of the Commission's findings, it appears that the waters do not need corrective action and this is ready for operation.

              Yes No

            • 19 Requirement for remedial action on the basis of the Commission's findings - Information of interest by the Air Transport Department

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Where, on the basis of the Commission's findings, it appears that the water service needs corrective action and a new inspection is required, the Air Transport Division shall inform the interested party within five (5) working days from receipt of the Commission's findings.

              Yes No

            • 20 Information of the Waters Commission on the conduct of a new inspection.

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Upon completion of the corrective action on the findings of the conclusion by the Commission for Waters from and at the request of the interested party, the Air Transport Division shall inform the Air Transport Committee of the conduct of a new inspection, and shall carry out a new inspection within twenty (20) working days and send its findings to the Air Transport Division within five (5) working days of the start of the new inspection.

              Notes If the person concerned completes the corrective actions on the findings of the Committee on Waters and Waters, he shall submit a request to the Department of Air Transport to carry out a new inspection. When an application for a new inspection is lodged and for the admissibility of the report, a parafiscal amount of EUR 5000 (500) is paid in favour of the Greek State. With the submission of the request, the evidence of the infringement is also submitted.

              Yes No

            • 21 The Waters Commission is conducting a new review on the Waterway and is issuing a finding

              Responsible for Implementation Collective body

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description The Maritime Committee shall carry out a new inspection of the watercourse within twenty (20) working days and issue a finding, which shall be sent to the Air Transport Department, within five (5) working days from the date of the inspection.

              Yes No

            • 22 The motorway is ready for operation on the basis of the findings of the Committee on Water

              Description The motorway is ready for operation on the basis of the Commission's findings.

              No No

            • 23 Introduction of the Air Transport Division for the adoption of a Waterway Limitation Decision

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Air Transport Division recommends the adoption of a decision granting a service permit where it appears from the conclusion of the Committee on Water that the route is ready for operation within seven (7) working days of receipt of the Commission's conclusion.

              No No

            • 24 Common Ministerial Decision to grant a water service licence

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Ministry

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Waterways in ports are licensed by common decision of the Ministers for Finance, Infrastructure and Shipping. For water routes in lakes, a joint decision by the Ministers for Finance and Infrastructure and Transport is issued. For water routes in integrated tourism areas (PAOs), complex tourist accommodation and tourist ports are licensed by common decision of the Ministers for Finance, Infrastructure and Transport, Maritime and Island Policy and Tourism. For water routes in fisheries shelter or in adjacent areas, not located in the Zone, they are licensed by joint decision of the Ministers for Finance, Infrastructure and Transport, Maritime and Island Policy and Rural Development.

              Notes That Decision shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union and in the Official Journal of the European Union.

              No Yes

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