179231Enrolment of pupils at a nursery school

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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eedcf7ff-0e59-4530-a29e-c2ef4131dfe4 179231 Εγγραφές μαθητών/τριών στο Νηπιαγωγείο

At a glance

Points of service

Number of required documents

3 to 5


Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

20 days


The procedure concerns online applications for enrolment in public general education nursery schools, and is addressed to pupils aged 4 and 5 years old. Applications should be made through the online platform of the Ministry of Digital Governance at https://proti-eggrafi.services.gov.gr/ and be submitted by the parent/guardian for the nursery school to which the pupil belongs, based on their home address and according to the boundaries of the nursery school’s school district.

Basic information

Provided to


In cases where parents/guardians are unable to use the online service, the application can be made in person at the nursery school. For this purpose, the head of the nursery school must enter the ‘First Registration’ online service of the Single Digital Gateway (gov.gr) and register the application in accordance with the supporting documents provided by the parent/guardian. To support pupils whose parents/guardians belong to vulnerable social groups such as: large families / families with three children / single-parent families, parents with chronic illnesses or integrated in a rehabilitation programme or in prison, as well as third country citizens living in centres or in accommodation facilities of the Greek state or the UN Refugee Agency, are given the opportunity to register an application, with as much information as is available from the parent/guardian (Article 2(7) of Joint Ministerial Decision KYA 53128/D1/2020 (Government Gazette, Series II, No 1767).

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)


Application for enrolment of a pupil in a nursery school

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document, Identification with TAXISnet codes

  • 1 1 The pupil’s permanent home address, evidenced by proof of a DEKO bill, a property lease contract, or ... Proof of Residence

    The pupil’s permanent home address, evidenced by proof of a DEKO bill, a property lease contract, or another recent public document, clearly indicating the permanent home address.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 2 2 The pupil’s personal health card, in accordance with document ref. F.6/1094/80261/D1/20-5-2015 circu ... Health certificate

    The pupil’s personal health card, in accordance with document ref. F.6/1094/80261/D1/20-5-2015 circular (A.D.Y.M.).

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 3 3 The pupil’s vaccination booklet, or other evidence proving that the vaccinations provided for and in ... Health certificate

    The pupil’s vaccination booklet, or other evidence proving that the vaccinations provided for and included in the National Vaccination Programme have been administered.

    Submission by: Presented by the applicant

    Submitted by: Persons

  • 5 3.1 International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis ... Health certificate

    International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis

    Submission by: Presented by the applicant

    Submitted by: Persons

    Alternative document of: 3

  • 4 4 An ‘international protection application form issued by the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Migrat ... Proof of Citizenship (conditional)

    An ‘international protection application form issued by the Asylum Service of the Ministry of Migration Policy.

    Relevant link: Link

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Persons

    Notes: This ensures the identity of the pupils who have been granted asylum.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Citizenship

  • 6 5 Evaluation Report – opinion issued by the Educational and Counselling Support Centre (K.E.S.Y.) or P ... Expert Evaluation (conditional)

    Evaluation Report – opinion issued by the Educational and Counselling Support Centre (K.E.S.Y.) or Public Medico-pedagogical Centre or Community Mental Health Centre.

    Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

    Submitted by: Public bodies

    Notes: This concerns pupils with disabilities or other educational needs attending a nursery school.

    Document submitted under requirements: Yes

    Document’s requirement: Disability



  • 1 Age The pupil must be born in the prescribed year for the corresponding school year of registration.

  • 2 Establishment The pupil must belong to the school district of the school enrolment body.

  • 3 Possession of passwords to enter software To submit the application by a parent, a personal TaxisNet code is required.

    Link Link

Output & Results


Digital document production, Registry update


  • 1 Digital submission of the application for enrolment

    Responsible for Implementation Software

    Μethod of Implementation Software action

    Description Parents should access the application page (Link) via the gov.gr portal and select the nursery school to which they belong according to their home address. Parents/guardians accessing the online service ‘First Registration’ of the Single Digital Portal (gov.gr) are authenticated using the TaxisNet codes of the General Secretariat for Public Administration Information Systems of the Ministry of Digital Governance. The parent/guardian must also fill in the email (optional) and mobile phone details, through which they will be informed about the progress of their application.

  • 2 Receipt of supporting documents by the school body

    Responsible for Implementation Educational Structure

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

    Description After the final submission of the application and after the parents have been informed by the online service ‘First Registration’ of the Single Digital Gateway (gov.gr) for the registration of their child, they are obliged to submit the necessary supporting documents to the nursery school.

  • 3 Enrolment of a pupil

    Responsible for Implementation Educational Structure

    Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

Other information

Alternative titles

Enrolment at a nursery school

Official title

Enrolment of pupils at a nursery school

Languages supported

Greek, English


  • Presidential Decree 79/2017 (Government Gazette 109/Α)

    Description Organisation and operation of nursery schools and primary schools.

    Legal references Link


Τype of procedure


Applied for

Trigger (submission method)

Application (digital)


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