Child benefit

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services
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75fce736-766f-4586-b673-901921ae699f 375051 Επίδομα παιδιού

At a glance

Points of service


Number of required documents

0 to 8


Provided without cost

Estimated Time (digitally)

8 minutes


This procedure concerns the submission of an application for the child benefit and is exclusively digital.

The child benefit A21 application shall be submitted once a year. In the event of a change of application particulars within the year of its validity, it shall be amended by the applicant within one month, or, in any event, by the final application submission date for the year in question.

The starting date for application submissions each year shall be set by decision of the Governor of OPEKA (early March) and the deadline shall be 15 January of the following year.

Basic information

Competent body

Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure


Authority responsible for the provision of the procedure

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity


Provided to

Related links


The child benefit shall be exempt from seizure, any tax, duty, contribution, or deduction in favour of the State or third parties, and shall be paid in six bi-monthly payments, on the basis of the data in the most recent cleared tax return. In the case of separated parents claiming child benefit for the same dependent children, it is mandatory to electronically attach the court judgment or any private agreement on custody of the children, or a solemn declaration of the other parent or the consent of the other spouse. In the case of divorced parents, it is mandatory to electronically attach the court custody judgment.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Electronic application form filled in by entering the relevant IT system


No supporting documents shall be attached unless they are requested by the application in the notes at the end of it. If supporting documents are requested, they shall be attached to the digital application. The competent benefit granting body may set a two-month (2) deadline for the persons concerned to submit any additional supporting documents requested electronically and/or in writing. Upon expiry of the deadline, the competent body shall examine the case using the supporting documents in the file at that time.

Foreign documents must be duly translated and certified.

Applications with attachments shall be approved after the attached supporting documents have been checked by OPEKA staff, and payment shall follow.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification with TAXISnet codes





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Administrative appeal

        If the persons concerned wish to appeal against the decision, they shall submit a relevant administrative appeal within three (3) months of notification of the relevant decision. Relevant information and application-appeal forms can be found on the OPEKA website, at

        Lodging an appeal does not suspend the operation of the contested act.

        Administrative appeals may not be lodged against a decision, if their reasons concern an administrative act of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue or its services, from which it transpires that the required income criteria for granting the benefit are not met.

        Output & Results


        Decision, Payment Document Production, Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Child Benefit A21

            Official title

            Child benefit

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Registries updated




              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)

              Life events



              End of Process



            • 1 Possession of passwords to enter software Applicants must have taxisnet codes.

              No No

            • 2 Income The child benefit is paid taking into account the ‘equivalent family income’. Equivalent family income is defined as the total actual or imputed income from all sources of domestic and foreign origin, before tax, after social security contribution deductions, excluding benefits not counted towards taxable income, of all family members, divided by the equivalence scale. For the purpose of determining beneficiary households, three categories of equivalent household income have been set out, as follows: a) Category A: Up to EUR 6 000, b) Category B: EUR 6 001 to 10 000, c) Category C: EUR 10 001 to 15 000. Depending on the category of equivalent household income, the benefit amounts are as follows: Category A: Up to EUR 6 000, • EUR 70 per month for the first dependent child • an additional EUR 70 per month for the second dependent child • an additional EUR 140 per month per dependent child from the third dependent child onwards. Category B: EUR 6 001 to 10 000, • EUR 42 per month for the first dependent child • an additional EUR 42 per month for the second dependent child • an additional EUR 84 per month per dependent child from the third child onwards. Category C: EUR 10 001 to 15 000. • EUR 28 per month for the first dependent child • an additional EUR 28 per month for the second dependent child • an additional EUR 56 per month per dependent child from the third child onwards. Prior to each payment, the income is re-checked on the basis of the amended E1 declarations of all family members participating on the A21 and the benefit is recalculated.

              No No

            • 3 Establishment Applicants must have resided in Greece permanently for the past five (5) years, except in the case of foreign citizens, who must have resided legally and permanently in the country for the past 12 years. Proof of the permanent and legal residence in Greece of the benefit applicants shall be provided by way of submission of an income tax return for each tax year. Income tax return submission means the income tax return that was filed during the year in which the deadline for submitting it was set, and not the submission, after the end of the year in which the above deadline was set, of an income tax return of a previous tax year. The dependent children are in Greece, unless their absence is due to their studying at recognised tertiary or higher education institutions abroad.

              No No

            • 4 Citizenship The following persons are entitled to the Child benefit: (a) Greek citizens; (b) foreign nationals who hold an expatriate card; (c) citizens of EU Member States; (d) citizens of countries belonging to the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein), and Swiss citizens; (e) recognised refugees residing permanently in Greece, whose residence status is governed by the provisions of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, as amended by the 1967 New York Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees; (f) stateless persons whose residence status in Greece is governed by the provisions of the 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons; (g) beneficiaries granted humanitarian status; (h) citizens of other states.

              No No

            • 5 Administrative Foreign citizens or members of the Greek diaspora who hold a Special Expatriate Identity Card must, at the time of submitting the A21 application, have valid residence permits in Greece. If the residence permits cannot be electronically cross-checked, they will be asked to attach them electronically.

              No No

            • 6 Family The child benefit is paid taking into account the number of dependent children. Dependent children must be: (a) unmarried children who come from a marriage, whether natural, adopted, or recognised, not exceeding the age of 18 or 19, provided that they are in secondary education. 31 December of the year of the children’s birth shall be considered their date of birth; (b) in the case of dependent children for whom the conditions for attending compulsory education are met, the benefit shall be granted on the condition that, on the one hand, they are enrolled in a school for the current school year and, on the other hand, that they have sufficiently attended school in the immediately preceding school year. The latter is considered to be the case where the dependent child is not obligated to repeat the same year due to their number of unjustified absences. In the event of failure to comply with the obligation for adequate attendance due to unjustified absences of the dependent child, the benefit application may be resubmitted six (6) months after it has been established, subject to enrolment in the new school year; (c) children who have reached the age of 18, if they are attending university or a technological educational institute or a recognised college or a public or private vocational training institute or are in their Post-Secondary Education Year – Apprenticeship Class. Tertiary or Higher Education includes State Tertiary or Higher Education schools (Military, Police, Navy, Merchant Marine, etc.), as well as recognised institutions Abroad. Benefits shall be paid only during their studies and in no case after the end of the year in which they turn 24; (d) children with a disability rate of 67% or more, until the end of the year in which they turn 24.

              No No

            • 1 This procedure concerns the issuance of a family status certificate from the Civil Register where citizens’ family records are kept. For the purpose of issuing the certificate, persons concerned may: (a) contact the Municipality in which they are registered; (b) contact the Citizens’ Service Centres (KEP); (c) go to and use their TaxisNet codes to issue it digitally. Certificate of marital status

              This procedure concerns the issuance of a family status certificate from the Civil Register where citizens’ family records are kept. For the purpose of issuing the certificate, persons concerned may: (a) contact the Municipality in which they are registered; (b) contact the Citizens’ Service Centres (KEP); (c) go to and use their TaxisNet codes to issue it digitally.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: The supporting document shall not be submitted unless it is requested by the IT system, due to an inability to cross-check the data from different public registers. In the case of beneficiaries who are foreign nationals or stateless persons, such supporting documents shall be provided by the authorities of the country of which they are nationals, and if this is not possible, such information shall be proved by other appropriate documents, at the discretion of the body responsible for recognising the right, for example, the children’s birth certificates.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Technical

              No 3964

            • 2 Certificate of study Certification

              Certificate of study

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: A certificate of study for children, who, after turning 18, are studying in Secondary Education, are attending tertiary or higher education institutions in Greece or recognised institutions abroad, as well as Vocational Training Institutes (IEK) or Colleges, or are in their Post-Secondary School Year – Vocational School (EPA.L.) Apprenticeship Class. The supporting document shall not be submitted unless it is requested by the IT system, due to an inability to cross-check the data from different public registers.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Educational, Technical

              No 8619

            • 3 A medical opinion from a Disability Certification Centre (KEPA) or a decision from an IKA Health Committee or the Supreme Health Committees of the Army (ASYE), the Navy (ANYE), the Air Force (AAYE) and the Hellenic Police, as well as from the Medical Welfare Committee. Advisory

              A medical opinion from a Disability Certification Centre (KEPA) or a decision from an IKA Health Committee or the Supreme Health Committees of the Army (ASYE), the Navy (ANYE), the Air Force (AAYE) and the Hellenic Police, as well as from the Medical Welfare Committee.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: This concerns dependent children who have reached the age of 18, but who are not 24 years old, are not students, and have a disability rate of 67% or more. These supporting documents must be valid at the time of submission of the A21 application-solemn declaration and must show the duration of the disability. The supporting document shall not be submitted unless it is requested by the IT system, due to an inability to cross-check the data from different public registers.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Disability, Technical

              No 5300

            • 4 This procedure concerns the issuance of an extract from the Death Certificate issued to the closest relatives of the deceased, provided that it has been prepared in accordance with Law 344/1976, as in force. Death certificate

              This procedure concerns the issuance of an extract from the Death Certificate issued to the closest relatives of the deceased, provided that it has been prepared in accordance with Law 344/1976, as in force.

              Relevant link:

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: A copy of the beneficiary’s death certificate

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Family

              No 1701

            • 5 A court judgment declaring the beneficiary missing or under legal guardianship, or an irrevocable court judgment convicting the beneficiary, or a court judgment assigning guardianship to a natural person, or any information indicating that the person has undertaken custody over the children Certificate from a court

              A court judgment declaring the beneficiary missing or under legal guardianship, or an irrevocable court judgment convicting the beneficiary, or a court judgment assigning guardianship to a natural person, or any information indicating that the person has undertaken custody over the children

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: In the case of beneficiaries who are foreign nationals or stateless persons, such supporting documents shall be provided by the Authorities of the country of which they are nationals, and if this is not possible, such information shall be proved by other appropriate documents, at the discretion of the body responsible for recognising the right, for example, the children’s birth certificates.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Family

              Alternative document of: 4

              Yes 8289

            • 6 A certificate of registration of a citizen of the European Union or a document certifying permanent residence for a citizen of a member -state of the European Union. Certificate

              A certificate of registration of a citizen of the European Union or a document certifying permanent residence for a citizen of a member -state of the European Union.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: This is an identification document. The supporting document shall not be submitted unless it is requested by the IT system, due to an inability to cross-check the data from different public registers.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Citizenship, Technical

              No 9703

            • 7 A Special Expatriate Identity Card for foreign nationals who are members of the Greek diaspora Data Sheet

              A Special Expatriate Identity Card for foreign nationals who are members of the Greek diaspora

              Notes: This is an identification document. The supporting document shall not be submitted unless it is requested by the IT system, due to an inability to cross-check the data from different public registers.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Citizenship, Technical

              No 3201

            • 8 Residence permits for foreign nationals Residence Permit

              Residence permits for foreign nationals

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: - a residence permit for citizens of countries belonging to the European Economic Area, Swiss citizens, as well as any citizens of other states (besides those mentioned above and of the European Union) permanently residing in Greece, or a certificate of submission of an application for its renewal, or - an International Protection Beneficiary Residence permit with ‘Refugee’ or ‘Subsidiary Protection’ status, or - a residence permit on humanitarian grounds.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Citizenship, Technical

              No 4178

            • Law 214 4512 2018 5 Α

              Description The ‘Child Benefit’, which is paid from 1/1/2018 and replaces the Single Child Support Benefit and the Special Benefit for Parents with Three or More Children, is hereby established. The new allowance is paid taking into account the number of dependent children and the ‘equivalent family income’, along the lines of the Single Child Support Benefit.

              Legal references UC2PlsRnm7i mfDLlGMvFzF706YXX2d 7KoA..

            • Joint Ministerial Decision Αριθμ. Γ.Π.οικ.Δ22/11/2705/58 2018 57 Β
            • Law 15-16 4659 2020 21 Α
            • Law 136 par. 1 4808 2021 101 Α
            • Joint Ministerial Decision Δ11/οικ. 72936 2021 4533 Β

              Description Amendment and completion of joint ministerial decision οικ. Δ22/11/2705/58/17-1-2018 ‘Laying down the procedure for granting the child benefit’ (Government Gazette, Series II, No 57).

              Legal references pdf=20210204533

            • 1 Go to the public administration single portal

              Responsible for Implementation

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

              Description Persons concerned must go to the website of the single digital portal,

              No No

            • 2 Submission of the application to the system

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

              Description After connecting to the application, applicants shall confirm their AMKA, select their marital status (married and separated persons must enter the spouse’s TIN and AMKA), and all mandatory fields of the application shall be filled in. No supporting documents shall be attached unless they are requested by the app in the notes at the end of the application. If supporting documents are requested, they shall be attached to the digital application. Final submission of applications takes place at the end. Applications that have not been finalised shall not be considered for granting the benefit.

              No No

            • 3 Approval of child benefit applications

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

              Description Where it is found that, following final submission and processing, applications were approved inadvertently or due to a technical failure, without meeting the requirements laid down in this regulation, the act of approval shall be revoked at any time. The reasons for the revocation shall be set out in the revocation act-decision issued by the competent body of OPEKA.

              Yes No

            • 4 Rejection of child benefit applications

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)

              Yes No

            • 5 Payment of the amount to the person concerned

              Responsible for Implementation Digital approval of the responsive employee"Digital approval of the responsive employee" is not in the list (, Third entity software, Institutional software, Entity software that performs the service, Jointly competent body software) of allowed values for the "Process step digital official" property.

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description OPEKA shall pay the benefit every 2 months, and the payment for the first two months of January and February shall be made on the last working day of March. These amounts shall also be similarly paid on the last working day of May, July, September and November. The sixth and final payment shall be made in late December, or on the last working day of January of the following year.

              Yes No

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