At a glance
Responsible unit for initiating the procedure
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
Provided without cost
Estimated Time
8 months
Basic information
Competent body
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
Provided to
Related links
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Identification with TAXISnet codes
Supporting documents relating to the beneficiary’s income and financial situation ...
Tax certificates (conditional)
Supporting documents relating to the beneficiary’s income and financial situation
Relevant link: Link
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: If the student’s parents reside abroad, the student must provide the competent department of the institution with all the supporting documents – Greek and foreign – relating to the student’s income and financial situation, both for themself and their parents or for the parent on whom they are dependent if this parent is divorced or is an unmarried mother, or one parent has died. Foreign supporting documents must be officially translated under the responsibility of the beneficiary.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Tax
Time limit
Applications for a housing allowance for each academic year are submitted electronically, via a dedicated platform, from 1 to 30 June of each year.
The annual family income of the previous year shall not exceed EUR 30 000 plus EUR 3 000 for each dependent child in excess of one.
The student must reside in a rented dwelling – of which they or their parents do not have full ownership or usufruct – as a result of their studies in a town other than that of their main residence. The lease should be in force for at least 6 months.
The student’s parents or the student shall not be owners or hold usufruct of dwellings (owner-occupied or leased) exceeding two hundred (200) m² in total, with the exception of dwellings or apartments located in a municipality with a population of less than 3 000.
The student must have passed the examinations in half of the courses of the academic year before the year for which they are applying for the allowance.
Possession of passwords to enter software
The applicant must have TAXISnet codes.
Link Link
The student for whom the allowance is granted must be a Greek national or a national of another European Union country.
The student must hold a valid academic ID.
Exceptionally, the student themself is the beneficiary, provided: (a) they are an orphan of both parents; (b) their parents reside abroad; (c) they are over 25 years old; or (d) is obliged to submit a tax return and is not considered a dependant, in accordance with Article 11 of Law 4172/2013. In this case, they shall indicate only their spouse’s tax identification number (if any).
Alternative condition of 8
The tax identification number of the student and the parent on whom the student is dependent are stated, if the parent is a beneficiary. In the case of divorced or separated spouses, the person entitled to the allowance shall be the parent on whom the student is dependent. The parent must have submitted a tax return for the year in which the application for housing allowance is being submitted.
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherObjection – appeal
Output & Results
Issue of a relevant circular
Responsible for Implementation Competent Undersecretary
Μethod of Implementation Signature
Description Issue of the relevant circular, in accordance with the institutional framework, containing the terms, conditions and procedure for granting of the housing allowance. A relevant press release is sent to the HEIs and issued by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, notifying interested parties.
Submission of electronic application
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Submission of applications electronically via a dedicated digital platform within the month of June of each academic year by beneficiaries meeting the terms and conditions set out in the relevant circular.
Notes Applications must be submitted on the platform: Link
Checking of application
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The application shall be checked by electronic verification of the declared data. If certain data are not verified, there is an indication in the electronic application that the necessary supporting documents can be submitted for inspection by the competent HEI services. If one of the criteria is not met, the application is rejected. The reasons for the rejection shall be indicated in the online application for the applicant’s information. In the event of rejection, the applicant may lodge an objection/appeal. The competent services of the Institution may request any additional supporting documents they deem necessary for the examination of the objection/appeal. If the objection/appeal is not accepted, the application is definitively rejected.
Non-verification of data – processing of application
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description If certain data are not verified, the competent HEI services check the supporting documents indicated by the electronic platform and confirm the acceptance or non-acceptance of the data declared in the application, selecting the corresponding field of the electronic platform.
Additional information is requested for assessment of the application
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Description The competent services of the educational institutions (e.g. Student Welfare Services, financial services of HEIs, etc.) may request any additional supporting documents they consider relevant for the assessment of the application.
Sending additional data
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The beneficiary shall send the required additional supporting documents in the manner indicated by the competent service of the educational institution (email, face-to-face or postal).
Reassessment of the application
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent services of the educational institutions assess the additional supporting documents submitted by the beneficiary.
Approval or rejection of allowance payment
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent services of the educational institutions shall issue a decision granting or refusing to pay an allowance.
Notification of approval or rejection to the beneficiary
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The competent services of the educational institution shall notify the beneficiary of the result.
Full verification of data
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description If all the information declared is verified, the application shall proceed without processing for approval.
Approval or rejection of allowance payment
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Processing of the application and approval of allowance payment takes place based on: a) the data attested by the applicant, b) electronic verification of declared data, and c) the supporting documents produced when required. If, after the application has been processed, it is found that the criteria for granting the allowance are met, the application will be accepted. If one of the criteria is not met, the application will be rejected. The reasons for the rejection shall be stated in the online application for the applicant’s information.
Non-approval of allowance payment
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description In the event of rejection, the applicant may lodge an objection/appeal. The competent services of the Institution may request any additional supporting documents they deem necessary for the examination of the objection/appeal. If the objection/appeal is not accepted, the application will be definitively rejected.
Payment of allowance
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Issuing of the relevant orders by the financial services of each institution and payment of the amount into the account of each beneficiary.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Law 3220/2004 (Government Gazette 15/Α) Articles 10
Description Granting of a housing allowance to university students.
Legal references Link
Joint Ministerial Decision 72647/Ζ1/2019 (Government Gazette 1688/Β)
Description Amendment to Joint Ministerial Decision 140832/Ζ1/25-8-2017 with regard to the fact that semi-finished buildings are not included in the total number of square metres (200 m²).
Legal references Link
Joint Ministerial Decision 140832/Ζ1/2017 (Government Gazette 2993/Β)
Description Laying down a procedure and supporting documents for the granting of the housing allowance to students of higher education institutions.
Legal references Link
Τype of procedure
Trigger (submission method)
Life events
End of Process