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Provided without cost
Deadline of completion
7 days
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What you will need
Solemn Declaration –Application / Announcement of commencement of professional practice of home teac ...
Solemn Declaration –Application / Announcement of commencement of professional practice of home teaching or teaching in tuition centres and foreign language centres.
The application includes:
• the interested party’s details,
• his/her contact information,
• professional data, such as (a) the member-state of permanent residence, (b) the type of service provision practiced in the country of legal residence, (c) the type of service provision that he/she wishes to practice in Greece
• if it is the first time that he/she will provide these specific services in Greece,
• the location, the date and the duration of provision of the services intended to be provided in Greece.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (manual)"Submitted by the applicant (manual)" is not in the list (Ex officio (manual), Ex officio (digital), Presented by the applicant, Submitted by the applicant (digital), Keep within business establishment, Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post), Demonstration via Wallet, Submitted by the applicant (by courier only), Submitted by the applicant (in person)) of allowed values for the "Process evidence submission type" property.
Submitted by: Persons
Copy of a valid passport or Identity card ...
Copy of a valid passport or Identity card
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (manual)"Submitted by the applicant (manual)" is not in the list (Ex officio (manual), Ex officio (digital), Presented by the applicant, Submitted by the applicant (digital), Keep within business establishment, Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post), Demonstration via Wallet, Submitted by the applicant (by courier only), Submitted by the applicant (in person)) of allowed values for the "Process evidence submission type" property.
Submitted by: Persons
Validated photocopy of a higher education degree, translated into Greek
adequacy of qualificati ...
Validated photocopy of a higher education degree, translated into Greek
adequacy of qualifications for teaching a foreign language in a Foreign Language Centre, if the professional submits it in place of the higher education degree.
Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (manual)"Submitted by the applicant (manual)" is not in the list (Ex officio (manual), Ex officio (digital), Presented by the applicant, Submitted by the applicant (digital), Keep within business establishment, Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post), Demonstration via Wallet, Submitted by the applicant (by courier only), Submitted by the applicant (in person)) of allowed values for the "Process evidence submission type" property.
Submitted by: Persons
Notes: These documents are not required for professionals legally established in another EU member-state, if they prove by any legal means the legal provision of similar services in the member-state of establishment. Any submitted documents shall be translated into Greek.
Submission of an application to provide cross-border services
Legal residence in an EU member-state
Possession of a relevant higher education degree
Adequacy of qualifications for teaching a foreign language
Means of redress or appeal:
OtherAdministrative recourse/appeal
Output & Results
Υποβολή αίτησης
Responsible for Implementation Other
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Ο ενδιαφερόμενος υποβάλει την συμπληρωμένη και υπογεγραμμένη την αίτηση και όλα τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά στη Διεύθυνση (ή το Γραφείο) της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της οικείας Περιφέρειας ή στα ΚΕΠ-ΕΚΕ.
Έλεγχος πληρότητας
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Check"Check" is not in the list (Software action, Signature, Manual Action, Digital signature, Action of the executive / co-competent body, Inspection) of allowed values for the "Process step implementation" property.
Description Διενεργείται έλεγχου πληρότητας των υποβληθέντων δικαιολογητικών.
Χορήγηση βεβαίωσης
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Χορήγηση της Βεβαίωσης Συνδρομής Νομίμων Προϋποθέσεων από την Διεύθυνση (ή το Γραφείο) της Δευτεροβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης της οικείας Περιφέρειας.
Other information
Official title
Languages supported
Ways of provision
Ministerial Decision ΔΙΑΔΠ/Φ.Α.2.1/25207/2011 (Government Gazette 2926/Β)
Description Διασυνοριακή παροχή υπηρεσιών - Παρ. 1 – Δικαιολογητικά - Παρ. 9 – Αρμόδιες αρχές - Παρ.10 – Διαδικασία, προβλεπόμενη προθεσμία απόκρισης αρμόδιας αρχής