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Revision as of 10:47, 28 March 2023

271f392b-f67f-41ca-9415-a28716f634d5 271392 Ενιαίο Πιστοποιητικό Δικαστικής Φερεγγυότητας

At a glance

Points of service

Remote Points of service

Number of required documents

2 to 3


From 7 to 8 €

Estimated Time

5 days


The procedure concerns the issuance of a certificate attesting and certifying the judicial solvency of an undertaking, enabling it to participate in a public and open tendering procedure, to obtain loans and enter into business relations or for any other legitimate use relating to judicial solvency. This certificate replaces 25 different court certificates.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure


It should be noted that applicants seeking a fuller picture of the judicial solvency of associations/cooperatives, due to the variety in the legislation governing these legal entities, should apply for certification of the status of the association/cooperative from both the competent Court of First Instance (*associations) and the competent District Court (*cooperatives).

With regard to the certification of the judicial solvency of cooperatives (jurisdiction of district court), it is noted that only the already existing Certificate of Changes issued by the competent district civil court, relating to the period up to 31 December 2019, will be requested. After this date, the General Commercial Registry (hereinafter ‘GEMI’) shall be responsible for issuing the aforementioned Certificate of Changes. It should be noted that the single solvency certificate for legal persons does not certify the information on the issuance or non-issuance of a decision/filing or non-submission of an application for winding-up of the legal person in the case of private companies (IKE), for which the GEMI is responsible, whereas in the case of limited liability companies (LLCs), a certificate of changes is issued (regarding the information on winding-up). As regards companies and the fuller picture of their judicial solvency, the information should be sought from both the competent Court of First Instance and the General Commercial Register. At the Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki and Halkida Courts of First Instance, applications are submitted and certificates are received electronically via the https://www.solon.gov.gr portal and for the other Courts of First Instance of Greece via the link

https://app.moj.gov.gr/pnet/plogin or via the gov.gr portal

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons, Public bodies


Submission of an application by the applicant (natural or legal person or third party, demonstrating a legitimate interest)

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document






        • 84.23 Justice and judicial activities

        Output & Results


        Digital document production, Document Production


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Single Certificate of Judicial Solvency

            Official title

            Single Certificate of Judicial Solvency

            Languages supported

            Greek, English



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital), Application (handwritten)

              Life events




            • 1 Company law The applicant must be a natural or legal person.

              No No

            • 2 Administrative The applicant must have a legitimate interest. The chair of the service shall verify this requirement.

              No No

            • 3 Possession of passwords to enter software Digital submission of the application by the applicant (a natural or legal person or a third party, demonstrating a legitimate interest) requires having and using TaxisNET credentials.

              No No

            • 1 Stamp duty of various values for the Judicial Buildings’ Financing Fund (JBFF), to be used once at each receiving agency. When you file an application online you must receive the certificate online via the www.solon.gov.gr portal for the Athens, Thessaloniki, Piraeus and Halkida Courts of First Instance and via the link https://app.moj.gov.gr/pnet/plogin for the other Courts of First Instance in Greece. At the counter, the stamp duty is increased by EUR 2.00 for each additional copy of the certificate. 5 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 1375

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 2 JBFF stamp duty of EUR 3.00 Alternatively, a stamp duty of EUR 3.00 is required when submitting the application at the counter. 3 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 2032

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 3 JBFF stamp duty of EUR 2.00 Alternatively, for every certificate copy, a stamp duty of EUR 2.00 is required at the counter. 2 €

              e-Administrative Fee code 2033

              Cost Calculation One-off

              Method of Payment Bank cashier, Digital (debit / credit card), Digital (web banking)

              Type of Cost e-Administrative Fee

              Fee Link https://www1.gsis.gr/sgsisapps/eparavolo/public/create.htm?langId=2


            • 1 Αpplicant identification

              Αpplicant identification

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 6866

            • 2 Αuthorisation if the application is submitted by a third party Enabling act

              Αuthorisation if the application is submitted by a third party

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-exousiodoteses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 3070

            • 3 Solemn declarations Solemn Declaration

              Solemn declarations

              Relevant link: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/polites-kai-kathemerinoteta/psephiaka-eggrapha-gov-gr/ekdose-upeuthunes-deloses

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons

              Notes: The applicant should also submit with the application a solemn declaration in digital format via gov.gr, where it is expressly stated that: a) in the case of a public contract, that the natural person under investigation is a provisional contractor (in which case the invitation of the Public Authority to the provisional contractor shall be attached in digital format); b) in the case of a grant or aid on the basis of a development law or other law, the natural person under investigation is receiving a grant or aid and the relevant supporting document is attached in digital format; c) for all other cases, the legitimate use of the certificate is stated in the solemn declaration and the relevant supporting document is attached.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 7320

            • Presidential Decree 503 1985 182 Α

              Description Code of Civil Procedure as currently in force.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=19850100182

            • Law 3588 2007 153 Α

              Description Bankruptcy code.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20070100153

            • Law 4307 2014 246 Α
            • Law 4738 2020 207 Α

              Description Debt settlement and second chance provision.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20200100207

            • 1 Initiating the procedure

              No No

            • 2 Submission of application by physical means

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Submission of application at the counter by the applicant (natural or legal person or third party, demonstrating a legitimate interest).

              Yes No

            • 3 Digital submission of the application via gov.gr

              Responsible for Implementation Software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Submission of an application by the applicant (natural or legal person or third party, proving that it has a legitimate interest) using Taxisnet credentials.

              Yes No

            • 4 Registration of an application

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Registration of an application through an information system where it exists.

              No No

            • 5 Application initiation

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Application initiated with the Head of the competent department – Assignment to an employee. Action through software, where an information system exists.

              No No

            • 6 Vetting of legitimate interest

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Vetting of legitimate interest of a third party by the chair of the service.

              No No

            • 7 Issuance of a certificate

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Signature

              Description Issuance of certificate via an information system, where such exists, and following vetting of an electronic and physical file where required.

              Yes No

            • 8 Issuance of a digital certificate

              Responsible for Implementation Software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Issuance of certificate via an information system, and following vetting of an electronic and physical file where required.

              Notes The certificate must bear a digital signature of the judicial officer and a unique number.

              Yes No

            • 9 Receipt of a certificate by the applicant

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Receipt of a certificate by the applicant or an authorised third party.

              Yes Yes

            • 10 Receipt of a digital certificate by the applicant

              Responsible for Implementation Software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Receipt of a certificate by the applicant or a third party using Taxisnet credentials and notifying them in the cases where the requested certificate cannot be issued.

              Notes The certificates issued can be verified via the https://www.solon.gov.gr portal at https://extapps.solon.gov.gr/mojwpqa/faces/PreviewCertificate. The certificates issued via the link https://app.moj.gov.gr/pnet/plogin also bear a QR Code, which displays the corresponding certificate when scanned.

              Yes Yes

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