At a glance
Points of service
Digital provision points
Number of required documents
Provided without cost
Estimated Time
50 days
Basic information
Competent body
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
Validity duration
Last update
Application Type
Submission by:
Submitted by:
• by electronic submission at Link • by email to • by visiting the EETT’s premises and submitting it in person or by mailing it to Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), 60 Kifisias Ave., 151 25 Marousi. A complaint must necessarily indicate the complainant’s name. Anonymous complaints will not be examined.
The EETT is also exempt from the obligation to process consumer applications with an insulting content or abusively repeated ones.What you will need
Means of authentication, identification and signature
Any evidence (documents, copies, photographs or other files relating to the subject matter of the co ...
Proof (conditional)
Any evidence (documents, copies, photographs or other files relating to the subject matter of the complaint) in support of the complaint.
Submission by: Presented by the applicant (email), Submitted by the applicant (digital), Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
Submitted by: Legal entities, Persons
Notes: Providing such evidence is optional and left to the discretion of the complainant.
Document submitted under requirements: Yes
Document’s requirement: Administrative
Of data provision
Before submitting a complaint to the EETT, the complainant must have contacted the provider on the matter. The provider must have assigned a unique number to the complaint, which must be indicated in the consumer’s complaint.
Link Link
Of data provision
The complaint must indicate the complainant’s name and be clear. The EETT does not look into complaints that are either anonymous/unsigned or vague / manifestly unfounded. The EETT is also exempt from the obligation to process consumer applications with an insulting content or abusively repeated ones.
Link Link
Of Consent
The consumer must be informed of and agree to the ‘Privacy and Personal Data Protection Declaration’ before submitting their request/complaint to the EETT.
Link Link
- 61 Telecommunications
Output & Results
Commencement of procedure
Receiving a complaint online
Responsible for Implementation Software
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The complaint must be submitted at Link
Receiving a complaint by email
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The complaint and any evidence must be emailed to
Receiving a complaint in person or by post
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The complaint must be submitted by the complainant in person or mailed to the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (60 Kifisias Ave., 151 25 Marousi).
Registering a complaint and assigning it to the competent official
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description Regardless of how it was submitted, the complaint is assigned by the Central Secretariat of the EETT, on a hierarchical basis, to the Head of the Telecommunications Directorate, who will then assign it to the Head of the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Department, and the latter will in turn assign it to a competent official.
Notes A complaint must necessarily indicate the complainant’s name. Anonymous complaints will not be examined. The EETT is also exempt from the obligation to process consumer applications with an insulting content or abusively repeated ones.
Evaluation of a complaint
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The complaint will be evaluated by the competent official, who will decide on the steps to be taken next.
Sending a model letter to a complainant due to missing information or incompetence of the EETT
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description A standard letter is prepared to inform the complainant if it is established that the EETT is not competent or if the information provided is incomplete. The letter must be approved by the head of department before it is sent to the complainant. The ERMIS complaint management system will also be updated at the same time.
Sending a complaint back in order to be reassigned to a competent department
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description If it is established that the complaint concerns another EETT department, it will be sent back to the Central Secretariat to be reassigned.
Sending a reply letter to the complainant concerning an EETT-related question
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description If the complainant’s question concerns the EETT, then a letter of reply will be sent.
Entering a complaint in the ERMIS system and sending it to the provider
Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description If the complaint is correct and complete, it will be entered in the EETT’s ERMIS complaint management system and sent to the provider, for the latter to take its own action.
Examination of a complaint by the provider
Responsible for Implementation Other
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The provider will receive the complaint via the ERMIS complaint management system and proceeds to take action at its discretion. The provider must then enter its reply in the system within 20 days. The provider may request an extension of no more than 10 days via the ERMIS system. The extension needs to be approved by the EETT in the system.
Notes If the deadline (20 days, plus any extension of no more than 10 days) set for the provider to submit its reply to the system expires, action is then taken to call the provider to a hearing.
Notifying the complainant and the EETT of the provider’s reply via the ERMIS system
Responsible for Implementation Other
Μethod of Implementation Software action
Description The provider will send its reply via the ERMIS complaint management system, which will be notified to the complainant and the EETT. If the EETT finds the reply unsatisfactory, it may send the case back to the provider for re examination. Also, if the complainant finds the provider’s reply unsatisfactory, they may submit a repeat complaint. In any event, the Telecommunication Consumer Protection Department regularly merges complaints into one report, to keep the management posted and for further action to be taken, as appropriate.
Notes If a complainant disputes the provider’s reply or asks for the EETT’s opinion, if the EETT identifies any potential infringements, or if a number of different consumers have submitted similar complaints regarding the same provider, the EETT will proceed to further look into the case.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Law 4727/2020 (Government Gazette 184/Α) Articles 209 (παραπέμπουν στα άρθρα 210-223)
Description Provisions on the protection of end users of electronic communications.
Legal references Link
Decision of an Independent Authority 1032/006/2022 (Government Gazette 3242/Β)
Description EETT Code of Conduct for the provision of electronic communications services to consumers.
Legal references Link
- Decision of an Independent Authority 991/004/2021 (Government Gazette 2265/Β) Articles 3.6.1
Τype of procedure
Trigger (submission method)
Life events
End of Process