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|process_alternative_titles=Characterisation of a newer religious monument
|process_official_title=Classification of Monuments
|process_application_description=Request by a citizen or the council of the religious building to the relevant Antiquities Electoral Unit to initiate its process of qualification.
|process_alternative_titles=Classification of contemporary religious monuments
|process_application_owner=Legal entities, Persons
|process_description=Τhe procedure concerns the classification of religious buildings (Christian churches, mosques, synagogues) dating from 1830 onwards as monuments, and is addressed to legal persons.
|process_application_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
|process_provision_org_directory=Monuments and Archaeological Works, Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Sites
|process_description=The procedure concerns the designation of monuments, religious buildings (Christian temples, mosques, synagogues) which date back to 1830 and are addressed to legal persons.
|process_remarks=Immovable monuments include:
* a) ancient goods dating up to 1830;
* b) contemporary cultural objects predating the last 100 years; and
* c) contemporary cultural objects dating with the last 100 years. The last two categories are classified as monuments on account of their architectural, urban planning, social, ethnological, folklore or historical, artistic or scientific importance. 
Once classified as such, the object is protected under the provisions of archaeological legislation. The same procedure is also followed for the classification of cultural objects other than religious objects, but the Services of Contemporary Monuments and Technical Works and the Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Contemporary Monuments are the competent agencies.
|process_evidence_identification_type=Identification document
|process_trigger=Applied for, Ex officio
|process_trigger_type=Application (handwritten)
|process_source=EU-GO (support), Framers
|process_provided_to=Legal Entities
|process_life_events=Archaeological sites and cultural heritage
|process_sdg_resource=Judicial redress
|process_application_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
|process_application_owner=Legal entities, Persons
|process_application_description=Αpplication by a citizen or the board of the religious building to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities in order to initiate the classification procedure.
|process_life_events=Archaeological sites and cultural heritage
|process_official_title=Certification of the Monument
|process_provided_to=Legal Entities
|process_provision_org_directory=monuments and Archaeological Works, Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Areas
|process_remarks=(b) new cultural goods that are earlier than the last 100 years and (c) new cultural goods of the last 100 years. The latter two categories are characterized by architectural, urban, social, ethnic, folklore or general historical, artistic or scientific importance. After being characterized by the provisions of the Archaeological Legislation, the same procedure is followed for the designation of other cultural goods, apart from religious, but the Services of Modern Monuments and Technical Works and the Management and Restoration of Modern Monuments.
|process_sdg_resource=Judicial redress
|process_source=Framers, EU-GO (support)
|process_trigger=Applied for, Ex officio
|process_trigger_type=Application (handwritten)
{{process conditions
{{process conditions
|process_conditions_name=The religious monument should date after 1830
|process_conditions_type=Of Oldness
|process_conditions_name=The religious monument must date after 1830
{{process conditions
{{process conditions
|process_conditions_name=The religious monument should have architecture, social, ethnic, folklore or generally historical, artistic or scientific value
|process_conditions_type=Of Plenitude
|process_conditions_name=The religious monument must have architectural, social, ethnological, folklore or general historical, artistic or scientific value.
{{process evidences
{{process evidences
|process_evidence_description=Introduction of Competence for Antiquities with photographic and design documentation
|process_evidence_submission_type=Ex officio (manual), Ex officio (digital)
|process_evidence_submission_type=Ex officio (digital), Ex officio (manual)
|process_evidence_description=A recommendation issued by the competent Ephorate of Antiquities, with photographic and design documentation
{{process evidences
{{process evidences
|process_evidence_description=Pursuant to or not to the opinion of the master or holder of the designated religious monument
|process_evidence_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
|process_evidence_owner=Legal entities
|process_evidence_owner=Legal entities
|process_evidence_submission_type=Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)
|process_evidence_description=Agreement or non-agreement of the owner or holder of the religious monument under classification
{{process rules
{{process rules
|process_rule_description=Final State: organisation, operation and transparency of government, government institutions and central government.
|process_rule_description=Executive State: organisation, operation and transparency of government, governmental institutions and central public administration.
{{process rules
{{process rules
|process_rule_description=To protect Antiquities and the Cultural Heritage in general.
|process_rule_description=On the protection of antiquities and cultural heritage in general.
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=The relevant Board of Religious Building, which dates back to 1830, at its request to the relevant Antiquities Department, calls for its designation as a monument.
|process_step_title=Submission of an application by the interested party to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities
|process_step_official=Competent Directorate
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_description=The competent board of the religious building dating after 1830 must submit a request to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities for its classification as a monument.
|process_step_note=The procedure may also be initiated ex officio by the locally competent Ephorate of Antiquities. In this case, the recommendation shall be notified to the competent board of the religious building, which must raise any objections within 2 months.
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_note=The procedure may also be initiated automatically by the relevant territorial representatives of Antiquities; in such a case a recommendation shall be notified to the relevant Board of Religious Building , which shall, within 2 months, express any objections.
|process_step_official=Competent Directorate
|process_step_title=Submission of an application by the person concerned to the Competent Authority of Antiquities
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=The Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Areas, Monuments and Archaeological Works is working on the file sent by the relevant Department.
|process_step_title=Receipt and processing of request by the Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities
|process_step_official=Competent Department
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_description=The Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Sites, Monuments and Archaeological Works shall process the file sent by the competent Ephorate.
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_official=Competent Department
|process_step_title=Receipt and processing request from the Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=After processing the file on the designation of a religious building as a monument is forwarded to the Central Council of New Monuments.
|process_step_title=Forwarding to the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments
|process_step_official=Responsible Head of Department
|process_step_implementation=Digital signature
|process_step_description=After being processed, the file on the classification of a religious building as a monument shall be forwarded to the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments.
|process_step_implementation=Digital signature
|process_step_official=Responsible Head of Department
|process_step_title=Transmission to the Central Council of New Monuments
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=The Central Council of New Monuments (CCCMs) delivers an opinion on whether or not to classify the property by examining the details of the file.
|process_step_title=Examination by the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments (KSNM)
|process_step_official=Collective body
|process_step_description=The Central Council of Contemporary Monuments (KSNM) shall issue an opinion on whether or not to classify the property by examining the information in the file.
|process_step_official=Collective body
|process_step_title=Examination by the Central Council of New Monuments (CCCM)
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=The relevant decision, signed by the Director-General of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, is drawn up by the Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities and is then sent for publication in the FEK.
|process_step_title=Issuance of the decision
|process_step_official=Competent Directorate
|process_step_implementation=Digital signature
|process_step_description=The relevant decision shall be prepared by the Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities, signed by the Director-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, and sent for publication in the Government Gazette.
|process_step_implementation=Digital signature
|process_step_official=Competent Directorate
{{process steps
{{process steps
|process_step_description=Following the publication of the CVT decision, the persons concerned shall be notified to the CVT.
|process_step_title=Notice of classification
|process_step_official=Competent Employee
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_description=Once the classification decision has been published in the Government Gazette, the interested parties shall be notified.
|process_step_implementation=Manual Action
|process_step_official=Competent Employee
|process_step_title=Notice of designation

Latest revision as of 09:12, 1 July 2024

c0730281-7d6c-40ef-a5e0-1af8c7a9c885 231214 Χαρακτηρισμός Μνημείου

At a glance

Points of service or Responsible unit for initiating the procedure

Antiquities Authorities, Monuments and Archaeological Works, Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Sites

Digital provision points

  • The service is not provided digitally

Number of required documents

1 + (


Provided without cost

Deadline of completion

1 year


Τhe procedure concerns the classification of religious buildings (Christian churches, mosques, synagogues) dating from 1830 onwards as monuments, and is addressed to legal persons.

Basic information

Competent body


Authority/Public body’s Unit responsible for the institutional framework of the procedure

Service / organizational unit of a authority entity

Monuments and Archaeological Works, Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Sites

Provided to

Related links


Immovable monuments include:
  • a) ancient goods dating up to 1830;
  • b) contemporary cultural objects predating the last 100 years; and
  • c) contemporary cultural objects dating with the last 100 years. The last two categories are classified as monuments on account of their architectural, urban planning, social, ethnological, folklore or historical, artistic or scientific importance.
Once classified as such, the object is protected under the provisions of archaeological legislation. The same procedure is also followed for the classification of cultural objects other than religious objects, but the Services of Contemporary Monuments and Technical Works and the Directorate for the Protection and Restoration of Contemporary Monuments are the competent agencies.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

Submitted by:

Legal entities, Persons


Αpplication by a citizen or the board of the religious building to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities in order to initiate the classification procedure.

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification document





        Means of redress or appeal:

        Judicial redress

        Output & Results




          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Classification of contemporary religious monuments

            Official title

            Classification of Monuments

            Languages supported

            Greek, English



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for, Ex officio

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (handwritten)



            • 1 Of Oldness The religious monument must date after 1830

              No No

            • 2 Of Plenitude The religious monument must have architectural, social, ethnological, folklore or general historical, artistic or scientific value.

              No No

            • 1 A recommendation issued by the competent Ephorate of Antiquities, with photographic and design documentation Official document

              A recommendation issued by the competent Ephorate of Antiquities, with photographic and design documentation

              Submission by: Ex officio (digital), Ex officio (manual)

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 6440

            • 2 Agreement or non-agreement of the owner or holder of the religious monument under classification Opinion

              Agreement or non-agreement of the owner or holder of the religious monument under classification

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (in person or by post)

              Submitted by: Legal entities

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 4560

            • Law 109 4622 2019 133 Α

              Description Executive State: organisation, operation and transparency of government, governmental institutions and central public administration.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20190100133

            • Law 6 3028 2002 153 Α

              Description On the protection of antiquities and cultural heritage in general.

              Legal references https://www.et.gr/api/DownloadFeksApi/?fek pdf=20020100153

            • 1 Submission of an application by the interested party to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The competent board of the religious building dating after 1830 must submit a request to the competent Ephorate of Antiquities for its classification as a monument.

              Notes The procedure may also be initiated ex officio by the locally competent Ephorate of Antiquities. In this case, the recommendation shall be notified to the competent board of the religious building, which must raise any objections within 2 months.

              No No

            • 2 Receipt and processing of request by the Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Department

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description The Department of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Archaeological Sites, Monuments and Archaeological Works shall process the file sent by the competent Ephorate.

              No No

            • 3 Forwarding to the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments

              Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department

              Μethod of Implementation Digital signature

              Description After being processed, the file on the classification of a religious building as a monument shall be forwarded to the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments.

              No No

            • 4 Examination by the Central Council of Contemporary Monuments (KSNM)

              Responsible for Implementation Collective body

              Μethod of Implementation Inspection

              Description The Central Council of Contemporary Monuments (KSNM) shall issue an opinion on whether or not to classify the property by examining the information in the file.

              No No

            • 5 Issuance of the decision

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Directorate

              Μethod of Implementation Digital signature

              Description The relevant decision shall be prepared by the Directorate of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Antiquities, signed by the Director-General for Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, and sent for publication in the Government Gazette.

              No No

            • 6 Notice of classification

              Responsible for Implementation Competent Employee

              Μethod of Implementation Manual Action

              Description Once the classification decision has been published in the Government Gazette, the interested parties shall be notified.

              No No

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