Register of Occupational Doctors

From National Registry of Administrative Public Services

a1da45f8-ebd7-4c0f-8871-0bfe067d15ce 151880 Μητρώο Ιατρών Εργασίας

At a glance

Points of service

Safety & health at work inspection departments (TEAYE)

Number of required documents

3 to 4


Provided without cost

Estimated Time (digitally)

6 days


The procedure concerns the steps to be taken by a physician to be entered in the Database of Labour Doctors, called also Register of Labour Doctors, followed by the Integrated Information System of the Labour Inspectorate, in order to be able to undertake tasks of a Labour Doctor in enterprises.

Basic information

Competent body


Provided to

Related links

Validity duration



All data automatically registered or entered in the Electronic database of Occupational Physicians shall be used by the Occupational Inspectorate and Integrated Information System only for the purpose provided for in the labour legislation and under the provisions of Law 2472/1997 on ‘Personal protection against the processing of personal data’ as in force. Likewise, each service of the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity acting in the context of development, expansion, operation, maintenance and technical support, as well as for the use of data registered in the OPS, handles its elements under the provisions of Law 2472/1997.

Last update



Application Type


Submission by:

Submitted by the applicant (digital)

Submitted by:



Application for entry in the Register of Occupational Doctors.


Application for registration in the Register of Labour Doctors is submitted only via the digital portal of the Labour Inspectorate

What you will need

Means of authentication, identification and signature

Identification via the Labor Inspection Body codes, Identification with TAXISnet codes





        For the procedure for registering in the electronic database of occupational physicians no legal means are provided for, as it is not an Administrative Act.

        Output & Results


        Registry update


          Digital steps

            Other information

            Alternative titles

            Registration at the Database of Occupational Doctors in the Integrated Information System of the Labour Inspectorate, Register as an Occupational Doctor

            Official title

            Entry in the Register of Occupational Doctors

            Languages supported

            Greek, English

            Registries updated

            Μητρώο Ιατρών Εργασίας



              Τype of procedure


              Applied for

              Trigger (submission method)

              Application (digital)



              End of Process




            • 1 Professional The applicant physician should: (a) hold a Degree in medicine, (b) possess and exercise the Speciality of Occupational Medicine or alternatively, (c) be registered in the Special List provided for in the Ministerial Decision 43323/1983/2018 (FEK B 3509/21-8-2018) or meet the conditions of Article 16 of Law 3850/2010, (d) be registered in a Medical Association and have a corresponding certificate.

              No No

            • 2 Possession of passwords to enter software The Applicant Physician, to be registered in the electronic Registration Database, should have Taxisnet codes for identification, as well as passwords for entry to electronic services provided via the digital portal

              No No

            • 1 Degree in Medicine Proof of Study

              Degree in Medicine

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: In the application for registration, the applicant doctor must attach the medical certificate obtained.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 2825

            • 2 Medical Association certificate Work Permit

              Medical Association certificate

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: The Applicant Physician should be registered in a Medical Association and this must be certified with a corresponding Certificate.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9197

            • 3 Acquisition of Specialty in Occupational Medicine. Work Permit

              Acquisition of Specialty in Occupational Medicine.

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: The Applicant Physician should possess the Speciality of Occupational Medicine and have the corresponding Attestation.

              Document submitted under requirements: No

              No 9197

            • 4 Register in the Special List of Physicians provided for in the Ministerial Decision 43323/1983/2018 (FEK Β 3509/21-8-2018) Work Permit

              Register in the Special List of Physicians provided for in the Ministerial Decision 43323/1983/2018 (FEK Β 3509/21-8-2018)

              Relevant link: pdf=20180201580

              Submission by: Submitted by the applicant (digital)

              Submitted by: Persons

              Notes: If the applicant doctor does not possess the Speciality of Occupational Medicine, he/she should be registered in the Special List of Physicians meeting the conditions of the Law (Service as an Occupational Doctor, etc.) and be able to perform the duties of an Occupational Doctor.

              Document submitted under requirements: Yes

              Document’s requirement: Labour

              Alternative document of: 3

              Yes 9197

            • Law 16 3850 2010 84 Α

              Description Qualifications of occupational doctor and auxiliary staff.

              Legal references pdf=20100100084

            • Joint Ministerial Decision 4, 5, 6 5685/121 2021 669 Β

              Description Register in the Electronic database of Doctors.

              Legal references pdf=20210200669

            • Ministerial Decision 1-3 25049 2018 1580 Β

              Description The list of Occupational Doctors who do not have the Speciality of Occupational Medicine, but fulfil the conditions to carry out duties of a Occupational Physician in business is validated under the mentioned Ministerial Decision.

              Legal references pdf=20180201580

            • 1 Creation of a new account as an "Occupational Doctor" in the digital portal

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software interaction (interoperability)


              Description The applicant doctor should create a new account on the Integrated Information System platform of the Labour Inspectorate via the electronic services provided by The new user/applicant is certified using the TAXISNET code. The instructions are given at the following link:

              Notes More specifically, for the registration in the Electronic Database of Doctors (who meet the necessary requirements to perform the duties of an Occupational Physician in enterprises as defined in the Code of Health and Safety Law) of the Labour Inspectorates Integrated Information System, the acquisition of an access code to the system and the creation of a personal "account" in the system is required. For the submission of the initial registration application, the user is logged in using his/her personal TAXIS password. After checking the identification data of the natural person, the Integrated Information System assigns new passwords for further access to the system.

              No No

            • 2 Application for registration in the Register of Occupational Physicians

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software


              Description The applicant enters the account that he created in the previous step as a "Working Doctor" and selects "Additional Application for registration in the IE Register". He/she completes the required fields, attaches the required documentation to pdf format and then selects "Submission". In detail the instructions are given to the link:

              Notes More specifically, for registration in the Electronic Database of Doctors who meet the necessary requirements to perform the duties of an Occupational Physician, the interested parties submit online applications which are automatically routed by the system to the competent department of the Labour Inspectorate, by completing the relevant form, which is provided through the Integrated Information System ( and which indicates all the data of paragraphs a), b) of par. 1 of Article 3 of Joint Ministerial Decision 5685/121/2021 (Government Gazette 669/B). In particular, the identification data of the Occupational Physician are updated with the data of natural persons of the TAXIS information system, while the data of the education, medical speciality, medical association of the Physician are updated either by the applicant himself or by the data of the information systems of the professional bodies in which he is registered and if there is an interface with the Integrated Information System of the Labour Inspectorate. In addition, the medical practitioners referred to in points (b) and (c) of paragraph 1 shall be entitled to apply for a certificate. 1 of article 16 of the Code of Health and Safety Law for Workers during the procedure of electronic submission of the application and completion of the relevant form of par. 2 of Article 4 of Joint Ministerial Decision 5685/121/2021 (Government Gazette 669/B), they shall also submit attached documents proving that they have been working as an Occupational Physician before 15.05.2009 (and for seven consecutive years for doctors without a speciality of paragraph c of Article 16 of the Code of Health and Safety Law for Workers). In particular, scanned pdf copies are attached in electronic format: (a) an appointment form (Labour Inspectorate FORM 1 or 2), with the respective protocol numbers of the submission to the competent Labour Inspectorate department(s) and/or (b) a contract with an undertaking(s) with the corresponding file numbers with the competent Labour Inspectorate department(s). The above information, the accuracy of which shall be verified by the competent services of the Labour Inspectorate, must show that the relevant statutory requirements of Article 16 (b) and (c) of the Labour Inspectorate Code have been met. It should be noted that doctors who were included in Annex I of the Special List (Decision No. 43323/1983/07.08.2018 of the Minister of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity (B 3509), which was abolished by para. 2 of article 13 of the legislative act of 20.03.2020 (A 68), they automatically qualify under points b or c of paragraph (b) or (c) of paragraph (A 43327.1). 1 of Article 16 of the Code of Health and Safety Law for Workers, as the relevant condition has already been verified during the procedure for drawing up the Special List. Therefore, in the context of simplifying the procedure, reducing administrative burdens and the provisions for an ex officio search for supporting documents, the above supporting documents may not be attached to the Integrated Information System in this case. Applications submitted to the competent labour inspectorate in accordance with the procedure referred to in par. 1, 2 and 3 of article 4 of the Joint Ministerial Decision 5685/121/2021 (Government Gazette 669/B), bind the applicants in accordance with the provisions of Law 1599/1986, as in force. By means of this application, the processing of personal data shall be informed of the processing of the applicants personal data.

              No No

            • 3 Submission of an application, automatic filing and launching to the relevant Labour Inspectorate

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Software action


              Description After completing the application, the applicant shall select "Submission" (alternatively, he/she may select "Save" and continue processing the Application in a second time). The application shall automatically receive a protocol number, which shall be communicated to the applicant through his/her Account in and the application shall be launched for consideration in the relevant Department of Safety and Health Inspectorate of the Labour Inspectorate.

              Notes In more detail, a protocol number shall be assigned to the requested requests referred to in Article 4(2) of Decision 5685/121/2021 (FEK 669/B) and then filed with the personal account of the user of the Labour Inspectorates Integrational Information System and be available to it. The applicant - user of the Integrated Information System will be able to monitor the progress of the processing procedure of his/her application through his/her own personal account to which the application will be registered with the information "Pending- Approved- Rejected". The competent department of the Labour Inspectorate is informed via the Integrated Information System of the submitted application and takes the actions required by law for the establishment of the legal requirements for the exercise of the duties of an Occupational Physician as defined in Article 16 of the Code of Health and Safety Law for Workers.

              No No

            • 4 Checking the Application

              Responsible for Implementation Entity software that performs the service

              Μethod of Implementation Data output from software

              Description The application, which has been launched by a competent Department of Safety and Health of the Labour Inspectorate, shall be assigned for inspection to a competent official, followed by a control on the information included in the Application and shall be examined if the applicant fulfils the conditions laid down by the Law for the performance of the duties of an occupational doctor.

              No No

            • 5 Acceptance of the Application - Granting of a registration number in the Register of Occupational Doctors

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

              Description Provided that the conditions for the inclusion of the applicant in the Register of Occupational Doctors are met, the responsible official of the Labour Inspectorate shall accept the application; the applicant shall be automatically informed and a egistration number will be assigned to him/her in the Register.

              Notes In more detail, a successful entry into the Electronic Database of the Integrated Information System, physicians who fulfill the conditions necessary for carrying out the duties of Occupational Doctors, shall be announced to the applicant by means of the allocation of an individual Doctors Registration Number, by posting his/her personal account on the Labour Inspectorate Integrated Information System. With the approval of the application for registration, a unique registration number shall be issued to him/her. Data of the electronic database of doctors fulfilling the conditions necessary to carry out the duties of a Physician of Work and may be issued by the Integrated Information System with the possibility of printing the professional history of the labour inspector duties. This registration becomes inactive after a request for deletion of the Occupational Doctor from the corresponding electronic database or if the conditions for exercising the duties of an Occupational Physician cease to exist. In any case, the reason for the deactivation of the Occupational Physician shall be recorded in the Labour Inspectorates Integrated Information System.

              Yes No

            • 6 Rejection of the Application

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Data input in software

              Description If the requirements for registration in the Register of Occupational Doctors are not met, the competent official shall reject the application, providing reasons. The reason for rejection is entered in a special field and the applicant is informed of the reason for rejection via his/her account. The applicant may submit a new application for registration, taking into account the reasons for rejection of the previous application.

              Yes No

            • 7 Completion of the procedure

              Responsible for Implementation Institutional software

              Μethod of Implementation Software action

              Description Following the "acceptance" or "rejecting" of the Application by the responsible official of the Labour Inspectorate, the procedure is completed, i.e. the applicant is either successfully entered in the Register of Occupational Doctors, or in the event of rejection, taking into account the grounds for refusal, to reinitiate the application for registration.

              No Yes

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