At a glance
Digital provision points
- The service is not provided digitally
Number of required documents
Provided without cost
Estimated Time
1 day
Basic information
Service / organizational unit of a authority entity
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Application Type
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Rules concerning a lack of reply from the competent authority and the legal consequences for the use:
Output & Results
Request for composition - establishment of each crew on a floating vessel through the Hellenic Coast Guard
Responsible for Implementation Port Authority
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Port Authorities shall request and propose by signal the staffing of their floating operational vessel by members of their organic composition.
Check Request
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Inspection
Description The Department of Operational Instruments - Specialised Units shall check the requested composition in relation to what is laid down in the Regulation on vessels regarding the number and qualification of crew members.
Application of corrections - amendments
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description Where corrections are required, changes, supplements to the Operational Instruments Department - Special Units contact the Port Authority and apply the corrections, changes, supplements and is sent with a Good Repetition Signal.
Briefing of the jointly competent Directorate for Operational Instruments
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Operational Instruments Department shall inform the Operational Instruments Directorate thereof of the request of the Port Authority by noting any objections and jointly take a decision approving a request.
Actions by the jointly competent Directorate for Operational Means
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Operational Instruments Directorate shall inform the Operational Instruments Department of whether the vessel is in operation or inoperative due to damage or maintenance and shall approve or amend the approval order.
Drafting of an Authorisation Order
Responsible for Implementation Responsible Head of Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The approval order is drawn up by the Directorate of Personnel of the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG).
Authorisation Order Signature
Responsible for Implementation Competent Director
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The authorisation order is issued by the competent Directorate of the Hellenic Coast Guard (HCG).
Dispatch of Authorisation Order
Responsible for Implementation Competent Director
Μethod of Implementation Digital signature
Description The Directorate shall send an authorisation order with a trade mark to the Port Authority which requested the composition - together with a reminder of the obligation to send a Fleet Composition Bulletin from the port Authority concerned.
Mission of the Composition Bulletin
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Applicant Port Authority sends a Supplementary Composition Bulletin to the Department of the Hellenic Coast Guard Personnel Directorate.
Update of Department of Computerisation
Responsible for Implementation Competent Department
Μethod of Implementation Manual Action
Description The Department of Computerisation for the maintenance of the electronic records of the personnel of the Hellenic Coast Guard is also informed.
Other information
Alternative titles
Official title
Languages supported
Presidential Decree 11/2021 (Government Gazette 21/Α)
Description Placements Transfers Dispositions of the personnel of the Hellenic Coast Guard
Legal references Link
Rule 04/2018 Articles 9
Description The Regulation on the Operation of Ships - Vessels of the Hellenic Coast Guard is a confidential regulation and has not been published in a Government Gazette or on Diavgeia.
Τype of procedure
Trigger (submission method)
Life events
End of Process